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Obhack 006.9 Released (Random Map Generator)

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Obhack is a random map generator for Doom, Doom2 and Heretic.

As the current maintainer of Obhack, I will try to answer all questions and comments here on this post.

Download - http://samiam.org/slump/

New parameter: 'Max Level Size' to progressive & expansion level sizes.

Added: 'Insane' & 'Insane+weapons' settings to monster parameter. (Heavy Monsters).

Bugfix: Fixed Cyberdemon's head in ceiling in smaller rooms.

Wokeup the SpiderMastermind, in larger rooms.

A few revisions to the gui and other minor fixes.

NOTE: Hexen is enabled, but will not work with 'Insane' settings.(At this time)
NOTE: Heretic will not work with 'Insane' settings.(At this time)

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Cool, will check this out..

Insane+Weapons I take will use big weapons more often due to big monsters while Insane is just massive monster count?

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Not exactly,
Insane is the monster type somewhat inverted, meaning you'll see more
larger monsters than smaller ones. More Barons of Hell & Archviles than Humans & Sergeants.

And since this is somewhat unfair at times, I added Insane+Weapons
to give you a fighting chance at the start.

Sorry I didn't explain these changes too well.

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Speaking of "insane" monsters, I have a bug report. When trying to make Heretic levels, setting monsters to "insane" causes ObHack 006.9 to go in to an infinite loop and not generate levels.

Besides that, it looks really great. I especially like how options in the GUI change based on the game chosen. I had things so that the initial weapon was "basic" or "hardcore", but Fritz fix it so now the starting weapon is "elven wand"/"crossbow"/"phoenix rod" when the game is Heretic and "pistol"/"shotgun"/"rocket launcher" when the game is Doom(2).

- Sam

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The first level generated had me with a cyberdemon in a locked region out and one just behind the other door to proceed. At least the plasma gun was there but wasn't sure if I had enough cells (need at least 200 to kill one via plasma).

Cybers should at least show up a tiny less, not every other monster but that's my opinion ;p

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Thanks for the heads up, I will look into it.

Cybes are inserted into the levels and depending on which skill level you choose, the amount of them.
If there are 6 inserted, easy will have 1, medium will have 2, and hard will have 3. But also these are random.
I've played many of these and they will be hard, but thats the point.

You have many options here. You can create one level, or create a episode(9 levels for Doom, Heretic etc.. 11 levels for Doom2, TNT etc..)or a full levelset(36 levels for Doom , 32 for Doom2)and levels can be all the same size or get progressively larger.

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Tried it, everything is working well. The new progressive map size limit is very convenient!

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Well its pretty cool now that I've tried it. It can make some fine DM maps. As for a full meawad though, especially say, if you have it all outdoors, maps can become extremely reptetive. Also, while its not a problem, but more funny actually, I've noticed SS in some normal maps. :P

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Oh, and if an update ever comes, perhaps something where you can chose like an appearence percentage (?) bar, so maybe thorughout the map, maybe you want like 6% of the monster pop to be like ArchViles, while 8% are Cyberdemons, 12% Shotgunners, etc... Some way to control what monsters appear and how often they appear. Fighting hordes of Revenants and Hell Knights gets frustrating.

Also, just kind of an idea, but nothing that needs to be followed up on, a suggestion... Perhaps someway to have it include like Beastiary creatures?

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Clonehunter said:

Also, just kind of an idea, but nothing that needs to be followed up on, a suggestion... Perhaps someway to have it include like Beastiary creatures?

You need to modify the doom/doom2.lua files to include the necessary information so such monsters can appear.

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