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Texture issues

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Two quick queries to cure my texture ailings. I'm trying to map for vanilla (testing in Chocolate Doom) and I'm including custom textures.

Firstly, one new texture I'm adding is known as METALDR in TNT.WAD or A-BROWN4 in PLUTONIA.WAD. Doombuilder 2 allows me to use the texture when adding the Final Doom IWADs into my resources - yet finding either of the patches for the textures in either IWAD via XWE is turning up nothing! I'm perilously aware that I've probably made some glaring, embarrassing error but it'll be worth the ridicule to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Secondly, when trying to test in Chocolate Doom I get error "R_TextureNumForName: SW1PANEL not found", which I find odd since it's a stock Doom 2 texture, I'm not using that texture and I still get the error even when replacing METALDR with a stock Doom 2 texture.

Can anyone help with these??

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purist said:

yet finding either of the patches for the textures in either IWAD via XWE is turning up nothing!

If you want to find METALDR from tnt.wad in XWE do this:

1. Make a copy of your tnt.wad.
2. Open the copy in XWE.
3. Click the textures tab.
4. Type METALDR into the empty text field above the list of textures and press enter.

The texture entry METALDR should then be hilighted below and the patches that make the texture listed on the right.

I am guessing that the second problem you have is because you have added TNT and Plutonia as resources to your map.
Unfortunately this won't work.
You either want to make your own resource wad with the textures in or add them to the wad that your map is in.

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purist said:

Firstly, one new texture I'm adding is known as METALDR in TNT.WAD or A-BROWN4 in PLUTONIA.WAD.

They're both composite textures that are assembled from four patches. METALDR uses WALL42_3, WALL47_1, W111_3 and SW2_1 (all of which are in the Doom 2 IWAD) while A_BROWN4 is somewhat different - using BROWN1, W111_2, W111_3 and BOSFA0. Since you'll be working with standard Doom 2 patches, METALDR can be added to your wad by using XWE to create PNAMES and TEXTURE1 lumps, add a new texture (named METALDR naturally), set it's width/height to 128x128 and (using New Patch from the Texture menu) reproduce the way that texture's patches are laid out in TNT - which is as follows...

PatchName  xPos  yPos
WALL47_1   0     0
WALL47_1   64    0
WALL42_3   21    0
WALL42_3   85    0
W111_3     0     0
W111_3     0     64
W111_3     64    0
W111_3     64    64
SW2_1      52    37
I've no idea why you're seeing that error message since SW1PANEL is present in all three IWADs.

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4mer said:

I am guessing that the second problem you have is because you have added TNT and Plutonia as resources to your map.
Unfortunately this won't work.
You either want to make your own resource wad with the textures in or add them to the wad that your map is in.

This does work in Doom Builder, but I don't know how Chocolate Doom deals with this (problems could be caused by how it handles IWADs differently from PWADs, or by the mix of TEXTURE# lumps). When you add/edit your resource in DB, you can find a checkbox at the bottom to exclude that resource from being used during testing. However, I think you just should get your textures straight (and not use TNT or PLUTONIA as resource) and all will be fine.

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Yes, I was just guessing what was happening was something like:

-iwad doom2.wad -file plutonia.wad tnt.wad newmap.wad

Vanilla doom will just use the last TEXTURE1 lump it finds for textures (in the example above it would use TEXTURE1 from tnt.wad).

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Thanks for the help. I'll try what GreyGhost suggested tomorrow.

I'm not sure the SW1PANEL error is related to the Final Doom resource WADs because I removed all non Doom2 resources out of frustration and still got the error. I might have missed something though so I'll take another look.

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@GreyGhost - Thanks for not patronising but I've not been able to follow your steps. I created the two lumps using Entry>New but when I tried to type new data in the TEXTURE1 lump anything I typed cleared as soon as I started entering a new field and new patch simply did nothing. Of course this all probably all because I'm doing it wrong but I don't know any better!

I did manage to get it to work by the crude workaround of copy/pasting the PNAMES/TEXTURE1 lumps from TNT.WAD, which is admittedly overkill for (so far) just one texture but it hasn't added a lot to the size of the WAD and it's extinguished the frustration of getting nowhere with it! Are they any legal issues with this? I know it's generally accepted as OK to interchange Final Doom / Doom 2 resources and it's only the lump data not actual textures that I've ripped...

EDIT: This is clearly not the way to do things and I won't release it in it's current state but I'm at a loss on how modify the TEXTURE1 lump.

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purist said:
I created the two lumps using Entry>New but when I tried to type new data in the TEXTURE1 lump anything I typed cleared as soon as I started entering a new field and new patch simply did nothing.

Try "save" in the Texture menu right after adding a piece of info.

XWE occasionally corrupts TEXTURE lumps. I'd suggest having Deepsea shareware (hitting F7) for most serious resource editing. It's somewhat awkward but also powerful and (from what I've experienced) not buggy.

GreyGhost said:
I've no idea why you're seeing that error message since SW1PANEL is present in all three IWADs.

It could happen in XWE if SLumpEd previously added random shit at the end of the texture name.

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Though Chocolate Doom's normally unaffected by that issue.

purist said:

@GreyGhost - Thanks for not patronising but I've not been able to follow your steps. I created the two lumps using Entry>New but when I tried to type new data in the TEXTURE1 lump anything I typed cleared as soon as I started entering a new field and new patch simply did nothing. Of course this all probably all because I'm doing it wrong but I don't know any better!

It took me a few attempts before I came to terms with XWE's texture editor. Easiest way I know to create the PNAMES and TEXTURE1 lumps is by right-clicking in the wad directory (without any patches highlighted) and selecting Add to Patch Names, followed by Add to Texture - first delete any existing PNAMES/TEXTURE1 lumps so neither you or the game engine gets confused as to which one to use. Interrupting texture assembly to check on something (like the patch you want to use) normally results un unsaved changes being lost, so as myk said - save and save often.
It also pays to backup wads before editing since you never know when XWE's going to turn around and bite.

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purist said:

I'm at a loss on how modify the TEXTURE1 lump.

To add a new texture using XWE (do what GreyGhost said to create the TEXTURE1 and PNAMES lumps).
Then add any new patches (images) using menu option Entry -> Load.

To define a new texture:
1. Select the TEXTURE1 lump from the lump list on the left.
2. Click menu option Textures -> New.
3. Rename the UNTITLED entry.
4. Edit the width and height.
5. Click menu option Textures -> New Patch.
6. Edit the Patch Name as necessary (use name of patch from lump list).
7. Enter xPos and yPos if necessary.

Edit: Make sure that whenever you add new images for use as patches you select them and click Add to Patch Names.

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GreyGhost said:
Though Chocolate Doom's normally unaffected by that issue.

Not by what SLumpEd does alone, but yes by what SLumpEd and XWE manage in cooperation. Sometimes it takes two to bring something to fruition!

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I found the easiest way to do this was to extract the patches, fire up MSPaint and make the texture up myself. I've got a neat version of METALDR now. Not the most elegant solution but it works.

The odd thing now is that when I put it in-between the PSTART/END markers with my other custom texture Doombuilder doesn't find it. When I swap them around it finds the new texture but not the one that was there before.

It runs fine in ZDoom now but still no good in Chocolate...

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Patch != texture.

A texture is something defined in the TEXTURE1 or TEXTURE2 lump. A patch is a "building block" for a texture. So now that you have a METALDR patch, you do not have a METALDR texture. You need to edit a copy of a TEXTURE1 or TEXTURE2 lump and add a new texture, which uses your METALDR patch. To do so you first need to add this METALDR patch to the PNAMES lump.

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OK, I've just learned something new about XWE so I thought I'd share it:

If you start again with a new wad (File -> New).
If you click the patches button at the bottom.
Then click Entry -> Load and select an image file.

XWE (v116) will automatically:
Create PP_START, PP_END markers and place the image between them.
Create a PNAMES and TEXTURE1 lump and update those lumps with the new info for the new image.

Maybe this is what is causing the confusion here.

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It also works with existing wads and PNAMES/TEXTURE1 lumps - double-clicking the Patches button will automate the process a bit. Almost all of the buttons have double-click functionality though a couple of them (Maps and Textures) don't appear to do more than load raw data.

myk said:

Not by what SLumpEd does alone, but yes by what SLumpEd and XWE manage in cooperation. Sometimes it takes two to bring something to fruition!

Can't recall having encountered that yet, thanks for the warning.

purist said:

It runs fine in ZDoom now but still no good in Chocolate...

Right-click on the patch and select Add to Texture, it'll also be automatically added to PNAMES.

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Right, they're both patches. But I was trying to clarify my version of METALDR (I've called it TOMBDR to avoid confusion) is not built of several patches. It's one patch.

Both patches (TOMBDR & BRICK_S) are in the TEXTURE1 and PNAMES lumps and appear correctly when playing in ZDoom. But only one (BRICK_S) appears in Doombuilder and in Doombuilder 2 both appear but selecting TOMBDR displays as the grey ??? wall on 3D mode.

I've tested it in 4 ports now:

Chocolate now displays "R_TextureNumForName: SW1BRCOM not found" and exits if I test it via Doombuilder 2 or just loads ENTRYWAY instead of my map if I open the WAD file with Chocolate Doom.

Legacy works but every texture in the level displays as my new BRICK_S texture(!)

Boom displays "R_TextureNumForName: SKY3 not found" and exits.

ZDoom works just fine!

When I get chance I'll upload it and maybe some good samaritan can take a look...

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I'd be interested in taking a look, it appears you have more than one problem and Legacy's behaviour is most intriguing.

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You can get "R_TextureNumForName: SW1BRCOM not found" if you have a TEXTURE1 lump that only has new textures in it.

The other thing you may want to check when using XWE to do textures is that you have the MainWAD option set correctly in the xwe.ini file (this can usually be found at the end of the file).

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Cheers 4mer - that's the cure all. I thought you just had your new textures in your PWAD TEXTURE1 and they patched onto the IWAD TEXTURE1. Obviously it replaces.

MainWAD looks OK in XWE.

Now I'm running good in Boom, Legacy and ZDoom. Chocolate crashes with a visplane error. Gah! That limit is more sensitive than I thought. I guess I'm going limit-removing for this map. Big shame, I was hoping to be vanilla compat.

EDIT: Thanks for your offer to help GreyGhost. You might have known it was something daft!

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purist said:

Cheers 4mer - that's the cure all. I thought you just had your new textures in your PWAD TEXTURE1 and they patched onto the IWAD TEXTURE1. Obviously it replaces.

Yeah, Doom only loads the last of these lumps it finds. (So for this reason, it's often handier to use TEXTURE2 so you don't have to carry over all the Doom II texture definitions. You still have to bother with a PNAMES duplicating perfectly Doom2.wad's, and having new entries added only at the end.)

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Ah, so if I put the new texture info into a TEXTURE2 lump I don't have to include all the stock data? That sounds a neater way of working.

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