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Pondering what people want for DOOM 4 (weapons, monsters, gameplay, modernizing)

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I think that applies to a lot of old school late 90's/early 00's PC shooters. Dark Forces I and II, System Shock, Kiss: Psycho Circus(albeit not much on the problem solving for that one), Half-Life, etc.

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I think there should be a BFG-20k
It should use 100 cells and do 10,000 damage and fire at 1 shot per minute!

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skib said:

I think there should be a BFG-20k
It should use 100 cells and do 10,000 damage and fire at 1 shot per minute!

Yeah, and then you could end the level in about two seconds, if you don't blow yourself up with the BFG-20K. :-P

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Doom is about beating the shit out of Hell because you're faster, smarter, and an all-around badass. It's certainly not about sneaking timidly around Mars bases and stupid crap like that. The Doomguy is just a guy, he isn't hopped up on some dumb super drug and he sure as hell can't use "magic" or "souls" (WTF). He blows demons up, that's it. To that end, I have a little list of things I'd like to see in Doom 4.

  • I want to see things. The flashlight system blows.
  • I want to slaughter huge amounts of demons, not worry about whether they're gonna fall out of the ceiling or jump out of a locker (that I can't even see, btw)
  • I want to go outside.
  • I want Hell to look like Hell. This means twisted, mangled bodies, blood, guts, and skin everywhere, fire & brimstone, etc. etc. etc.
  • I want to not move like I'm asleep. Doom/Doom II player speed please.
  • No more stupid story. I never want to hear about drugs or magic or souls ever again (so, so lame......). The only things I care about are things I can blow up.
  • Awesome, yet simple weapons. The Doomguy doesn't fuck around with dumb shit like mines or sniper rifles. He fires 30 rockets into a horde of monsters and murders the survivors with a chainsaw. He also enjoys it.
  • Real multiplayer, not this 4 player crap - not that anyone ever played D3 multiplayer because the maps were a joke and the flashlight sucked, but w/e.
  • No stupid characters or dialogue. Good grief what is this, Mass Effect? Time spent listening to your bullshit is time I could be spending grinding up hellspawn.
I think it also goes without saying that I'm not a fan of modern gameplay mechanics like cover or regen. That shit is for pussies.

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- Out door, wide open areas
- sprint system like in old dooms
- no iron siting. Dont do it, ID.
- lots of monsters that look original to DOOM 2
- taking place in creepy areas on earth and not just some city (as I said, the marshes, swamps, and beachs of hunting island (SC) and lake marian will do.)

- DEATH ANIMATIONS LIKE IN OLD GAMES! Idk why 3D games dont have violent death scenes anymore. What, a demon just falling is cool?
- secrets
-easter eggs
-more gunz
-large boss fights that aren't scripted (IE like ones from ratchet and clank or other modern games) Scripted boss fights are for rail shooters.

-better storyline as to what goes on on earth
-little to no cutscenes

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I kinda like the ragdoll physics, can lead to some amusing moments. However, I would like to see animations as well... maybe somehow do half/half? Perhaps some do animations, others go limp or they'll do animations and then go limp? Seeing monsters hover in air off a ledge is kinda weird looking and if you blast them away, they just look like boards, so some ragdoll physics would be nice to see.

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I kinda like the ragdoll physics, can lead to some amusing moments. However, I would like to see animations as well... maybe somehow do half/half? Perhaps some do animations, others go limp or they'll do animations and then go limp? Seeing monsters hover in air off a ledge is kinda weird looking and if you blast them away, they just look like boards, so some ragdoll physics would be nice to see.

I got ya....

perhaps, like in turok, it will die, then after you're done messing with its body, it finally does its nasty bits of decomposing...

idk, its hard to fit both it...

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