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STEP6 rendering problem under vanilla/chocolate (tutti frutti)

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I get these straps on the stairs (I hope they can be seen on this low res pic), I tried splitting the linedef and set texture offsets to 0,0 but it did not help. No problems under PrBoom+. Anyone knows the reason and the cure?

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Try with pegged lower floors. That is, remove the "lower unpegged" attribute. It's called "Tutti Frutti Effect" (TFE) and happens in vanilla when a texture is not 128 units tall but is placed on a taller wall, when a transparent sky texture is used, or when a transparent texture is placed on a lower or higher wall.

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Having them either lower or upper unpegged will also cause this to happen. Check for that.

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Nope, "unpegged: none", it must be some other thing, but thanks.

printz said:
(TFE) happens in vanilla when a texture is not 128 units tall but is placed on a taller wall,

Wait, I don't understand. The texture size is 32x 16. The steps on my screen are 8 units tall and 16 units tall, everything should be fine?

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EarthQuake is right; thanks! I prefered their looks with that offset (without TFE of course), but it's not a life and death issue, so I changed that (could experiment with 1-pixel deep layers of walls, but it's not worth it).

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No, here's the original version:
Linedefs 261 & 347. The only thing I changed, was adding an offset on line 347 (vertical texture alignment) instead of removing on the other one so I got two tutti fruttis, whereas there was only one in the original and I hadn't noticed it.
Edit: nevermind, I understood that you assume I have put "Lower unpegged", and you say that I still MAY set "lower unpegged", right?

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If you want the texture without the TFE you could always just add a new one by creating a TEXTURE2 entry and then adding a single definition.

For example in XWE:
Create a new lump called TEXTURE2 then click Textures -> New

Enter Name Width Height:
STEP6_2 32 128

Then click Textures -> New Patch and enter PatchName xPos yPos:
STEP07 0 0
STEP10 0 8
STEP07 0 16
STEP10 0 24
... Repeat the pattern
STEP07 0 112
STEP10 0 120

or just do a similar thing in your preferred lump editor.
You just need a texture entry that is 128 high and not transparent.

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The "lower unpegged" flag means that textures on that sidedef will start drawing from the bottom edge, as opposed to the top edge. If you're trying to align it without using Y offsets (because of tutti fruiti) then these are your only options aside from what 4mer suggested: adding a standard size version of the step texture.

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EarthQuake said:

The "lower unpegged" flag means that textures on that sidedef will start drawing from the bottom edge, as opposed to the top edge.

No, that's only true for one-sided walls.

On two sided walls the lower unpegged flag makes the lower vertically align as though that area was part of a one-sided wall. So when you have a window, the texture on the lower will be vertically aligned with the nearby walls.

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EarthQuake said:

How does it do that, exactly? Does there have to be an adjacent one-sided wall?

No, it just draws it aligned the same way that it would any 1-sided line in that sector. It will align with the adjacent 1-sided lines if it has the same y-alignment set, whereas without the unpegged flags, it would draw from the opposite directions and (generally) not match up. Nothing magical about it. :P

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