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Greatest Victory [bump]

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Angus Thermopyle said:
I've beaten a few demos of AdamH, Vile or Ryback (my greatest victories yet), but never one of Sedlo's (which would be my greatest victory ever).

Sedlo is a godly perfectionist in little subtle sprints, and his shorter runs are usually almost unbeatable, but the longer ones still have reasonable room for improvement. For example, I think you can beat his NS19-134.

As for me, I think my "greatest Doom victory" in 2007 was doing a Nightmare tablefiller for Hell Revealed MAP13, in under one half of Peo's TAS time. In 2010, it was pushing the Memento Mori MAP28 UV-Fast record down to 13:39. But it doesn't keep me from continuing progressing (slowly but steadily). Compared to all previous years, I improved my movement precision, and some of my future demos will be better than my best ones of 2010.

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Vaporizer said:


Heh, seriously.

I've yet to do anything that affected me as intensely as completing a max run of doom2.wad with 100% items.  I probably never will.

When the last intermission screen appeared, I grabbed a stopwatch to check my heart rate, which was around 210.

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When I beat Doom 2(.exe) on NM a couple of years back, only saving at the beginning of each level. Its funny that I beat map30 on the first try but 29 took the most tries of all the levels I had to keep replaying (map04, 09, 10, 13, 24 that i remember were notably difficult).

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mm, I have lots

-beating cyberdemon on DOOM64 if fifth grade when I first got it without hiding back in the stairway shooting an accosianal BFG.

-finally getting DOOM-DOOM 2 entirely (cuz after both sharware and DOOM64, I wanted doom ever so badly to get the whole, real experience, and got GBA version which was also meh.)

-learning how to play mods on PC version (took forever to know how but Wolf3D dome taught me in a tutorial)

- making my first map
- replacing my first sprites

- beating DOOM2

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I don't really keep mental records of stuff like this (played too many wads really) but beating Titan 2 map 07 on -fast without cheats is one. Lots of sneaking, sniping and tactical powerup use from the one safe spot eventually saw the way out.

Beating Sunder on -fast without cheats is another. Every time I came to a new set-piece I wondered "is this the one that'll finally beat me", especially when going upwards in that final citadel map. But nope, just took a bit of thought and outside-the-box tricks in some places, along with everything I had ofc.

(this was the 10-map version, not played the newer ones yet)

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I would say learning how to glide. being how insanely hard it is to do so, when you just slip through those bars so easily like nothing is holding you back, you get that feeling of "can not be stopped!" coursing through your veins! being that it is also the reason how i set the WR for Go 4 it on plutonia 2, it has since become a trademark of my gameplay :-)

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SonidoSpeed said:

I would say learning how to glide. being how insanely hard it is to do so, when you just slip through those bars so easily like nothing is holding you back, you get that feeling of "can not be stopped!" coursing through your veins! being that it is also the reason how i set the WR for Go 4 it on plutonia 2, it has since become a trademark of my gameplay :-)

how do you do that, anyways?

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For me, it was the rush of beating eaxt.wad and nochance.wad for the first time (on UV of course).

Those were the sorts of maps that got me into mapping in the first place. (Which is funny, because those maps didn't rely on the sorts of monster counts my own do.)

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I've been away from doom for more than a decade and I finished the first three episodes of Doom and then just now finished Doom 2. I beat Doom 2 when I was a kid but now I have no idea how I did that with just the keyboard.

The games are pretty easy on the default difficulty, finished the first three episodes with almost all 100% and dying only a couple of times, then I moved on to Doom 2 and did almost all 100% until the last few levels with only dying once... But then I hit the Icon of sin and it was a slaughter-fest. I have no idea how many times I died but I was having a blast (pun). It was the first time the game made me sweat. Once I finally killed the icon the feeling was, well, glorious. It was the greatest and most enjoyable victory I've had from playing a game in a long time.

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Getting I think 14 frags against Dominus in old school MAP01 almost a decade ago, when I was still a noobish little kid. Purely luck of course, as I had no real grasp of Doom mechanics back then.

Learning how to sr50 with a custom key config on pr+.

Learning how to two-shot cybies with ease after countless hours of practicing on tom19.wad MAP11.

...and holy shit, Artem, you have some hardcore necro skillz. :)

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yellowmadness54 said:

how do you do that, anyways?

well gliding takes MONOTONOUS amounts of practice, being that, according to doomitist Creaphis, you must find a "sweet spot" within a gap that is about i believe 32 units in length, and there is this 0.01 degree where the doomguy must touch in order for the glide to be successful. i forgot the thread that the discussion was on but if you want i can possibly give a demo showing multiple glides to show you it. though at first it takes so much patience you wonder if it's even possible, especially if the gap is between the bars and not against a wall of a gate.

there are two types called "guideless" and "guided" glides. of course, guideless are harder (guided are wall-running or SR50ing into a gap which makes it easier since the point is already determined)

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beating PSX DOOM on ultra violence without losing too many times compared to number of levels

that was pretty epic

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