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problems with A_Fire

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I'm trying to make a lightning ball look as if it's wrapping around you when it hits using A_Fire. the only problem, though, is it does that even if it misses and hits a wall. is there any sort of DECORATE state for if the projectile crashes into something other than the target? Is there one for if it crashes into the target that is not called if it crashes into anything else?

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According to the wiki there are three death states you can use with projectiles. What you're currently using could be made the XDeath state and a new Death state defined that doesn't use A_Fire.

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Ok A_Fire doesn't get called when it crashes into a wall, but it does when the lightning ball crashes into another monster when i use it as a meat shield. any suggestions?

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It's hacky as all hell, but it's possible to get the effect to stick to whatever target it hits by calling A_SeekerMissile, with the SMF_LOOK flag set, in the XDeath state right before calling A_Fire (might want to give it a 1-tic delay between actions for clearance -- not sure if it's necessary but it couldn't hurt). This causes the 'missile' to try and automatically acquire a target, and since it just smashed into a monster, it's quite likely to target that one since it's the nearest foe.

Bit of a complicated explanation, but hopefully it helps a bit. :P

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flags are only for zdoom 2.4.1 onward, and i'm using skulltag. Skulltag isn't quite there yet. Thanks anyways! oh well

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