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2 n00b questions

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K First, pick a port you plan on editing as a base.. In boom(generic port supported by most ports) you define scrolling flats by selecting linedefs/sidedefs with certain linetypes and reference them to the given sector you want a scrolling floor/ceiling..

If you want something more specific, such as scrolling skies in skyboxes in zdoom, there's quite a bit more to it. So, what port do you plan on editing in? they're all different.

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"twisting" and "swirling" water is a zdoom specific function.To create swirling Textures,add a lump called animdefs to your pwad. In this lump include a line like

warp2 flat fwater
to have a flat called fwater warped with zdooms second warp function,which is more water-like than the first.Go here for more info on that stuff,for example how to create switches and other animated flats/textures with zdoom

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how do you make scrolling skies. lol
And when you have like water or slime in a way where they like twist and swirl. (yyou find them inlike CTF levels.... sorry for bad descirption)

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Doom_master1122 said:

how do you make scrolling skies. lol
And when you have like water or slime in a way where they like twist and swirl. (yyou find them inlike CTF levels.... sorry for bad descirption)

For "animated" skies, you usually have to use a skybox and animate the textures/flats in the skybox itself.

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Doom_master1122 said:

how do you make scrolling skies

Instructions for ZDoom

  1. Open your wad with XWE or another editor.
  2. Create a new lump called "MAPINFO"
  3. Write sky1 <texturename> <scrollspeed>

For more information go here

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