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Increasing Doomguys velocity

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Using sectors and lines only, (No wind or scrolling floors) What could I make that would propel Doomguy at the highest possible speed? I'm thinking a combination of going down really shallow stairs and wall running.

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In what engine?

I'm not sure what exact differences it makes, but I know somebody would ask eventually.

By the way, I noticed when playing dark7 that you can exceed your normal maximum running speed when on ice sectors, which isn't a scrolling floor or wind, but I realize that this is disqualified by the spirit of your post (if not the letter).

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That is kind of hard of do using that, doesn't Doomguy run fast enough in (Insert your source port here)? He runs pretty fast in the ZDoom based engines.

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Perhaps this could be done in some kind of DeHacked patch, or creating an identical player class with a high running speed?

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Well it's not so much me needing doom guy to be faster, It's just that I was playing a Slige wad and there was a long stairset and each stair was about 2 or 3 units high, and I noticed my speed increase as I was running down it. I was wondering how cool it would be to use a combination of shallow stairsets and wallrunning as a way to make really long jumps over ledges that you wouldn't normally be able to simply run across.

I was wondering if there were any other tricks to get faster. And I'm talking about limit removing ports, so no ice sectors, wind, or scrolling floors.

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In the situation you described (going down/up small stairs), how can you be absolutely sure that you are indeed gaining speed? The visuals are too confusing to tell accurately. Unless you make a test map where you have to run/wall run a reasonably long distance, and then "stair run" the same distance, while timing the two runs.

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I'm pretty sure wallrunning needs a long, unbroken wall to be performed, so doing it on stairs wouldn't be possible. But i may be wrong.

Also when running downstairs it may seem like you move faster because doomguy "leaves the ground" as he goes, and so travels down an imaginary diagonal slope rather than "along" each step. Therefore taking a more direct route to the bottom which would seem ever so slightly faster

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try wallrunning, down narrow, shallow stairs, with precisely timed crushers on the otherside from the wall, crushing barrels to help give an extra shove to the doomguy. The effect of the splash damage from the barrels if in the perfect place at the perfect time could just speed him up that tiny bit more. would be pretty complicated to create and actually put the method into practice in the game, one tiny mistake could put it all out of sync. It would have to be a speedrun or super secret trick with another, slower way to get to the area. Also a large amount of health pickups would be necissary to keep doom guy alive from the explosions.

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deathbringer said:

I'm pretty sure wallrunning needs a long, unbroken wall to be performed, so doing it on stairs wouldn't be possible. But i may be wrong.

I imagine you could make it work without breaking the wall into pieces, as long as the wall was less than 32 units away from where the stairs end.

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the wall doesn't have to be directly attached to the stairs, as long as there isn't enough space the the doomguy to fall in between the stairs and the wall.

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