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A real bullet case effect

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I've seen the real bullet case effect being used in EDGE a few times with some wads. Scuba Steve uses a bullet case effect but the case is actually part of the gun's sprite itself. Is it possible to get a seperate casing sprite to appear when you shoot your gun via ACS scripting?

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Dont think so, i dont think you can make new 'attacks' yet. In the next version which will have the ability to create new weapons from scratch (like EDGE), you will probably be able to do it. Anyway, in EDGE you make your bullet-casing object like a 'mini grenade' which bounces ect, (i dont really understand how to use the bounce frames yet), and is "fired" downwards. Then use the EJECT attack to make it drop them

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In one of the mods in Daniel's 99 Weapons pack, weapons 6 and 7 eject a cartridge when fired, as well as firing a huge cluster of hitscan bullets. Unfortunately the cartridge a. is fired a the same time as the bullets and b. will do medium damage if it hits an actor, but that's because 2.0.64 isn't out yet. No idea how he did it.

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He did it by sacrificing one of the player projectiles(like the plasma bullet of BFG shot), mess with stuff like height, width, bits, etc., then in the right part of the firing sequence, have the codepointer for firing that projectile. Easy. The reason the one in Daniel's wad had that eject issue was because of a bad hack, he didn't place the right codepointer in the right spot(would have helped if he had used BEX, but oh well). The only downside to this method is that it sacrifices a player projectile, only goes foward, and other things that are responsible of incomplete/bad hacks.

It cannot be done via ACS Bashe. You will have to use EDGE or wait for zdoom .64(provided randy ever releases it :( )

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