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Doom Still Earning Accolades from the Industry

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As this year's Leipzig Convention drew to a close, a board of German journalists held their yearly "Telespiele" program-- during which they announced Doom in their list of the most influential video games in history. Although listed chronologically, Doom received the third most votes, just under Tetris and Pong. Those of us who remember a time when "First Person Shooters" used to be called "Doom clones" will nod knowingly.

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Tetris < my fish's IQ.

I'm sorry but Tetris sucks hard. I've never been a fan of arcade-style games, they are just so... one-dimensional in every aspect you could think of.

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Neat. Pac-man, Tetris, and Pong are indeed indisputable classics, probably the first three that would come to my mind in addition to DOOM (and I'm a DOOM fan).

Never managed to get into Tetris myself, although my brothers did play it back in the day.

"Ego-Shooter"... ?

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Diablo came out in 1998? Maybe that was the German release?

Tetris is the ultimate cell phone game, for waiting in line and such.

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Ego shooter? I'd probably classify doom as an id shooter. Sorry, but it had to be done, now we can all move on with our lives.

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