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Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

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/!\ Don't look at this if your time is worth it /!\

This gotta be the worst blooper ever. I was cracking up even before dying this is just priceless.

Dancing with the demon. (Ultimate Doom demo btw)


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Honestly, you're doing fine. I think a lot of us have been taken out by that same Cyberdemon. If you had perhaps tried to finish him off from the slime, that would have been safer. It's not necessary to rush him in order to finish the level. Practice will smooth out the shakiness, although in my case, the nerves never really went away, I just learned to deal with it. If it wasn't the fear of not finishing the run, it was the fear of messing up a good time. Making it less obvious just comes from experience, lol.

You're doing great, though. Finishing that run should be applauded, so keep at it. Then move on to 30nm. :)

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Wow, I'm honored that you watched my demo Drew hehe. In fact, it's 'because' of you that I started speedrunning, because of your movies to be precise especially 30nm2956 :-).
So yes, I'm gonna move on to that doom2 challenge pretty soon (at least I hope so heh).

About this run, I admit I hurried a bit too much but I never expected that Cyber to kill me instantly like that. Well, I can't wait to fight him again!

Thanks for the support btw, it sure feels a bit lonely to be a speedrunner these days.

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I managed to finish my Ultimate Doom before Christmas. Here is my playthrough from Episode 1 to 4. All these playthrough are UV Max, except for E4M1 and E4M6. E4M1 have failed a lot of times, so I decided to give up and just do an ordinary run. E4M6 is the level I hate most, so I havn't do it.

There's a plus E3M6 UV-Speed(The demo to secret exit). I hope these playthroughs can apply to DSDA.

Because of the limited file size, I only can upload the playthrough one episode by episode.

episode 1.zip

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Daiyu_Xiaoxiang said in Doom E4M2 Intro:
What a good name to this level. Most doomers will hate it with PERFECT HATRED!!

Haha. I enjoyed reading your descriptions, although you know I think your demos require a bit more work. :)

E4M8 is your best demo imo, although your mouse movement...yeeesh. Would it be too much to lower your sensitivity by just a little bit? I couldn't even watch without having to turn "Smooth Demo Playback" on. Anyways, good job!

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I managed to watch these; nice job for a preliminary start. With what Qataar had said, I had expected uglier demos, but while the sensitivity is indeed high you used mostly sharp turns and were relatively accurate. Perhaps a high screen resolution with a high DPI mouse is helping, but there wasn't much shakiness that often plagues high mouse sensitivity. You still might benefit from a somewhat lower sensitivity, though, as you don't need it to be too high to make quick turns and a lower sensitivity usually means more accuracy.

You seem to like punching stuff with the berserk. That means we can expect a fair share of Tyson-style demos from you in the future.

Daiyu_Xiaoxiang said:
E4M6 is the level I hate most, so I havn't do it.

Pity, it's an awesome level! Even a failed attempt would have fit in.

About E1M8:
The ending teleporter is the only marble texture in episode 1.

There's some marble elsewhere:

About E2M6:
OK, really don't understand the name. There's no big hall in this map at all, so what does "Halls of the damned" means? Killing the "damn" monsters in a "hall"? No lol.

Heh, there are many hallways. Had there been only one large hall perhaps it would have been called "Hall of the Damned". Hall in singular can mean a room, but "halls" generally means passages or corridors. The damned are the condemned, or the inhabitants of hell.

About E3M7:
So what is Limbo? This is really the Gate to Limbo?

It is a bit strange for a level near the end, if you think about it, because Limbo has an almost neutral non-evil touch. In Dante's Inferno, it's the outer part of hell where all the great people that didn't do something nasty but weren't Christian ended up. When people say "I'm in limbo" they generally mean they're lost or confused.

About E4M9:
This is the only one map in episode 4 which doesn't use the name from the bible,

Well, the fear does appear many times in the Bible, so they probably did intend it as something taken from there, as all the rest.

Good luck with DOOM II, may the medikals be plentiful!

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I actually made new? jump in E4M3 (see demo) today without turbo. I just wonder how high speed one needs for that since the jump worked only once out of 200.

Now I had to use -turbo 130.


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These are two demos I did of E2M1 on NM. The first one (E2M1NM100+) is essentially an NM100 but with all items and monsters killed up to 137%. The other one is an NM survival. I wanted to see how long I could run around the level killing things before I started getting my ass kicked, I got 174% kills. How far can you go before you've had enough?


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E3M3 UV-Max in 2:16

This map has driven me mad for awhile, not that this demo is particularly strong. Luck has just been very evasive...


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NoobBait said:

E3M3 UV-Max in 2:16

This map has driven me mad for awhile, not that this demo is particularly strong. Luck has just been very evasive...

Great! Love to see Iwad demos beaten. This looks pretty optimized and indeed, you deserved better luck on it.

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I think -complevel 2 = -complevel 3 when there are no lost souls or teleporters present.
Edit: see here

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As promised in another thread, here is some 4 players coop max on uDoom :

*e1m1 in 0:15
*e1m2 in 0:53
*e1m3 in 1:14

And finally...

*the whole episode 1 in 9:11

Made by Dark, Guiddqd, JC (JCD) and me.

About the movie, it was f***ing awesome to record. Sadly (it is covered in the txt anyway) it was our first exit and it is a bit crappy. But the routes are ok... It just lacks better execution. Also, we made it two years ago and never had a chance to sit down and record again all together.

Anyway, enjoy ;)

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