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Building Demos Help

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I recently downloaded TASMBF, and TASLMPC is included in the .zip file. I converted a demo recorded with MBF to text to see an example. I know that in the data area, you have to put the two-letter movement code (i.e. SF50). I also noticed two other pieces of information to the right of that. I was wondering if someone could help me figure out the syntax. I know that the two-letters at the left represent movements, but what are the two numbers to the right of that? (ie. #1 (0.00.02))
Also, how do you know where in the level certain typed movements will bring you without being in graphics mode? Is it basically trial and error, or is there a feature that I'm missing that will help me?

Thanks in advance,

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That stuff is part of the advanced school for sure. The #1 is the frame number IIRC and the other thingy is the time. You have to use experience combined with trial and error to know how the demo is turning out.

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Note that a built demo and a TAS demo are two very different things.

To make a built demo, you are not actually playing the game at all. You create the demo action-by-action gametic-by-gametic in a text editor and then complile it using LMPC (no need for MBFLMPC). You then see how it plays back with Doom2.exe (or compatible ports), and edit it repeatedly until you have completed the task. This is an exceptionally laborious process, but can be used to achieve a far greater degree of optimization than is possible using TAS methods. A suggested way to get started is to record a demo (in Doom2.exe format) where you just stand still in the map and at the skill level you require, and make this at least as long as you intend the demo to be. Then convert this demo to text using LMPC. This then gives you the basic file which you can then start editing.

GF50 = run forward
GB50 = run backward
SR50 = strafe right (maximum speed; may not turn at the same time when playing normally)
SL50 = strafe left (maximum speed; may not turn at the same time when playing normally)
SR40 = strafe right (normal speed; may turn at the same time)
SL40 = strafe left (maximum speed; may turn at the same time)
TRx = turn right through x degrees (x must be a positive integer)
TLx = turn left through x degrees (x must be a positive integer)
FW = fire weapon
NWy = switch to weapon number y
UT = use
WT = wait (do nothing)

You can do several actions in the same gametic, provided they are things you can do simultaneously in the game.

Chances are, you don't actually want to make a built demo. Built demos are generally only made for very short runs where someone wants to prove that a certain time is theoretically possible, and doesn't mind spending a whole day to create a jerky 12-second demo. You're probably better off with TAS methods (or just recording a standard demo). As Opulent mentioned, Andrey Budko's modified prboom 2.2.4 is the simplest port to use to make a TAS demo.

Note that it is possible to use both Budko's Prboom and LMPC to make a demo that is partly built and partly TAS.

Finally, if you do make a built or TAS demo, make it very obvious in your textfile that it is not a standard demo, and state what TAS (or other) methods you have used.

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