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Dummy sector traps

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I'm stuck making a trap at the moment and I wonder if anyone can help?

Basically I want monsters to teleport into the player's start area from seemingly nowhere. I know this can be done by cloning sectors but this relies on the monsters in the cloned sectors hearing noise to wake them up.

I tried placing a second player start in the dummy sector with the monsters but for some reason this won't wake them. When I clip through into the dummy sector they wake up and teleport correctly.

I also tried putting the player start in a damaging sector but this won't wake them either.

Is it possible to do this in doom2.exe (using WadEd) without the player shooting? Is there anything that can be done in DeHacked?

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In doom2.exe, you only have limited options. However, you can still make them see you.

Make the dummy sectors next to the sector you want them to spawn in. Then, make a window connecting the dummy sector and the normal sector. Make the line impassable and double-sided (both at the same time) and add a texture to the front of it where the player will see it. Lastly, put the monster in the dummy sector. Then, draw a smaller sector around the monster in the dummy sector that teleports the monster. When the player walks into the room, the monster should see the player, then move over the line and teleport to wherever you want them.

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Using Doom2.exe, you can only wake up monsters if they see or hear you (provided you didn't make them deaf).

You could try to hide the monsters behind a fake wall (actually, very small window near the ground, so that the player cannot target them). The monsters will still see the player, and start moving.

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Or you can make a sector waaaaay far away from your main map, and merge that sector with a sector in your map where you know there's going to be a lot of fighting. The sound of gunfire and such will 'wake up' the monsters in your sector that's far away from the actual game map, since they're both merged and share the exact same attributes.

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Thing is though I wanted the monsters to wake up at the very beginning of the level (before any fighting takes place). Funny how a player's 'hurt' noise won't wake the monster (that was my thinking in having the player start in a damaging sector).

Will the hurt sound of another monster or barrell explosion wake them? I could clone the dummy sector with a second dummy sector and have a crusher kill a monster/barrell.

Or I could just use a vault/false wall, but I wanted to avoid that if I could.

Thanks for your suggestions.

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Unfortunatley no. The only way to wake up monsters is to have them either see you or hear you fire a gun. Those are the only ways with the doom2.exe

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Put monster just in front of teleport, place barrel behind it and explode barrel with crushing ceiling. Works fine ;)

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You could force the Player to use a shootable switch at the very start, so right then the monsters start popping in from a clone sector.

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Myk, I had considered using a S1 switch. For the most part of the map you only have a chainsaw plus your starting weapons. I could put the chainsaw on a pillar that requires the player to shoot a switch to lower.

It'll either be this way or the false walls.

Maxspeed, I like your suggestion and I'll bear it in mind for a different scenario. In this situation the monsters I'm using are Demons so the barrell explosion would probably damage them too much.

Again, thanks everyone for your suggestions.

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You don't need to move them very much, and even minor damage from the explosion could send them through the teleport if they're close enough to the line.

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