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PRBoom and ZDoom incorrectly display light level 255

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Edit: Since this thread no longer pertains to Eternity, can it be moved to the "Source Ports" section?

In PRBoom and ZDoom, 240-254 will give you the second highest light level and 255 or higher will give you the highest light level. In Eternity, Doom2.exe, and Chocolate Doom, 240-255 will give you the second highest light level and 256 or higher will give you the highest light level.

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I wasn't aware that this had changed. Anyway, the lighting code's been rewritten due to the transfer to floating-point via Cardboard, so it will be slightly different in the next release. Let's wait til then and see if it still needs tweaking.

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Never mind. I just tested Chocolate Doom and it handles light levels identical to Eternity. I think it must be PRBoom and ZDoom that are incorrect.

Edit: Confirmed with Doom2.exe. The highest light level should only be displayed at 256 or higher.

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Haha, so there was a BRIGHTER light than 255? I never ever knew that. I swear the Doom engine will never stop revealing its weird little quirks.

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I made a test level with a white wall in the distance and three columns (from left to right) at light levels 240, 255, and 256.

On light levels 240 and 256, the entire sector and walls to the sides of the player are drawn full bright. The only difference between the two is that, at 240, walls that the player faces in the distance will be slightly darkened, whereas at 256, they'll be drawn full bright.

With Eternity, Chocolate Doom, and Doom2.exe a light level of 255 displays identically to 240. 256 must be used to achieve full brightness.

With PRBoom and ZDoom a light level of 255 incorrectly displays (full bright) identically to 256.

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