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Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End

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So yeah, I saw this movie last night. Very awesome. Draws an interesting conclusion to the trilogy. It's also the reason I only got 2 hours of sleep last night, so I'm not for making a lot of sense right now. I'll just put forth a few highlights (yeah, SPOILERS, you tards):

- Jack's own private Hell...crazy scene there
- Best marriage scene ever
- Over-the-top ship battle at the climax
- The Nine Pirate Lords
- Keith Richards' cameo
- Kind of a surprising ending

Definitely worth seeing. I think I like the Pirates trilogy better then the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

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I haven't seen this one yet but I've seen the first two they were nice, I will check this one out as well.

Imo Depp is playing an good pirate this is what I expect from an pirate movie its got everything.

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dude they should make a ride like this movie at disney land!

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I wasn't terribly satisfied with the ending, but it gets points for being unconventional. All around it's a great movie.

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My plans changed, im getting trashed right now, but tommarow I'm gonna see it with my girlfriend. WORD.

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Isle said:

dude they should make a ride like this movie at disney land!

They did sorta. They tore down the classic Pirates of the Caribbean and re-built it featured the movie events and characters.

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Saw it last night and found it quite enjoyable despite the long running time... always amused by the character interaction, especially once Jack returned. That opening scene with him in the locker was quite insane, indeed, but I loved it (it was also the first time I really took notice of the music score).

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Yeah, the music score was kind of interesting. The theme for Jack's insanity or whatever was pretty weird, and they also used an electric guitar at one point when they did the parley.

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Danarchy said:

Definitely worth seeing. I think I like the Pirates trilogy better then the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

You're telling me that you lliked this Bruckheimian blowhard of a movie that can't even be bothered to take itself seriously more than Lord of the Rings? Well, to each his own I guess but you might need your head examined.

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The fact that it doesn't take itself seriously is the main reason I liked it more than Lord of the Rings. Lord of the Rings dragged on. It didn't really need to be 3 hours per episode.

And just for the record, I've always felt similarly about the book. At least the last 2 volumes.

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The Lord of the Rings movies needed to be even longer I still want to see the extended editions, I enjoy movies more if they last longer.

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I saw it last night. It was too long, and there was too much going on for me to really enjoy it.

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saw it last night, it's an okay movie. The story didn't have enough to get me excited. I was just there with friends. At least many scenes on the screen were bright enough to keep me awake from sleeping at a theater when after Jack finds himself in a desert of crabs

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I didn't really like it that much. I thought the first one was surprisingly good, the second was OK, and this one was... well, overly complex and self-important. It wasn't much FUN - the audience was never really laughing or cheering. The biggest reaction was when Keith Richards came out, which is pretty sad.

There was just too much shit going on, too many plot strands, and not enough real resolution for them all. I wish they had just focused on one or two of the subplots, not the entire mishmash mess it turned out to be.

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The last half hour or so, when the big action really kicked off, was enjoyable, but the two hours or so leading up to it was just too complex and meandering. It's a nice idea on paper to give all the different characters their own little sub-plots and agendas, but but given the size of the cast it just became too hard to remember exactly who knew what and what they were planning. Orlando Bloom still cannot act, especially act tough, and I didn't give a shit about his character or his zero chemistry relationship with Kiera Knightly, and I'd have rather they'd made more of the love triangle angle with Jack. Norrington's character changed tack again for no real reason, he was a selfish bastard in the second but now he's good again? Whatever. Still, there were some good moments and Barbossa was excellent.

My overall thought is that over the second and third films the writers got carried away and let their ambitions override their good sense, and perhaps their actual abilities. They wanted to have their cake and eat it, making both a funny, character-lead adventure, and an epic pirate war story, and didn't really pull off either successfully.

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I saw it a few days ago with 5 friends. All of us had the opinion of...meh! It was nothing special. It should have been. Every set was fantastic, every special effect was well executed. It had action, it had story blah blah blah. The bottom line, however, was that it left all of us a bit cold. I can't really put my finger on what was wrong but it just didn't fire any of us up. So, despite being a huge cinematic spectacle, it was just another movie and a bit dull. I've got the chance to see it again this weekend with some other friends and I don't know if I can be bothered sitting through it all over again.

Having discussed it with a number of people at school, everyone I have spoken to has a similar opinion. Nothing more enthusiatic than "it was alright". :/

And why does Barbosa suddenly, and temporarily, get a cockney accent in the middle of the pirate council meeting? LOL

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dutch devil said:

The Lord of the Rings movies needed to be even longer I still want to see the extended editions, I enjoy movies more if they last longer.

Watch the tv versions. (you get free commercials!)

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Linguica said:

There was just too much shit going on, too many plot strands, and not enough real resolution for them all. I wish they had just focused on one or two of the subplots, not the entire mishmash mess it turned out to be.

This is basically how I felt about it.

At the end, I was hoping for an epic sea battle to redeem it, but all I got was the irritatingly long fight around the maelstrom. That, and the resolution wasn't satisfying at all.

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Never saw any of these, or the Lord of the Rings or Spiderman. Makes me want to to know what's being talked about. Trilogies are like, the thing now, huh?

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rf` said:

Watch the tv versions. (you get free commercials!)

That would be kinda hard to do its not on tv here, if I really would like to se those I would buy them on dvd it saves me from watching stupid commercials.

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It rocked. Best of the three. Nice surprise ending, Johnny owned as usual, and to my surprise I found myself liking Barbossa alot, crazy bastard that he is. The dynamic between Johnny and Geoffery was hilarious, always great to see two true equals facing off. The final sea battle was mindblowing. Your audience must've been Prozac addicts Ling, my audience was laughing the whole time.

I didn't have a single problem following the plot strands. It was hardly Shakespeare. It was hard to say for a while who was playing who - Will or Jack - but that was the aim. In reality, they were both playing each other.

There was never any love triangle with Jack, not really. Elizabeth was attracted to the "idea" of Jack, the devil-may-care rogue pirate stereotype she had been enamoured with since childhood. Not Jack himself. But what she came to realise at the end was that Will had become that too.

As for Norrington, made perfect sense to me. Good men can sometimes get driven to extremes. He realised his mistake and faced up to it. Perfectly logical.

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This was better than 2, but not quite as good as 1. I enjoyed it a lot, and I never had to look at my watch to know when it would be done. Entertaining movie, I would recommend it.

However, in the first movie, whenever the characters would doublecross each other, it seemed much more vicious/surprising/funny. By now (in #3) I figured that every ten minutes a character would be handed over to the bad guys, set up, lied to, backstabbed, etc.

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