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chainlink fence?

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I need a chainlink fence texture for my level. is there one floating around for free use? I remember seeing one a long time ago in a wad I had on my old comp, so thats gone. if no one is aware of one I'll try to make my own. if thats the case what do I need to know to make one, seeing as how I've never made my own textures before. I'm using psp7 as my art editor.

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VileSlay said:

I need a chainlink fence texture for my level. is there one floating around for free use?

Sure - XTHEATERIII, but if you are afraid of a bit of nudity don't download it :)

The chain link fence I borrowed from Nigel Rowand I think. The texture and patch name are both called FENCE3.

sbsoftware.com and go to the downloads page.

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There is one in Freedoom.
Freedoom actually has some really nice textures, some I think are better then the Doom ones. Though I can't say much for the sounds.

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deep said:

Sure - XTHEATERIII, but if you are afraid of a bit of nudity don't download it :)

The chain link fence I borrowed from Nigel Rowand I think. The texture and patch name are both called FENCE3.

sbsoftware.com and go to the downloads page.

I just checked it out and then I checked njtrain and those fences are different. but I now have three different fences to pick from. I think I'm gonna try to modify one of them to add razor wire to the top. does the texture have to be 128 high or could I make it taller?

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VileSlay said:

I just checked it out and then I checked njtrain and those fences are different. but I now have three different fences to pick from. I think I'm gonna try to modify one of them to add razor wire to the top. does the texture have to be 128 high or could I make it taller?

Sorry, checked some more and they are from Darkhour by Rex Claussen. I was looking for fence stuff as you and Enjay was the one I recalled 1st. There's some other cool stuff in there too.

Assuming we are talking about ports here, the height depends on the port you are using. For ZDOOM+derivatives and RISEN3D the limit is 2048. The level I pointed you to has some very tall textures. Some examples are ALICIA12 (602) and ANGELA (886).

In addition for ports that support PNGs a higher size then that may also work. You may have to do some additional work though depending on the port as to how it's going to display - resized to ?

Typically the limit for older port code is 508 (or 509? too lazy to figure it out atm, but close enough :)

I'm also assuming here you are using it for a midtexture.

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I'm using zdoom to build this level. I was originally gonna use it for a perimeter fence for a base so I was thinking twice the height. I decided I'm just gonna build a nice fortress-style wall with guard towers and use the fence for the fuel depot of the motor pool so I don't have to make it much taller.

BTW, that XTHEATERIII wad is pretty wild. I had a copy a few years ago and thats where I saw the chainlink fence. kinda funny, huh. I had lost it, as well as many other wads when my comp went to shit last year. I got a bunch of the ones I could remember back, but I forgot about that one. so I give you double thanks for stepping up with the texture and reminding me about your level.

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poor man's "unique to wad" fence:
get a royalty free pic of a fence off google. copy one "link".
resize it to something like 4/4 or 8/8. clean it up, put cyan in the invisible parts. copy your image to clipboard. select new image, say 64/128. paste each link to fit the image.

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