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The /newstuff Chronicles #260

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Ho ho ho, it's santaz0r here to give all you children some presents! That's what I'd be saying if this week actually had content of interest. Not only that, but a certain little problem involving the ZDaemon community has got me into a really bad mood this week, so I'll summarise each WAD with the same amount of words as there are WADs. Enjoy this Christmas/Boxing Day edition of /newstuff!

It's times like these that I seriously reconsider what the hell I was thinking when I put deathz0r back into the /newstuff rotation. -- Bloodshedder

  • Total Darkness 6 - Adam "evilhomerdoomer" Wood
    Skulltag - SP - 620kb - (img) (img)
    Too linear.

    Real review: This is a decently done Skulltag-based...something. I'm not sure what the environment is supposed to be, but it's constructed well, apart from a few texture alignment issues. The ZDoom and Skulltag features don't really add a whole lot to the map and could be easily missed. The gameplay leaves a bit to be desired as well. While I don't mind linearity so much, assloads of monsters teleporting into a medium-sized room is a bit overkill, and much more difficult than the final enemy: a single Archvile. I ran out of ammo once, and health was a little scarce, but turned out to be enough. Overall, I would say this map is worth your time playing.

    Enhanced Port - SP - 13kb - (img) (img)
    Totally crap.

    Real review: Actually, I think I'll take deathz0r's word for it on this one.

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Broken link for one image and another appears not to be viewable?

Edit: Oh never mind on the second screenie.

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haha, it's stuff like deathz0r's troubles that make me miss doomconnector.

skulltag, though... *hugs it*

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Nobody cares about your problem with ZDaemon and I don't see why you felt it was neccisary to put your little vendetta on the main page of Doomworld. Grow up.

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WOWED is a better wad than deathz0r a reviewer.

And I'll second what BBG said.

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BBG said:

Nobody cares about your problem with ZDaemon and I don't see why you felt it was neccisary to put your little vendetta on the main page of Doomworld. Grow up.

I completely agree here. Your troubles with zdaemon should not be a factor in your work for Doomworld as there is little to no affiliation.

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lolz controversy

Seriously, this /newstuff sucked. I expected a lot more for being a Christmas week.

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deathz0r said:

lolz controversy

Seriously, this /newstuff sucked. I expected a lot more for being a Christmas week.

I would have expected less since I certainly wouldn't want to be mapping at Christmas, what with all the new stuff (heh) that people get at Christmas.

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TheDarkArchon said:

I would have expected less since I certainly wouldn't want to be mapping at Christmas, what with all the new stuff (heh) that people get at Christmas.

You're telling me that 13-18 year olds (that compromises of roughly 80% of the Doom community) who map for Doom go out to do Christmas holidays starting from December 18th?

I did see one zip in /incoming though, and it's a shame it wasn't accepted in time.

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deathz0r said:

I did see one zip in /incoming though, and it's a shame it wasn't accepted in time.

b_demo? heh that would be mine :P

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Mancubus II said:

I completely agree here. Your troubles with zdaemon should not be a factor in your work for Doomworld as there is little to no affiliation.

More like it has absolutely no relevence to /newstuff, nor does it really matter to the readers of DW who really don't care about the petty meanderings of the community as a whole.

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BBG said:

More like it has absolutely no relevence to /newstuff, nor does it really matter to the readers of DW who really don't care about the petty meanderings of the community as a whole.

Then ask Bloodshedder to remove it. I wouldn't care if it was removed or not.

Besides, why the hell are you getting so personal about it? You've been on my back about it constantly ever since I wrote that rant.

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BBG said:

nor does it really matter to the readers of DW who really don't care about the petty meanderings of the community as a whole.

*raises hand* um, i care. somewhat.

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I like how Doomworld stays so far away from this crooked multiplayer scene (except for a dead multiplayer forum, but it doesn't do that much harm). On the other hand, due to my history in that scene, I understand other people are coming out and tell the problems they have with them. Let him have his link, if thats all :P

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deathz0r said:

Then ask Bloodshedder to remove it. I wouldn't care if it was removed or not.

Besides, why the hell are you getting so personal about it? You've been on my back about it constantly ever since I wrote that rant.

rofl, no I haven't, damn I love hyperbolic statements. I haven't even said anything to you on IRC. I've only said things on this thread.

I'm getting "personal" about it because I see it as immense douche-baggery. I mean, I understand and agree with your rant, I just feel it has no place on the main page of Doomworld and I thought it was um, extremely gay of you to put it up, that's all. I look at this way, a police chief wouldn't call up a press conference and say "Ok, let's talk about this criminal we captured but first, a word on how my possible predecessor is a complete faggot." or something. It's just unprofessional and lame.

You had your place to spread your rant, IRC, and that's fine. Leave your whiny bitch-fistedness off DW :-P

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If anyone has difficulty seeing what the problem is here, take a look at the main page (I know a lot of regulars don't bother going there too often). The link to that rant is the first thing that people casually visiting the site are likely to click on.

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BBG said:

You had your place to spread your rant, IRC, and that's fine.

You were bitching about it on IRC when I first mentioned it, yet you say now that it's fine? That's a bit odd if you ask me.

Leave your whiny bitch-fistedness off DW :-P


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deathz0r said:
a certain little problem involving the ZDaemon community has got me into a really bad mood this week

What problem?

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deathz0r said:

You were bitching about it on IRC when I first mentioned it, yet you say now that it's fine?

Actually, the only thing I said to you was that I wanted you to add a portion about Raider's mishandling the turbo exploitation. I never bitched to you about this, I support your view, I just don't think this is the proper place for this shit.

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I think we have missed the point here!

Some people spend quite a bit of time on their work, and summing up a wad with but two words is just ridiculous. Why should people who aren't as well known in the community suffer because the reviewer is disappointed with how many wads are uploaded (both ways) or the quality of them? Say for example, RTC-3057 hub 2 was released, I'm sure TF would be pretty annoyed if they got some completely jack-shit review on their wad in which they as a whole spent a large portion of time into. I'f you are going to do a newstuff, don't be a sour grape and put down other people's work with a review that was completeley pointless (I'm not directing this at you Bloodshedder, I was pleased with yours).

And why should we suffer if you had a bad week from some doom port? Surely you shouldn't be as childish as to make others suffer for your attempt to bring a retarded sense of humor to the scene?

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KwadDamyj said:

It's in Blogs, I think, if you all really must know.

How do I get to blogs?

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