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Do all Megawads end the same?

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I was just wondering if every Doom 2 megawad has the same ending as Doom 2? So far I've only played Plutonia and Evilution, so I guess technically I haven't played any of the free megawads like Requiem or Memento Mori, but I was just curious if any of them deviate from the Icon of Sin/Baphomet ending.

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There is Scythe + Scythe 2, although the ending is triggered as the same by shooting Romero's head but it is in a small quiet room without spawners and Icon of Sin.

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For the most part, it's some sort of variation on the same battle, although you'll have some interesting ones like Community Chest 2 and 3's battles, and Plutonia 2's MAP30. Equinox is one of the very few that doesn't end with a IoS battle that I know of.

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Watch NeoDoom or Stronghold: on the edge of chaos, or Super SOnic Doom. Both have different ending, but there are ZDoom WADs (except Neodoom, but it contains a simple ending, similar to the Doom 1 ending)

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Some of them do disappoint with endings very similar to Doom2.wad's, but others have quite some creativity put into spawner's design, and they're worth reaching and winning.

I used to, but I don't hate the Demon Spawner any more. There's something hectic about fighting permanent waves of monsters while racing against time, and it's always deeply satisfying to see the KILLS ratio roll well over 1000%, as if you've destroyed untold miles of hell by finishing that particular tour of Doom 2.

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Yes, there are plenty of creative last levels I've played. Eternal Doom's MAP30, "Excalibur" was pretty massive, and difficult to solve. I loved how Memento Mori's MAP30, "Viper" makes good use of the cyberdemon. And I have to agree on the Icarus MAP30; that level was pretty colorful and cool. :)

I think my favorite MAP30 scenario is when they either actually make it into a level with a boss battle (MAP30 Last Call of TNT) or they have something else creative in mind (MAP30 Viper of Memento Mori). Either way I usually don't mind Icon of Sin-type battles, as long as it has something else to offer.

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Oh sorry, I misunderstood the question...

Well, Scythe MAP30 was good I think. But BTW the more important thing is my opinion: I agree with you. I don't like the lots of Icon of Sin endings. It should be usually, because its a kind of tribute to the Doom 2, but it kills the really good ideas.

I had 2 megaWAD ideas previously and I imagined both MAP30 about big and long levels with a lot of action and armies of hellspawns. I think, Icon of Sin itself isn't powerful enough for a last level. If you fight 29 places of evil hellspawns, the end of the line must be HARDCORE AS POSSIBLE! It's not a joke; you must be get the chance to get medikits, ammos, powerups, everything, but also, for making a good last level, mappers must be place a lot of monsters! Monster armies combined with enough amount of supplies are guarantee to action and CARNAGE, which is a most important part of Doom...

(just think about Scythe 2 last level! hardcore, and you get enogh supplies... and it's a cool level with a lot of action? YES!!!!)

Now I have a work-in-progress megaWAD, and my idea for MAP30 are hardcore. For example you must survive the ICon of Sin spawns. Just survive because you won't be able to kill it, just waiting for open the door, etc.

Yes I know, I'm mad, but what do you think about my radical theory?

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One Bloody Night still contains my favorite version of an Icon level... If only it weren't so goddamn hard.

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Katamori said:

you must be get the chance to get medikits, ammos, powerups, everything, but also, for making a good last level, mappers must be place a lot of monsters! Monster armies combined with enough amount of supplies are guarantee to action and CARNAGE, which is a most important part of Doom...


Now I have a work-in-progress megaWAD, and my idea for MAP30 are hardcore. For example you must survive the ICon of Sin spawns. Just survive because you won't be able to kill it, just waiting for open the door, etc.

Yes I know, I'm mad, but what do you think about my radical theory?

I'm attempting a similar thing for the final map of the 1994 project. We've taken a level and made spawn points for an un-ending horde to appear. I hope is that it will give the player a sense of urgency to finish the level before they are overwhelmed. It seems to be a fine line though between the map not having enough of a "horde" advancing on the player and having a ridiculous amount of monsters such that the map is full and player movement is difficult.

As I've progressed through the maps build I can see a map where,as you say, the player is presented with 'x' number of portals which is allowing monsters into the map and the player then having to do 'xyz' to close/block them off one at a time.

The only catch I have found at present is that the player must shoot once in the map to make the spawned monsters active, otherwise they are deaf and telefrag themselves. A player knowing this could attempt to get as far as possible in the map without shooting to make it easier for them. To counter this I'm debating on putting in a shootable switch to advance at the maps start and/or a pre-placed horde that would promote shooting to defend/advance into the map.

I've also got another IoS map that I started making awhile back that is your more standard doom2-fare. But I'm making the Baphomet face 'bob' to add some extra difficulty to the normal raise plat jump+shoot process.


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Huh, weird. I immediately thought of Fragport and was trying to think of which wads were similar to it in that regard. Took me far too long to realize exactly who was posting... :P

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Perdition's Gate (iirc) does the "run away from the Icon of Sin" thing. Although it isnt as long as people's ideas would probably suggest

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Icon of Sin style maps are always dissapointing. The only exceptions that come to mind are Fragport, Equinox and Super Sonic Doom.
Edit: And Scythe 2.

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