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Genders of doom monsters?

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I didn't find any topic that reffers to this so I am asking...
Which are genders of doom monsters names when you are talking about them in your language? From my experiences, in czech language their name equivallents are:
Trooper, Sargeant, Chaingunner, SSman, Imp, Spectre, Cacodemon, Hell Knight, Baron, Arachnotron, Mancubus, Arch-Vile, SpiderMasterMind, Cyberdemon, BossBrain: MALE
Elemental: sometimes MALE sometimes FEMALE
Ravenant: FEMALE (rarely MALE)
Lost Soul: FEMALE
I am interested about the differences in other languages since I heard from some foreign people talking about Cacodemon or Spider as "she"

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English doesn't have formal genders for nouns as an aspect of grammar (masculine, feminine, neuter, common, or whatever). If anyone refers to a creature as he or she, it's because they believe the creature in question is of that sex.

In the case of the spidermastermind, it is referred to as "mom" (of the arachnotrons) in the Doom2 manual (but not in the Doom(1) texts). As for the cacodemon, I can only imagine that this is due to Hissy apparently being female. But in neither case is it (as I understand things) regarded as definitely a female monster.

"Baron" is a gender-specific term, because the female counterpart is called a "Baroness". And so is "Knight" - the female equivalent is "Dame".

Moved to General, as this isn't really a question with a clear-cut answer.

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Shadow Dweller said:

it has more info on the monsters than you could possibly imagine.

[Han Solo]I don't know; I can imagine quite a bit.[/Han Solo]

Further to Grazza's points, despite some political correctness, it is generally accepted, in English, that male terms should be used as a default when gender is unclear or unspecified. So, it would be usual to refer to something as "he" until you found out that "he" was in fact female.

Very few inanimate objects get gender specific terms in English. The common exception seems to be vehicles of certain types. It is not unusual for a ship, for example, to be referred to as "she". However, I'm pretty sure this is an informal thing, even if it is widespread, and it it probably more correct to refer to such items as "it".

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Shadow Dweller said:

look for a website called "Doom2.net". it has more info on the monsters than you could possibly imagine.

Most of which is made up.

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Grazza said:
In the case of the spidermastermind, it is referred to as "mom" (of the arachnotrons) in the Doom2 manual (but not in the Doom(1) texts).

We hatesss it!

To correct what people are saying, and to disclose what can be gleaned from the correspondence between the young Ibn Taymiya and the elderly Ibn Khallikan, the DOOM monsters are of a kind of life from that has multpile sexes, from 3 to 5, depending on the species. All or some of the sexes must join to produce offspring. The Barons of hell, for instance, have 4 sexes, but only the 2 dominant sexes are required to produce Hell knights, which are sterile (while still sexually active, though either impotent or Imp and Demon raping in nature).

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My brother and I used to refer to the Spider Mastermind as female for some reason. The rest of the monsters were male, I think. The Pain Elemental might have also been female.

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It's probably because we associate something that gives birth as female. I could imagine the arachnotrons being the spawn of the spider mastermind and say that the mastermind is female. Same can be applied to the pain elemental and her boneheaded kids. But I still can't see a cyberdemon as a female giving birth to barons and knights. I see the cyberdemon as an upgrade of the barons, like a bionic baron.

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Hey, they're DEMONS, like angels, no gender.

BTW in Romania Death is a woman.

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I dunno, isn't the Cyberdemon something else entirely? I mean, aside from the horns and the hooves, it doesn't look all that similar.

As for the Spider Mastermind/Arachnotron thing, it looks neuter to me. I always thought of the Mastermind as a larger version of the Arachnotrons (maybe a full-grown adult? The Arachnotron's eyes look kid of cutesy and juvenile up close) as opposed to a mother.

Has anyone done/considered doing some art where the cybernetically enhanced demons were fully natural? That might be interesting.

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The zombiefied marines are obviously male. So too, perhaps, are the Barons and Hell Knights. For the other monsters, the gender doesn't appear obvious, so I just think of each one as an "it".

Lost Souls, though they would have had gender in their earthly lives, are obviously devoid of it in their current form. Perhaps the same is true of revenants, though more of their corporeal form is left behind.

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Slink said:

Lost Souls, though they would have had gender in their earthly lives, are obviously devoid of it in their current form. Perhaps the same is true of revenants, though more of their corporeal form is left behind.

I think they're males. Look at their skeleton shapes.

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Ebon said:

I think they're males. Look at their skeleton shapes.

Um, I don't think the sprites have detailed enough pelvises to determine sex.

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Slink said:
Lost Souls, though they would have had gender in their earthly lives,

Nonsense, they are the horniest monsters in the game!

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I also think that most of the Doom demons don´t have a specific gender, but since you was asking about the gender in our own language: in German all Doom demons are male except the Lost Soul (female), Arachnotron (neutrum), and Spider Mastermind (neutrum).

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Yeah, thanks, that was what I asked. I really didn't care if imp has a pussy or another kind of genitals ... :)

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Gotta say, I've never seen a horror movie with a Demon afflicted with menopause... But I would naturally assume that Demon's are non-gender specific.

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Gusta said:
Yeah, thanks, that was what I asked.

Right... in Spanish I'd say they're all masculine, though you could say "diablilla" or "revenida" (for female Imps and Revenants). I just made "revenido" up anyway (it's a neologism).

Zombie (zombi)
Imp (diablillo)
Lost soul (alma perdida)
Demon (demonio)
Spectre (espectro)
Revenant (revenido)
Cacodemon (cacodemonio)
Pain elemental (elemental de dolor)
Hell knight (caballero infernal)
Arachnotron (aracnotrón)
Mancubus (máncubo)
Arch-vile (archivil)
Baron of hell (barón del infierno)
Spiderdemon (demonio arácnido)
Cyberdemon (ciberdemonio)

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Your style, myk, I'll use too, so here you go:

Former human (om anterior) bãrbat
Shotgun guy (tip cu pushca) bãrbat
SS guard (gardian SS) bărbat
Imp (drăcushor) bărbat
Heavy weapon dude (shmecher greu înarmat) bărbat
Lost soul (suflet rătăcit) cyborg
Demon (drac) bărbat
Spectre (strigoi) bărbat
Revenant (reîntors) bărbat
Cacodemon (cacodemon) bărbat
Pain elemental (element durere) cyborg
Arachnotron (arahnotron) bărbat
Hell knight (cavaler al iadului) bărbat
Mancubus (mancub, mancubus) bărbat
Arch vile (arhirespingător :D) bărbat
Baron of hell (baron al iadului) bărbat
Spiderdemon (demonul păianjen) bărbat
Spider mastermind (păianjenul stăpânitor) bărbat
Cyberdemon (ciberdemon) bărbat

Totzi sunt bărbatzi. All are men. Except the a¤¤holes of the Earth of Doom: Lost souls and Pain Elementals. Coincidence? I don't think so.

EDIT: does archvile sound like archivil in Spanish? "Vile" means disgusting?

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Ebon said:
does archvile sound like archivil in Spanish?

Achi is arch- (meaning "chief"), and vil is just "vile". It sounds sort of like "archeeveel" in Spanish.

"Vile" means disgusting?

Thoroughly mean or base, or physically or morally repulsive.

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Gusta said:

Cacodemon or Spider as "she"

Maybe because the cacodemon looks just like a mad crone.

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xit-vono said:
Wouldn't a revenant in spanish be "Revenante"?

Now that I think about it reviniente seems perfect. In English it's recomer or in a less semantically accurate but more similar form, returnant.

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Revenant=Returned, maybe; 'returned from the grave.' I prefer to translate it that way.

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Svenska (Swedish)
Former human = Före Detta Människa
Shotgun guy = Hagelbössa Kille
SS guard = SS vakt
Imp (drăcushor) = Imp..
Heavy weapon dude = Kille Med Kraftigt Vapen
Lost soul = Bortkommen Själ
Demon = Demon
Spectre = Vålnad
Revenant = Skelett
Cacodemon = Djävuls Demon
Pain elemental = Smärte Demon...
Arachnotron = Plasma Spindel
Hell knight = Djävuls Riddare
Mancubus = Fettmo ROFL!
Arch vile = Eldbringare
Baron of hell =Helvetets Baron
Spiderdemon = SpindelDemon
Spider mastermind = Stor spindel hjärna
Cyberdemon = Demon Härskare

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It's cool to see what all the monster names are in other languages. I especially like Caballero Infernal and Fattmo. :)

I'm not sure I understand the "they're demons so they're neuter" argument; wasn't Lucifer male? I always thought of all the monsters as male. But I guess there's no need for sexes since they all seem to be created by the Icon of Sin. I never did like doom2.net's attempt at giving them scientific explainations. That road leads to Doom: The Movie. *shudder*

And whats with doom2.net? http://doom2.net gave me a Christian self-help site, but the full URL of http://www.doom2.net got me there.

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Splatter said:

It's cool to see what all the monster names are in other languages. I especially like Caballero Infernal and Fattmo. :)

I'm not sure I understand the "they're demons so they're neuter" argument; wasn't Lucifer male? I always thought of all the monsters as male. But I guess there's no need for sexes since they all seem to be created by the Icon of Sin. I never did like doom2.net's attempt at giving them scientific explainations. That road leads to Doom: The Movie. *shudder*

And whats with doom2.net? http://doom2.net gave me a Christian self-help site, but the full URL of http://www.doom2.net got me there.

Auch, I thought that was some joke, till I read on some sentences and that got my eyes bleeding, I must play doom! To escape this LIE... :/

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Kinkyfriend said:

Pain elemental = Smärte Demon

Smart Demon? That couldn't be further from the truth :p

Splatter said:

I'm not sure I understand the "they're demons so they're neuter" argument; wasn't Lucifer male?

It's lore. It's not just Demons either, angels are afflicted with lack of genatalia, even though they would 'look' like a certain sex, they'd have no discernable in-or-out parts to verify. That is, if you believe in that kinda stuff to begin with.

Kind of an odd thought though, if when you die you lose your trouser monster. *shudder*

Besides, take in all your past experiences, and tell me Lucifer couldn't be a woman :p Is he not, the temptation? Evil temptation, sounds like a standard woman to me.

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Why be man, why be woman, when it is so much better to be both? :D

Kinkyfriend, you kept a romanian bit in your translations :p

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