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Strife Line Types

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Here is what we believe to be the definitive list of Strife line specials as based on the reverse engineering process. Better configs could be developed for editors based on these, as even the one included with Doom Builder 2 had, last time I checked, numerous inaccuracies adapted from older editors such as DETH and WadAuthor. All line specials are now functional in Choco Strife, and we made this list to help us keep track of them during implementation.

Unified Line Types List

O == Unmodified
* == New or Modified in Strife 
? == Unknown if modified or not yet
X == Not defined or not yet discovered/implemented

W1/WR = Walk-over 1-Time/Repeatable
S1/SR = Switch 1-Time/Repeatable (requires a tag)
D1/DR = "Door" 1-Time/Repeatable (no tag and/or uses backside sector)
G1/GR = "Gun" 1-Time/Repeatable
--    = Static Line (Handled by P_SpawnSpecials)

1   O = DR Raise Door
2   O = W1 Open Door
3   O = W1 Close Door
4   O = W1 Raise Door
5   O = W1 Raise Floor
6   O = W1 Fast Ceiling Crush & Raise
7   O = S1 Build Stairs Up 8
8   O = W1 Build Stairs Up 8
9   O = S1 Donut
10  O = W1 Plat Down-Wait-Up-Stay
11  * = SR Exit to Level (Tag)
12  O = W1 Light To Brightest Neighbor
13  O = W1 Light 255
14  O = S1 Plat Raise and Change 32
15  O = S1 Plat Raise and Change 24
16  O = W1 Close Door 30
17  O = W1 Light Start Strobing
18  O = S1 Floor Raise to Nearest
19  O = W1 Lower Floor
20  O = S1 Plat Raise to Nearest & Change
21  O = S1 Plat Down-Wait-Up-Stay
22  O = W1 Plat Raise to Nearest & Change
23  O = S2 Floor Lower to Lowest
24  O = G1 Raise Floor
25  O = W1 Ceiling Crush & Raise
26  * = DR Raise Door ID Card
27  * = DR Raise Door Pass Card
28  * = DR Raise Door ID Badge
29  O = S1 Raise Door
30  O = W1 Raise Floor Shortest Lower Tx
31  * = D1 Open Door (Modified to allow monsters to activate)
32  * = D1 Open Door ID Card
33  * = D1 Open Door ID Badge
34  * = D1 Open Door Pass Card
35  O = W1 Light 35
36  O = W1 Lower Floor Turbo
37  O = W1 Lower Floor and Change
38  O = W1 Lower Floor to Lowest
39  O = W1 Teleport to Spot
40  * = S1 Split Open Door
41  O = S1 Ceiling Lower to Floor
42  O = SR Door Close
43  O = SR Ceiling Lower to Floor
44  O = W1 Ceiling Lower & Crush
45  O = SR Lower Floor
46  O = GR Open Door
47  O = G1 Plat Raise to Nearest & Change
48  O = -- Scroll Texture Left
49  O = S1 Ceiling Crush & Raise
50  O = S1 Close Door
51  * = S1 Start Finale
52  * = W1 Exit to Level (Tag/100)
53  O = W1 Plat Perpetual Raise
54  O = W1 Plat Stop
55  O = S1 Floor Raise & Crush
56  O = W1 Floor Raise & Crush
57  O = W1 Ceiling Crush Stop
58  * = W1 Raise Floor 64
59  O = W1 Floor Raise 24 & Change
60  O = SR Floor Lower to Lowest
61  O = SR Open Door
62  O = SR Plat Down-Wait-Up-Stay
63  O = SR Raise Door
64  O = SR Floor Raise to Ceiling
65  O = SR FLoor Raise & Crush
66  O = SR Plat Raise and Change 24
67  O = SR Plat Raise and Change 32
68  O = SR Plat Raise to Nearest & Change
69  O = SR Floor Raise to Nearest
70  O = SR Floor Lower Turbo
71  O = S1 Floor Lower Turbo
72  O = WR Ceiling Crush
73  O = WR Ceiling Crush & Raise
74  O = WR Ceiling Crush Stop
75  O = WR Close Door
76  O = WR Close Door 30
77  O = WR Ceiling Crush & Raise Fast
78  X
79  O = WR Light 35
80  O = WR Light to Brightest Neighbor
81  O = WR Light 255
82  O = WR Lower Floor to Lowest
83  O = WR Lower Floor
84  O = WR Lower Floor & Change
85  X
86  O = WR Open Door
87  O = WR Plat Perpetual Raise
88  O = WR Plat Down-Wait-Up-Stay
89  O = WR Plat Stop
90  O = WR Raise Door
91  O = WR Raise Floor
92  * = WR Raise Floor 64
93  O = WR Raise Floor 24 & Change
94  O = WR Raise Floor & Crush
95  O = WR Plat Raise to Nearest & Change
96  O = WR Raise Floor Shortest Lower Tx
97  O = WR Teleport
98  O = WR Lower Floor Turbo
99  * = SR Door Blaze Open ID Card Key
100 O = W1 Build Stairs Turbo 16
101 O = S1 Raise Floor
102 O = S1 Lower Floor
103 O = S1 Open Door
104 O = W1 Tagged Lights Off
105 O = WR Door Blaze Raise
106 O = WR Door Blaze Open
107 O = WR Door Blaze Close
108 O = W1 Door Blaze Raise
109 O = W1 Door Blaze Open
110 O = W1 Door Blaze Close
111 O = S1 Door Blaze Raise
112 O = S1 Door Blaze Open
113 O = S1 Door Blaze Close
114 O = SR Door Blaze Raise
115 O = SR Door Blaze Open
116 O = SR Door Blaze Close
117 O = DR Door Blaze Raise
118 O = D1 Door Blaze Open
119 O = W1 Floor Raise to Nearest Floor
120 O = WR Plat Blaze Down-Wait-Up-Stay
121 O = W1 Plat Blaze Down-Wait-Up-Stay
122 O = S1 Plat Blaze Down-Wait-Up-Stay
123 O = SR Plat Blaze Down-Wait-Up-Stay
124 * = W1 Start Finale
125 O = W1 Teleport Monster Only
126 O = WR Teleport Monster Only
127 O = S1 Build Stairs Up 16 Turbo
128 O = WR Raise Floor to Nearest
129 O = WR Raise Floor Turbo
130 O = W1 Raise Floor Turbo
131 O = S1 Raise Floor Turbo
132 O = SR Raise Floor Turbo
133 * = S1 Door Blaze Open ID Card Key
134 * = SR Door Blaze Open ID Badge Key
135 * = S1 Door Blaze Open ID Badge Key
136 * = SR Door Blaze Open Pass Card Key
137 * = S1 Door Blaze Open Pass Card Key
138 O = SR Light 255
139 O = SR Light 35
140 O = S1 Raise Floor 512
141 O = W1 Ceiling Crush & Raise Silent
142 * = -- Scroll Texture Up Slow
143 * = -- Scroll Texture Down Fast (3 px/tic)
144 * = DR Sliding Door
145 * = WR Exit To Level at Spot (Tag/100, Tag%100)
146 * = S1 Build Stairs Down 16
147 * = S1 Clear Force Fields
148 * = DR Force Field Zap
149 * = -- Scroll Texture Down Slow
150 * = WR Raise Alarm
151 * = SR Blaze Open Door Gold Key
152 * = SR Blaze Open Door Brass Key
153 * = SR Blaze Open Door Silver Key
154 * = SR Plat Down-Wait-Up-Stay Gold Key
155 * = SR Plat Up-Wait-Down-Stay
156 * = D1 Open Door Brass Key
157 * = D1 Open Door Silver Key
158 * = D1 Open Door Gold Key
159 * = DR Raise Door Gold Key
160 * = DR Raise Door Silver Key
161 * = DR Raise Door Brass key
162 * = S1 Blaze Open Door Brass Key
163 * = S1 Blaze Open Door Silver Key
164 * = S1 Blaze Open Door Gold Key
165 * = DR "That Doesn't Seem to Work"
166 * = DR Raise Door Hand Print
167 * = S1 Blaze Open Door Hand Print Key
168 * = SR Blaze Open Door Hand Print Key
169 * = DR Raise Door Base Key
170 * = DR Raise Door Gov's Key
171 * = S1 Open Door Prison Key
172 * = SR Raise Door Power1 Key
173 * = SR Raise Door Power2 Key
174 * = W1 Split Open Door
175 * = WR Raise Alarm if < 16 Above Floor
176 * = SR Raise Door Power3 Key
177 * = SR Plat Down-Wait-Up-Stay Power3 Key
178 * = W1 Build Stairs Down 16
179 * = W1 Ceiling Lower to Floor
180 * = G1 Raise Floor 512 & Change
181 * = S1 Raise Floor 512 & Change
182 * = G1/W1 Break Glass
183 * = W1 Door Split Raise Nearest
184 * = WR Plat Up-Wait-Down-Stay and Change Switch Texture
185 * = WR Silent Teleport
186 * = WR Exit to Level at Spot (First Side Only) (Tag/100, Tag%100) 
187 * = W1 Clear Force Fields if Quest (Rowoffset == Quest #)
188 * = W1 Open Door if Quest 16 (Gate Mechanism Destroyed)
189 * = S1 Split Open Door Oracle Key
190 * = DR Raise Door Order Key
191 * = SR Raise Door Military ID Key
192 * = SR Open Door Warehouse Key
193 * = W1 Floor Lower to Lowest if Quest (Rowoffset == Quest #)
194 * = S1 Free Prisoners
195 * = WR Silent Teleport and Change Zombie
196 * = W1 Floor Lower to Lowest if Sigil Type > 0
197 * = W1 Door Blaze Close if Have Sigil 2
198 * = WR Raise Alarm if No Guard Uniform
199 * = S1 Destroy Converter (Ceiling Lower & Crush, Give Quest 25, +1 Stamina/Accuracy)
200 * = W1 Door Open if Sigil Owned
201 * = W1 Voiced Objective (First Side Only) (Tag = VOC/LOG #)
202 * = W1 Voiced Objective (Tag = VOC/LOG #) 
203 * = WR Change Music (Tag = Internal Music #)
204 * = W1 Change Music (Tag = Internal Music #)
205 * = DR "This area is only in the registered version of Strife"
206 * = WR Raise Alarm if Have Chalice
207 * = SR Remote Sliding Door
208 * = WR Raise Alarm if Have Flamethrower
209 * = S1 Build Stairs Down 16 if Have Chalice
210 * = W1 Voiced Objective if Have Flamethrower (Tag = VOC/LOG #)
211 * = S1 Start Voice if Have Comm Unit (Tag = VOC #)
212 * = W1 Floor Lower to Lowest if Have Flamethrower
213 * = DR Raise Door if Have Chalice
214 * = SR Plat Slow Down-Wait-Up-Stay
215 * = W1 Voiced Objective if Quest (Tag/100 = VOC/LOG #, Tag%100 = Quest #)
216 * = WR Raise Door if Quest (Rowoffset == Quest #)
217 * = DR Raise Door Core Key
218 X
219 * = S1 Lower Floor Blue Crystal Key
220 * = S1 Lower Floor Red Crystal Key
221 * = DR Raise Door Mauler Key
222 X
223 * = SR Raise Door Mine Key
224 * = DR Raise Door Chapel Key
225 * = DR Raise Door Catacomb Key
226 * = S1 Complete Training Area (Give +1 Stamina/Accuracy and Message)
227 * = W1 Close Door if Quest (Rowoffset == Quest #)
228 * = W1 Play Entity Voice (VOC128 or VOC130 dep. on quest flags 24 & 28)
229 * = SR Remote Sliding Door (Requires Sigil lv. 4)
230 * = W1 Open Door if Quest (Rowoffset == Quest #)
231 * = WR Teleport (Silent at Source Only)
232 * = DR Raise Door Oracle Pass (Quest 18)
233 * = S1 Split Open Sector, Reveal computer (Blackbird: LETS BLOW IT UP)
234 * = SR Raise Door if Quest 3 (Permission to Visit Irale)
235 * = S1 Split Open Door if Have Sigil 4
666 * = SR Move Wall
EDIT: Made some typo corrections as of 2/11/2011

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kristus said:

Move wall?

It was a rudimentary attempt at having Wolf3D-like push walls evidently. It actually works, up to a point, so long as the wall doesn't move outside its original blockmap cell or cross nodelines in a way that interferes with rendering other parts of the map. Each time you push the wall, it moves back a bit.

It was naively implemented and was, according to what Kaiser heard from Peter Mack, basically just an experiment that never went anywhere.

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