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Half-Life 2/Doom 3 Tech Comparison

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Uhhh way to bump a 2 month old thread. Please don't do that again.

Not to mention your question is indecipherable.

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AirRaid said:

Uhhh way to bump a 2 month old thread. Please don't do that again.

Not to mention your question is indecipherable.

Holy Crap I didnt even realize that this thread was that old.

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Sorry, I didn't initially realize I was 'bumping' and also didn't know it was a problem... My question was simple enough though. Of the few animations I've seen of that guy's face (the highly detailed one) I've noticed that it is JUST him, alone, with no other objects in the scene. Perhaps this is the reason for the high resolution of the texture. (yeah, I know, dumb post, my apologies, etc...)

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Ah I get you now. And actually no, all the facial animations of the main characters are like that throughout the game, as far as I've seen.

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Shaviro said:

I honestly think gman looks like crap in this comparison pic (from the article). The doomguy fits with everything else in the D3 universe, while gman looks way out of place in the HL2 universe.

I do agree with what Ling and Jon think on that picture, however the doom marine in the pic looks as if it was taken in low res, and that is no fair comparison being made here. On the other hand, I think this pic could actually top with the photo-realistic quality you see in HL2 characters.

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Shaviro said:

I honestly think gman looks like crap in this comparison pic (from the article). The doomguy fits with everything else in the D3 universe, while gman looks way out of place in the HL2 universe.

Heh That guy would fit perfectly as a Doom3 Zombie.That HL2 Character is Ugly.

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Though I am just thinking, why is the detail of some character's face important? Surely the game is more than just looking at the detail on a guy's face. As long as it plays good, such extreme detail shouldn't be such a matter.

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The biggest downfall of HL2 that I've seen (well, heard) so far is the voice acting. It's horrible. Atrocious. ESPECIALLY the G-Man.

DooM 3's voice acting was top-notch. Far, far, FAR exceeded even my expectations. Sure the G-Man looks good, but the second he opens his mouth I wince.

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Has anyone fooled around much with self-shadowing in D3? I can't seem to do anything with the demo version, but from screenshots the human characters look a ton more realistic - no bizarre hilights on eye lids, etc...

"why is the detail of some character's face important"

I agree it's not as important as gameplay, but as a means to help daw the player into an experience I can imagine it'll be one of the most important aspects of game developement until we get to the point where everything it truely photorealistic, which, IMO, is still many many years away, but I think it'll happen and I look forward to those times where gameplay will more of a focus by nature.

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I think the D3 faces look good, but very smooth and plastic. Whereas HL2's faces generally look pretty amazing and also have the most advanced animation system I've seen.

I think this kind of technology is going to be an excellent thing for games once it becomes more commonplace. It could make a character much more emotive and capable of displaying nuance and therefore provoke more feeling towards that character.

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Good face animations won't do much if the voice coming from them is crap. And the voice actor of the G-Man sucks so hard that he makes Monica Lewinsky blush.

Good voice acting can make a good game even greater. Think: Deckard Cain from Diablo.

The thing that impressed me the most, and also surprised me the most, was how awesome the voice actors were. Even in the voicemails in the PDA, all of them were top notch.

Swann: "Yes, Dr. Bettruger. I think I do understand." All those lines were delivered great.

G-man? He speaks with pauses....not unlike.... William.... Shatner. And tries to use catch phrases..... like Agent Smith... from the.... Matrix.

Extreme suckitude. Hopefully the rest of the game can make up for that.

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Half Life 1 comes from a generation where the Artists/Developers just talked into microphones ("It's a resonance cascade!"). They have to repeat the same voices found in the original so they have to use their same crummy voice acting again for continuity.

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Scuba Steve said:

Half Life 1 comes from a generation where the Artists/Developers just talked into microphones ("It's a resonance cascade!"). They have to repeat the same voices found in the original so they have to use their same crummy voice acting again for continuity.

That's a weak excuse and you know it.

Fans would not complain one bit if they got an actor that sounded slightly similar but could actually deliver believable lines. Maybe one or two would complain, but they'd get over it in 1 day. The millions of other fans wouldn't care that the crappy actor wasn't back.

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I prefer the corny sounding lines over theatrical voice acting. Maybe I'm just a sucker for corny action movies and stuff though

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Jomero said:

Swann: "Yes, Dr. Bettruger. I think I do understand." All those lines were delivered great.

Bad example if you ask me.
Swann is actually the suckiest voice actor in Doom 3 imo - completely unconvincing at times.

Like in his voice log:
"That...that...Hellhole...must be closed"
He just doesn't sound like he's actually looking for a fitting word to that "hellhole" - he just pauses and then put extra emphasis on the word "Hellhole". I kringed when I heard that particular line and thought "Shit, this ain't happening!".

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This one video shows how much DOOM 3 will be owned by Half Life 2.

I promise you - take the time to download this and watch the entire thing.

I'll just say this before you watch it - the AI is the best I've ever seen.......it is so humanlike, that I am still amazed, even 30 minutes after watching the video.

Download: http://gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_halflife2_traptown.exe

Watch and enjoy fellow Doomers....... :)

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chubz said:

Watch and enjoy fellow Doomers....... :)

No one cares you clod.

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chubz said:

That's a horrible example of how much H-L 2 will "own" Doom 3 considering that demo was entirely scripted.

More Half-Hype Goodness:
Now, look at this and this. More specifically, the faces and textures of the people and walls. It soon becomes painfully obvious that the G-Man demo was merely a high-poly mock-up to show off the facial animation system(why else can we not see the rest of the G-Man?). It would be very difficult, even for the best computers, to handle more than one(maybe not even one) high-poly character with high-res facial textures on screen at once, even with the relatively low detail in the environs. So maybe the more noteworthy characters will look gorgeous, but most of the characters will look like blocky meat puppets. By comparison, all the characters in Doom 3, from what I've seen, are fully detailed.

Some of the other screenshots of Half-Life 2 show some serious discrepencies from what Valve has led some to believe. Some of the levels have buildings in them that are nothing more than boxes with pyramids for roofs! Not to mention that most of the textures in the game are relatively low-res or underdetailed. True, this allows for levels to be much larger than Doom 3's because it doesn't bog down the system, and maybe they can squeeze in more polies on the characters, but that's far from the revolution Valve and its loyal fans have implied.

Valve has simply taken older technology and some new techniques and repackaged them so as to make them look better or more revolutionary, which is what the first game did. I fully expect that Half-Life 2 will be a good game with a great presentation, but more of the same as far as FPS games are concerned.

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"G-Man demo was merely a high-poly mock-up"

Yes that was my initial argument, though I more expect they'll use it in-game as a intro/cut-scene. I haven't seen any of the other characters look that detailed.

still, looking forward to the game :)

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DoomDan said:

Your Bias towards Half Life 2 couldnt be more obvious.

I have no "bias" and I'm not a "HL2 fanboy".

I am a HUGE Doom fan, but DOOM 3 let me down.

I'm just saying that Half Life 2 looks like the better game - Doom 3 was a lame piece of technology mixed with boring-ass gameplay and thrown at you for 50$.

I'd be happier if I had to spend 50$ to see a horror movie.

At least then you wouldnt be almost half-asleep praying for the game to end because of the same repetitive-boredom.

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The article showed us true HL2-Geekboy-fanism.

How can a finalized game ever win over a screenshot, a movie and promises(read. lies) from the developers.

DOOM III's for real, it will be interesting to see what HL2 will be like. But then again it all comes down to one thing: taste.

I prefer my games to be adventures, and my adventures by be surreal and not 100% realistic. When I want realism i'll turn on the tv and look at the fab. president rockin' the midle-east !


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"fab. president rockin' the midle-east"

what an awesome doom 3 mod that would be, george w bush with an uzi (or perhaps a new BFG:Bullshit Flinging Gun), plowing down middle-easterns, civilians and all :) oh, and some of his famous one-liners thrown in, duke-nukemish

...uh, yeah, happen veterens day

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