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3d Bridge Trouble

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I'm prepared to make a total ass out of myself, but...

I've googled about and checked the Doomworld editing page and other .wads, but I can't get my head around the 3d bridge.

When following the Doomworld page using Doombuilder, and its just not working. I can't see where I'm going wrong. I seem to be the only person not being able to grasp this, but still...


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What is your exact problem? Do you just fall through when you walk over? Do you hit a wall when you try to walk over? Are the bridge textures misaligned?

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Have you tried the tutorial? It's actually quite well illustrated. If you still can't wrap your brain around it, drop me a line and I'll send you a demo wad with a 3D bridge for DooM/2.exe.

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Sorry I didn't make myself clearer.
I mainly map in Zdoom or its Daughter ports, but from what I managed to scrape together from various sites is that the 3d bridge principle is pretty universal.

As for the tutorial, that was the first thing I looked at. The only problem is, it didn't seem to define where sectors are or where they should just be lines and things like that. I followed it, and I was fine until I got the the Middle, middle box (3) when I got completly puzzled as to what i was meant to be doing.

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Well if you're using ZDoom, there's an easier way than the vanilla bridges.

I believe the linetype was 204 - Transfer Heights

Or if you use GZDoom, just put linetype 160 in a dummy sector and tag is appropriately.
(More info on that here)

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See, thats the kind of Information I could use, just with one problem: On its own, it means nothing to me ;)

Im sure this is easier than I'm making it out to be...

Which lines should be tagged as linedef 204? They need to be assigned to the bridge sectors right? Do I need dummy sectors with the zdoom method?

Sorry if I'm totally missing the point here...

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Sorry, I must be a total jackass not to be able to figure this out. Cheers for the stuff Steeveeo, but *gah*. I really can't see what I'm supposed to be doing.

Could anyone talk/walk me throught the stages for a Vanilla bridge please? Baby steps, thats all it is. Once I've got it, It'll make total sene, but I'm being really slow today.

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Chris Hansen said:

In case you're still considdering a zdoom bridge, then I made a small test map for you that shows how I make a 3d bridge in zDoom. Best practice? No idea, but that's how I do it nonetheless :)

zDoom Doom 2 map01 testmap

Yeah, this is probably the best way to create 3D bridges in ZDoom. Use the bridge things and set them a proper height on the Z axis (in the thing property window). You can then walk over and under these floating, invisible things. I don't think you can make a bridge with Transfer heights at all, as far as I know it's just a renderer special.

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Fergot to mention bridge things.

But Transfer heights is for making "solid" bridges IIRC. "Solid" meaning that it has all side textured, instead of the "crossbeam" method.

I still prefer the GZDoom 160 special, since it makes fully 3D solid floors with just a sector tag and a linetype.

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That is perfect, thanks Chris.
I have to use XWE to set the Z-values, the only problem now is Doombuilder rapes the map when I try to re-open it. It throws all the lines about and assigns random functions to them, etc and deletes all things.
It did it to both my test and Chris'.

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Icarus said:

That is perfect, thanks Chris.
I have to use XWE to set the Z-values, the only problem now is Doombuilder rapes the map when I try to re-open it. It throws all the lines about and assigns random functions to them, etc and deletes all things.
It did it to both my test and Chris'.

No problem, glad you found it useful. But why the XWE matter? Why not use DB for the Z heights? That map I made is 100% DB made.

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Chris Hansen said:

No problem, glad you found it useful. But why the XWE matter? Why not use DB for the Z heights? That map I made is 100% DB made.

*looks puzzled* Where do you set it on Doombuilder then? Its not on the Things Properties box (When you rclick a thing)
Thats why I used XWE.

It still rapes the maps though :/

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Icarus said:

I have to use XWE to set the Z-values, the only problem now is Doombuilder rapes the map when I try to re-open it. It throws all the lines about and assigns random functions to them, etc and deletes all things.
It did it to both my test and Chris'.

You are trying to open them as ZDoom maps, right? And did you way back start on your map as a ZDoom map, or did you start it as a vanilla/boom/whatever map?

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Zdoom. And i've tryed opening them as Zdoom and also as Vanilla maps, and both of them have come out gnarled.

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What ZDoom format did you make them in?

If you made a Doom in Doom format map, it will not open correctly under the Doom in Hexen format setting in DB.

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If you also try to open a ZDoom (D in D) in Vanilla, Im pretty sure it will go screwball lineflurry mode on ya.

Not sure why reopening in the same format would do that, but maybe you made a vanilla map and tryed to open it in ZD (D in D). Doesnt make much sence...but maybe...

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It only seems to do it to my test .wad after I assign z-values to the things using XWE.
Other wise, it just removes the things because it doesnt recognise them. Hmmm...

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Do you need a zdiwhack.wad for zdoom editing like the other editors? Maybe that's your problem. Someone else will have to answer this as I don't use DB.

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Icarus said:

It only seems to do it to my test .wad after I assign z-values to the things using XWE.

In Doom format maps, things have no z value (the Doom format itself is missing it). XWE shouldn't let you edit something that isn't there.

So I think you need to convert it to Hexen format. I think the program is called "zwadconv", but others will know for sure.

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Ajapted said:

In Doom format maps, things have no z value (the Doom format itself is missing it). XWE shouldn't let you edit something that isn't there.

If you change the map settings in XWE from Doom (default) to Zdoom, it lets you change the Z-values, and it worked. But I can't reopen it in DoomBuilder if I've done this - It won't let me reopen in any format.
But, Doombuilder won't let me edit the z-values, so I' at a bit of a loose end now.

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How far are you in your map any way? Cause if not to far from beginning, remake map on format ZDoom: Doom on Hexen or SkullTag (If you run Skulltag).

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Well, I need the bridge for a Skulltag map, but I'm still tryna learn how to make them.
If I set the format at Skulltag (Doom in Hexen), I can set the Z-values and its all ace, but, I have no experience with using Hexen what-so-ever. In fact, I don't even think I have Hexen..

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Doesnt matter, its all a matter of formats.

Notice that its Doom in Hexen format, which is pretty obvious, that it is a Hexen map made into Doom (all features and such, but with the normal Doom monsters and textures).

If you were to map in Hexen in Hexen format (or w/e) then it would have to be run in Hexen to work.

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