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animated textures

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I am a massive newb and can't figure out animated textures. i'm totally new to doom in hexen format, so bear with me. I'm trying to add the SLIME01-04 texture to my Ultimate Doom WAD. I've added the textures to my wad, and tried to use this page as a guide


so i make a script in my wad called ANIMDEFS.acs and in it is

texture SLIME01
pic SLIME01 tics 8
pic SLIME01 tics 8
pic SLIME01 tics 8
pic SLIME01 tics 8

and that's the best I can figure out, and it doesn't work. What am i doing wrong?



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There's only one patch (SLIME01) defined in your animation, try this -

texture SLIME01
pic SLIME01 tics 8
pic SLIME02 tics 8
pic SLIME03 tics 8
pic SLIME04 tics 8

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Actually, if it's for ZDoom (as your use of ANIMDEFS implies), and you're using a stock texture, you don't even need that.

Here are all the animated textures recognized by ZDoom:

Flat	Optional	NUKAGE1 	Range	NUKAGE3 	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	FWATER1 	Range	FWATER4 	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	SWATER1 	Range	SWATER4 	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	LAVA1   	Range	LAVA4   	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	BLOOD1  	Range	BLOOD3  	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	RROCK05 	Range	RROCK08 	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	SLIME01 	Range	SLIME04 	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	SLIME05 	Range	SLIME08 	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	SLIME09 	Range	SLIME12 	Tics 8
Texture	Optional	BLODGR1 	Range	BLODGR4 	Tics 8 AllowDecals
Texture	Optional	SLADRIP1	Range	SLADRIP3	Tics 8 AllowDecals
Texture	Optional	BLODRIP1	Range	BLODRIP4	Tics 8 AllowDecals
Texture	Optional	FIREWALA	Range	FIREWALL	Tics 8
Texture	Optional	GSTFONT1	Range	GSTFONT3	Tics 8 AllowDecals
Texture	Optional	FIRELAV3	Range	FIRELAVA	Tics 8
Texture	Optional	FIREMAG1	Range	FIREMAG3	Tics 8
Texture	Optional	FIREBLU1	Range	FIREBLU2	Tics 8
Texture	Optional	ROCKRED1	Range	ROCKRED3	Tics 8 AllowDecals
Texture	Optional	BFALL1  	Range	BFALL4  	Tics 8
Texture	Optional	SFALL1  	Range	SFALL4  	Tics 8
Texture	Optional	WFALL1  	Range	WFALL4  	Tics 8
Texture	Optional	DBRAIN1 	Range	DBRAIN4 	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	FLTWAWA1	Range	FLTWAWA3	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	FLTSLUD1	Range	FLTSLUD3	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	FLTTELE1	Range	FLTTELE4	Tics 6
Flat	Optional	FLTFLWW1	Range	FLTFLWW3	Tics 9
Flat	Optional	FLTLAVA1	Range	FLTLAVA4	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	FLATHUH1	Range	FLATHUH4	Tics 8
Texture	Optional	LAVAFL1 	Range	LAVAFL3 	Tics 6
Texture	Optional	WATRWAL1	Range	WATRWAL3	Tics 4
Flat	Optional	F_SCANR5	Range	F_SCANR8	Tics 4
Flat	Optional	F_WATR01	Range	F_WATR03	Tics 8
Flat	Optional	F_PWATR1	Range	F_PWATR3	Tics 11
Flat	Optional	F_SCANR1	Range	F_SCANR4	Tics 4
Texture	Optional	SCAN05  	Range	SCAN08  	Tics 4
Texture	Optional	SWTRMG01	Range	SWTRMG03	Tics 4
Texture	Optional	SCAN01  	Range	SCAN04  	Tics 4
Texture	Optional	COMP01  	Range	COMP04  	Tics 4
Texture	Optional	COMP05  	Range	COMP08  	Tics 6
Texture	Optional	COMP09  	Range	COMP12  	Tics 11
Texture	Optional	COMP13  	Range	COMP16  	Tics 12
Texture	Optional	COMP17  	Range	COMP20  	Tics 12
Texture	Optional	COMP21  	Range	COMP24  	Tics 12
Texture	Optional	COMP25  	Range	COMP28  	Tics 12
Texture	Optional	COMP29  	Range	COMP32  	Tics 12
Texture	Optional	COMP33  	Range	COMP37  	Tics 12
Texture	Optional	COMP38  	Range	COMP41  	Tics 12
Texture	Optional	COMP42  	Range	COMP49  	Tics 10
Texture	Optional	BRKGRY13	Range	BRKGRY16	Tics 10
Texture	Optional	BRNSCN01	Range	BRNSCN04	Tics 10
Texture	Optional	CONCRT09	Range	CONCRT12	Tics 11
Texture	Optional	CONCRT22	Range	CONCRT25	Tics 11
Texture	Optional	WALPMP01	Range	WALPMP02	Tics 16
Texture	Optional	WALTEK16	Range	WALTEK17	Tics 8
Texture	Optional	FORCE01 	Range	FORCE04 	Tics 4
Texture	Optional	FORCE05 	Range	FORCE08 	Tics 4
Texture	Optional	FAN01   	Range	FAN02   	Tics 4
Flat	Optional	P_VWATR1	Range	F_VWATR3	Tics 4
Flat	Optional	F_HWATR1	Range	F_HWATR3	Tics 4
Flat	Optional	F_TELE1 	Range	F_TELE2 	Tics 4
Flat	Optional	F_FAN1  	Range	F_FAN2  	Tics 4
Flat	Optional	F_CONVY1	Range	F_CONVY2	Tics 4
Flat	Optional	F_RDALN1	Range	F_RDALN4	Tics 4
They are defined in zdoom.pk3's ANIMATED lump, so you don't need to declare them anywhere.

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I'm actually using the SLIME0* as a texture and not a flat, so I'm thinking the pre-sets in ZDOOM won't work.

When I run the 'compile script' in DB2 it tells me 'invalid declarator'. je ne sais pas.


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NaturalTvventy said:

I'm actually using the SLIME0* as a texture and not a flat, so I'm thinking the pre-sets in ZDOOM won't work.

It should. ZDOOM doesn't care whether something is a flat or a texture. You can use either anywhere and they will work.

NaturalTvventy said:

When I run the 'compile script' in DB2 it tells me 'invalid declarator'. je ne sais pas.

I noticed that you called the file animdefs.acs. This, and the above comment makes me think that you are mistaking animdefs for something that is done in ACS. It isn't. animdefs is just a text lump. Insert it in your file as it is. You do not compile it.

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NaturalTvventy said:

I'm actually using the SLIME0* as a texture and not a flat, so I'm thinking the pre-sets in ZDOOM won't work.

They will. Why don't you just try? The "flat" or "texture" keywords only serve to identify in which namespace it looks first for these lumps.

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Sa-weet, i put it in as a txt and it worked fine. I would have just used the zdoom default, but i want to learn how to do it with other non-standard textures as well. thanks guys.


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