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Halo Shielding System with MP compatibility.

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I've given this code out kinda under the radar, and after giving it out last time, I said I'd release a public version. Out of any script I've made, this one gets used more, next to the HP Bar. So, here it is, the Halo shielding system. Complete with MP compatibility in ZDoom and Skulltag. You are also able to customize it a bit and put in your own custom armor types etc for any other special effects you'd like to try. You are free to use this, but please credit those who deserve it.



#include "zcommon.acs"
#define RECHARGEDELAYTIME 105 //delay before the recharge takes place.
#define RECHARGETIME 1 //delay between each addition of shield hit points 
#define MAXPLAYERS 32

#define SHLDREGEN 600
#define SHIELDING 601

int isrecharging[MAXPLAYERS];
script SHLDREGEN (int pnum) //Recharging script.
	 if (getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_Health) <= 0)
	int oldval = getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health);
 	if (isrecharging[playernumber()] == 0)
	 	localambientsound("recharge", 127);
	for (int a = checkinventory("armor"); a < 100; a++)
			if (checkinventory("armor") < a || getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health) < oldval || getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_Health) <= 0)
				isrecharging[playernumber()] = 0;
				if (getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health) > oldval)
				 oldval =getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health);
			oldval = getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health);
			giveactorinventory(activatortid(), "shieldlvl1", 1);
		isrecharging[playernumber()] = 0;

function str chkshield (int pnum) //this function is to be used for custom shielding values - mostly for the APS
	return "shieldlvl1"; //if you want to adjust the armor resilience or anything, just change this to your custom armor bonus.
						//if you wanted to check for other conditions as well, this would be the best place to put your checks.

script SHIELDING (int pnum) //status check script
	int acounter;
	int oldhp = getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health);
	int oldval = checkinventory("armor");
	While (checkinventory("armor") == oldval)  //counter loop to make sure the charging process isn't interupted.
		if (acounter == RECHARGEDELAYTIME && checkinventory("armor") < 100) //if the loop has reached it's proper delay time (in tics)
	/*	if(checkinventory("armor") == 0)    //failed attempt at trying for the dead beep. Try again next time charlie.
			delay (4);
			acounter += 4;
		if (checkinventory("armor") < oldval || getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health) < oldhp) //if the armor or health changes it resets the countdown
			if( checkinventory("armor") < oldval && getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health) == oldhp)
			localambientsound("ohshit", 127);
			acounter = 0;
			oldval = checkinventory("armor");
			oldhp = getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health);
		if (getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health) > oldhp)
			oldhp = getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_health);
		if (checkinventory("armor") > oldval)
			oldval = checkinventory("armor");

		if (getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_Health) <= 0)
	if (getactorproperty(activatortid(), APROP_Health) >= 1) 

Script 1 ENTER //This script is just meant to initialize the system.
thing_changetid(0,1000 + playernumber());

Script 601 RESPAWN
thing_changetid(0,1000 + playernumber());

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I appreciate it. I tried to make it as flexible as possible. With this model, you could potentially apply it to monsters too. Would make for one heck of a boss or elite unit or something.

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Interesting, but why do people keep trying to make DooM play like something else?

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