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[GEC] Master Edition PSX Doom for the PlayStation. Beta 4 Released [11/16/2022]

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9 hours ago, Dimon12321 said:

On PC version, the player's health cannot drop below 1 HP if he is within a sector area where this effect is applied and when he touches the floor, the level ends.

decino confirms this behaviour (3:18):
"In the code that handles dagaming entities, there's a special condition here if the player is inside a death exit sector. If the player is, then never drop the health below 1%, essentially ensuring that player doesn't die when using the death exit."  

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Yeah. That check might have been added once Doom II came out, but since this is based on JagDoom (which, in turn, was based on Doom 1.2's codebase if memory serves), that check might not be present, and need to be added.


That's what I was going to suggest to do.

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Really happy that this is out, though I noticed a strange bug: Some of the packs starts you at random levels. Doom takes you to "Phobos Mission Control", SIGIL seems to work as intended, Doom II takes you to "Downtown", NRFTL takes you to "The Earth Base", The Master Levels takes you to "The Garrison", TNT takes you to "Power Control", Plutonia takes you to "Well of Souls" - is this a known bug or something?

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You do know that this isn't including any of the Doom levels that are already in the official PSX Doom releases, right? This just contains the levels that were cut, so ofc it's incomplete. Sigil is fully included since it was completely missing in any of the official releases.


If you want everything, a complete edition doesn't exist - yet. But there'll be a way later on, probably. Even though you'll have to do it by yourself.

Edited by NightFright

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25 minutes ago, Greenknight9000 said:

Really happy that this is out, though I noticed a strange bug: Some of the packs starts you at random levels. Doom takes you to "Phobos Mission Control", SIGIL seems to work as intended, Doom II takes you to "Downtown", NRFTL takes you to "The Earth Base", The Master Levels takes you to "The Garrison", TNT takes you to "Power Control", Plutonia takes you to "Well of Souls" - is this a known bug or something?

No, that's how it is. Master Edition is about reinserting cut content or content created in official forms after the game's release - therefore, the original PSX maps are removed.

  • The first "official" replacement for Doom would be Romero's E1M4B, Phobos Mission Control.
  • SIGIL is a new episode in and of itself, so it starts at E5M1.
  • Doom II had all of its maps up to Downtown, so that's first.
  • NRFTL indeed begins on The Earth Base.
  • Final Doom on PSX included a bunch of Master Levels content; of the ones it did not include, The Garrison was first.
  • TNT on PSX Final Doom had a bunch of its levels; Power Control was the first one not included.
  • Plutonia on PSX Final Doom had a bunch of its levels; Well of Souls was the first one not included.

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1 minute ago, Dark Pulse said:

No, that's how it is. Master Edition is about reinserting cut content or content created in official forms after the game's release - therefore, the original PSX maps are removed.

  • The first "official" replacement for Doom would be Romero's E1M4B, Phobos Mission Control.
  • SIGIL is a new episode in and of itself, so it starts at E5M1.
  • Doom II had all of its maps up to Downtown, so that's first.
  • NRFTL indeed begins on The Earth Base.
  • Final Doom on PSX included a bunch of Master Levels content; of the ones it did not include, The Garrison was first.
  • TNT on PSX Final Doom had a bunch of its levels; Power Control was the first one not included.
  • Plutonia on PSX Final Doom had a bunch of its levels; Well of Souls was the first one not included.

Ahhhh I see. I feel like the Wiki might need to be edited to explain that more clearly since my dumbass didn't get that. Would there be plans in the future to patch the original game so that the original levels could be playable as well?

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1 minute ago, Greenknight9000 said:

Ahhhh I see. I feel like the Wiki might need to be edited to explain that more clearly since my dumbass didn't get that. Would there be plans in the future to patch the original game so that the original levels could be playable as well?

GEC has said they do plan for that, but it will be named something else I think. Master Edition will solely be the cut maps.

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I feel like "The Lost Levels" would be a more apt, and immediately understandable title in that case.

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42 minutes ago, Kroc said:

I feel like "The Lost Levels" would be a more apt, and immediately understandable title in that case.

Yeah, with the original PS1 Doom/Final Doom levels packaged together as a 'Remastered' version.

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Wow, what a nice surprise! At last! 

It was about time! I was late to notice this happening, since I don't get notifications from this site on my phone, however better late than never. Congratulations to the whole team for their continued commitment and dedication poured into this project. I will momentarily abandon my world tour among the various DN3D add-on episodes to devote myself to this gem, long awaited as much as now unexpected. I will certainly be won over! 
[hmmm.....damn, where the hell did I leave my PSP???]

Edited by Nikoka

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On 11/19/2022 at 12:18 AM, Kroc said:

So awesome! I've converted BETA4 for PSP / Vita / PSTV

What game ID did you use? I wanted to convert it myself, first with the ID it gives me automatically (slus66604) on psx2psp, then with the ID of Final Doom: in both cases it crashes during the loading text, when the green line is complete, after the sound effect of the rifle loading. How come? What game ID did you use instead? Have you actually tested the game on PSP?

Edited by Nikoka

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1 hour ago, Nikoka said:

What game ID did you use? I wanted to convert it myself, first with the ID it gives me automatically (slus66604) on psx2psp, then with the ID of Final Doom: in both cases it crashes during the loading text, when the green line is complete, after the sound effect of the rifle loading. How come? What game ID did you use instead? Have you actually tested the game on PSP?

It works on Adrenaline on Vita.

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I'm using a PSP with ProCFW 6.20/6.60. I use a script to convert, the command line is:

"popstation.exe" "DOOM: Master Edition" "SLUS00077" 9 "..\ISO\PSXDOOM_BETA_4.bin"

Have you installed and enabled the cdda extension? The game uses redbook audio for the title screen and this won't play on POPS versions below above 4.0. The freeze sounds like you cue file has been processed incorrectly and the game is accessing the wrong track.


I recommend you download my PSP conversion as it has installation instructions, and you can load the EBOOT.PBP into PSX2PSP and customize the images without having to rebuild from the disk-image.

Edited by Kroc : s/below/above

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2 hours ago, Kroc said:

I'm using a PSP with ProCFW 6.20/6.60

I am using cfw pro c-fix3

2 hours ago, Kroc said:

Have you installed and enabled the cdda extension?

Surely. But when I didn't have this extension installed, some games (e.g. Tomb Raider) simply ran without bgm or voice tracks, but didn't crash.

2 hours ago, Kroc said:

this won't play on POPS versions below 4.0

I am using the latest version.

2 hours ago, Kroc said:

I recommend you download my PSP conversion

So the ID you used is that of Doom (US). Anyway I will do as you suggested. 


Edit: In fact, your version works out of the box. 😉


Edited by Nikoka

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Sorry I made the mistake of saying POPS versions *below* 4.0 instead of *above*; Sony removed CDDA support in POPS v5.

I'm glad it works for you 👍

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@Erick194 @Gerardo194


Hello again, so here are huge load of bugs what I found in Beta 4 as well as suggestions. Also this time I played in coop link mode, and the second console is used PSIO cartridge, it worked fine for me so it compatible with Master Edition. Also tried deathmatch mode.


Settings bugs:



-font/logo for the initial doom graphic screen and credits screen is too translucent - the text is hard to see

-in the settings are confused(changed places) the right and left analogs of the controller

-If you are put up at the L3 button "Strafe ON", and on R3 "USE", in this case, R3 sometimes does not work



Engine bugs:



-An absurd glitch with mancubus leg sprite on a plasmagun (photo) on Go 2 It map. Without a concept, it happened randomly and another time it did not happen. Need to confirm

-On the Realm map, in current beta "teeth-surfaces" (border with sky) and white dot strips (lower) are visible with a certain viewing angle(photo). When you turn, everything is fine(photo). Other surface lines on many maps are also affected.

-Distortion of animated flats, the example beginning of The Chasm map - in the lower left side of the screen (photo). This place is on the map, you can also go to the edge and see how the nukage texture is distorted this is not a bug of the map, since it happened on many others - for example with brown soil flat

-Leaking radiation suits (happened on The Living End lava and some other maps where the sector which does 10%-20% Damage). As far as I remember, leaking radsuits was no longer in PSX Doom. It is not clear how this "bug" migrated to Master Edition from Dos Doom. Although I can be wrong here

-Sky texture trembles when you go forward or backward, look carefully and you will see. Some kind of vertical stripes appear that tremble (for the first time I noticed this on Canyon of the Dead but it was everywhere). Animated fire sky seems is not affected

-Really serious problem, sometimes monsters do not notice the player until you shoot them (clear example, right at the start at The Hive map, pay attention). I don’t know for sure this is map bug or not, but this has happened on many another maps. Even the engine is improved, but as I expected there were problems happening

-It seems that Arch-Vile is moving too fast, even faster than his fellow from the original DOS Doom. Perhaps this is due to the fact that my PS1 in PAL mode? I watched NTSC playthrough and archie was a bit slower... This must be double-checked



Mapping bugs:



-Each episode was most likely supposed to play with pistol start, but as we see after Dis we immediately go to Sigil's first map with all the weapons, instead the game menu after the end of the episode (or show the plot text with monster cast?)

-I believe that Hell Keep is more rational to put the episode on the first slot instead of Phobos Mission Control, as it is easier and it is supposed to play with pistol start

-@Dexiaz In the Baphomet Demesne on the northwestern rocks there is a hanging body through which you can go, although the rest are impassable

-@mr-aroundOn Sheol it would be rational to add a couple of first-aid kits and a little more ammo to the eastern part of the map (this map part initially designed for deathmatch; I think that there was an excessively many barons which are too annoying) I remind you that in the PSX Doom version there will be no way to save in any time and slight relief sometimes takes place, as it was in the some original PSX Doom Maps

-@Impboy4In Abaddon Void is very difficult to jump over in two places, it is necessary to shorten passage or change some heights (photo)

-In Unspeakable Persecution, the teleport does not have enough one teleporting line (photo)

-Industrial Zone: it's possible to use this switch right across the fence which should not be (photo). Correctly you should reach top floor to open this closet

-Downtown: somehow I picked up a rocket launcher without activating a trap with teleporting demons (maybe I ran very fast and this is not a mapping bug? It's to @Erick194). When I crossed the line second time, the trigger worked

-In Homage map, I skipped the path jumping to this bridge, without taking the rest of the keys (photo)

-In Bloodflood, at the map beginning the message "W: not enough sound ram!". Maybe GEC explain details?

-In Trapped on Titan, in rocket launcher area where are stairs from 16 sectors, there are also metal pads on the ceiling that are very lowering fps. Why not remove metal pads on the ceiling, especially since they do not affect the map progression. I removed similar components in other maps and this helped with performance

-The Image of Evil has an missing texture near the exit ( photo 1, 2 )

-Power Control still have 2 of 3 issues from old beta

-Shipping Respawning have some missing textures (photo 1 from inside closet, photo 2)

-@Dragonsbrethren @mr-around @Impboy4 The Well of Souls seems the old version of map, it still contains the silly wall in the skull corridor, which prevents the collection of ammo and player runs out of ammo very fast (I remind you that there was already a correct proposal to correct this by dividing the corridor sector into several parts, please fix it). Also there is still a problem with the rising platform right before exit - this was already mentioned earlier

-Caged: bug from the past, Beta 4 has not fixed closet with the exit. I can still skip the path by using the exit switch below on outside

-On Realm, I would recommend removing 6 optional pillars with torches in the central area with exit, since FPS is extremely low here (as well as 8 (!) pillars that blocking the way to the exit - may be reduce to 4 or 2?). Wait up... there is old picture from this thread with better optimized exit area (photo). Did GEC has included old version of maps? Also on this map there are still 2 stuck mancubi who rise on the platform near the exit - they simply stomp on the spot

-Hunted has nightmare arch-viles, and therefore there are not enough ammo if we start with pistol start. Please add more ammo that will correspond to the number HP of NM Arch-Viles

- @DynamiteKaitorn In Impossible Mission, no one fixed the bugs from the last beta:

1) a drowned grass platform in a location with a yellow key (photo). Originally it should not be drowned

2) this switch on grass platform should be reusable otherwise we will not be able to get a yellow key if the bridge in this location lowers again

3) the pit with drowned barons in a red key location (photo). Check all action lines, sometimes player not passing them (or ask help others to fix this map)

-Sewers has a significant loss of framerate in a location with a 3D effect (round room with "rings" sectors). Might be worth reducing few floor sectors

-In Odyssey of Noises, to increase framerate, I sincerely suggest to remove the huge optional sector with a stone road, leaving a grass coating (Lost Levels TC did it and I totally agree with them). Also there, near the large red pit, there is still a small tech fence that does not fit into the environment (on the left side of the pit). Other parts of map used a hell fence which is best fit



Multiplayer bugs:


-Need to correct the sound of using the switch in the multiplayer mode. I explain: for example, when I play as the second player, I hear "Click" when the first player using the switch on the other side of the map that is very far away!

-Need to fix the "foreign" vibration in the multiplayer. I explain: for example, I play the second player and feel everything that the first player does, his shots, injuries, etc. (The second player has vibration from the first and vice versa)

-In deathmatch mode, the keys-cards are displayed on HUD simultaneously with the skull keys (one sprite is superimposed on the other)

-Sometimes in the cooperative mode the second player receives 2-4% of kills in level statistics, although he could just stand still and do nothing. Friendly fire between monsters or explosions of barrels? Try checking

-Dis: There is no way to get out of the level in deathmatch mode. The trigger does not work due to the lack of a monster that activates it.

-It seems that in Baphomet Demesne there are no deathmatch starts, just add them to so that the game does not freeze

-Abaddons Void: There are no deathmatch starts

-Unspeakable Persecution: There are no deathmatch starts

-Grosse: There is no way to get out of the level in deathmatch mode. The trigger does not work.

-Caribbean: the same as with Dis and Grosse in deathmatch mode, the trigger does not work




-Is it possible to replace the strafing and turns on analogs (left and right) - setting up the analog axis, for example, so that we can move forward/backward and turn with only left analog

-I suggest in the settings instead of annoying flashing "mouse" and "analog" to insert simply "mouse/analog" or "mouse&analog", there should be enough space on the screen

-Is it possible to add skip levels to 10 at once when pressing R1/L1 during the activation of warp cheat, as well as in the main menu's  multiplayer level choose and in demo level choose, since it is annoying to switch through at 100+ levels



Edited by riderr3

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Are there any maps as part of this project that include the nightmare flag for anything beyond spectres?

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Hello @Dynamo

If you're referring to this project. Yes! There are nightmare Imps, Barons and Knights, Mankies, Archies, Cybies and so on. If you want, try it out. Have a good day. 

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1 minute ago, Gerardo194 said:

Hello @Dynamo

If you're referring to this project. Yes! There are nightmare Imps, Barons and Knights, Mankies, Archies, Cybies and so on. If you want, try it out. Have a good day. 

Thank you! Do you know in which maps these appear?

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In Beta 4, there's too little health & ammo on the Sigil maps.


It's not just me thinking this: 



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2 hours ago, riderr3 said:

Mapping bugs:

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-Downtown: somehow I picked up a rocket launcher without activating a trap with teleporting demons (maybe I ran very fast and this is not a mapping bug? It's to @Erick194). When I crossed the line second time, the trigger worked


Well, I don't know how similar the linedef skipping oddity is to PC version, but during my walkthrough, I managed to skip a linedef at least twice. One of them was diagonal (first lift in Sigil's E5M2 Sheol) and I was running North-East.


The point is, the closer player's origin point is to the linedef, the easier it is to skip it, if the player's speed is high. In case of PSX Doom, a low framerate may make it even easier.

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2 hours ago, Dynamo said:

Thank you! Do you know in which maps these appear?

In NRFTL, Tomb of Malevolence, you have a nightmare CyberDemon. 

In Grosse, you have another nightmare CyberDemon in UV and Nightmare! 

In Altar of Extraction, you have nightmare Mankies. 

In Titan Manor, you have Nightmare Baron. 

Too many maps have nightmare variants

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4 hours ago, riderr3 said:

In the Baphomet Demesne on the northwestern rocks there is a hanging body through which you can go, although the rest are impassable


Thanks for mentioning that, but I've taken pause from modding, sorry. But I hope someone will fix that.

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5 hours ago, Dynamo said:

Are there any maps as part of this project that include the nightmare flag for anything beyond spectres?

As well can be mentioned rare nightmare Spider Mastermind on "We who are About to Die".

Also there are spectre enemies (translucent ones). For example on "The Enemy Inside" one of cyberdemons is a spectre variant.


2 hours ago, Dimon12321 said:

Well, I don't know how similar the linedef skipping oddity is to PC version, but during my walkthrough, I managed to skip a linedef at least twice. One of them was diagonal (first lift in Sigil's E5M2 Sheol) and I was running North-East.


The point is, the closer player's origin point is to the linedef, the easier it is to skip it, if the player's speed is high. In case of PSX Doom, a low framerate may make it even easier.

This rocket launcher room is pretty closed and the framerate inside is average.

For all years of playing original PSX Doom I've not remember such linedef skipping, it may happens after engine was updated and some stuff added/synchronized with latest version of DOS Doom. But I can be wrong.


1 hour ago, Dexiaz said:


Thanks for mentioning that, but I've taken pause from modding, sorry. But I hope someone will fix that.

As usual, we can ask @Impboy4 or GEC


3 hours ago, Vita93 said:

In Beta 4, there's too little health & ammo on the Sigil maps.


It's not just me thinking this: 




I agree and I also mentioned this. @mr-around made some changes to the DM part of map and now it playable but it was a bit unbalanced by the point of items.

Edited by riderr3

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The analogue controls make a huge difference, thank you team GEC! Between analogue sticks and digital-only control on PSP, the default control scheme and options are not optimal. Analogue control really requires shoot/run on shoulder buttons as gameplay is very clunky when you have to let go of R-stick (aim) to shoot, use, run etc. R3 for Use is useful, but L3/R3 are not practical as actions to be combined with movement/aiming (pushing sticks in and a direction at the same time).


I believe there needs to be two (or more) selectable control schemes; "analogue" and "digital" with better thought-out defaults for controls. Ideally, please use an image of the PlayStation controller with button labels as I find this to be better for memorising controls. There could even be a "PSP"-specific control-scheme since L2/R2 require letting go of the dpad to use.


Edit -- forgot to add. When auto-run is enabled, pushing the sticks lightly should still walk!

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On 11/21/2022 at 4:30 PM, Greenknight9000 said:

Really happy that this is out, though I noticed a strange bug: Some of the packs starts you at random levels. Doom takes you to "Phobos Mission Control", SIGIL seems to work as intended, Doom II takes you to "Downtown", NRFTL takes you to "The Earth Base", The Master Levels takes you to "The Garrison", TNT takes you to "Power Control", Plutonia takes you to "Well of Souls" - is this a known bug or something?

Hello. Hope you are very fine. 

What you are experiencing with the level progression is the normal behavior of the project in this Beta phase 4 GEC has released. It's not a bug. 

GEC is planning the full progression of the project to include those maps you want to see from both PSXDoom and Final Doom. 

Hope you enjoy beta 4 and have a good night. 


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I'm about half way through SIGIL on a PSTV, running the PSP eboot in Adrenaline on Vita custom firmware, and as far as I can tell there's no issues with the PSP eboot.  This includes (as would be expected) the right analog stick is being fed through fine to the PSP firmware (a feature of Adrenaline) without any issues with the camera in the actual game.

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Hi all. Not sure if this conversation in particular belongs in this thread, so I apologize in advance in case it doesn't. Has anyone been able to run this on a PS3? I own a modded PS3 that just refuses to run this game in any form. I have tried creating a PKG file, but most builders fail at one point or another. I've also tried converting the PSP version (which runs fine on my Vita) to the PS3 but had no luck. Once I managed to get a PKG file, it appears to install but the game doesn't appear in the XMB. Finally, running the .bin files straight from mmCM just closes the software and reboots the PS3, it seems. If anyone had more luck and is willing to share the PKG file, I'd appreciate it.

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8 hours ago, DU0 said:

Hi all. Not sure if this conversation in particular belongs in this thread, so I apologize in advance in case it doesn't. Has anyone been able to run this on a PS3? I own a modded PS3 that just refuses to run this game in any form. I have tried creating a PKG file, but most builders fail at one point or another. I've also tried converting the PSP version (which runs fine on my Vita) to the PS3 but had no luck. Once I managed to get a PKG file, it appears to install but the game doesn't appear in the XMB. Finally, running the .bin files straight from mmCM just closes the software and reboots the PS3, it seems. If anyone had more luck and is willing to share the PKG file, I'd appreciate it.

Have you tried using ps1_netemu?


In wedMAN MOD, in the settings right at the top, is a checkbox for using ps1_netemu.


Also, are you able to run the vanilla PS1 NTSC and PAL versions of Final Doom on both ps1_emu and ps1_netemu?



Edited by Vita93

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So, I made a full walkthrough of SIGIL map-set and here's my feedback.


It looks awesome! At least, all the maps maintain their original layout, albeit simplified. They are not very tall. All those decorated backgrounds are replaced with plain textures.
I like how E5M2 (Sheol) utilizes the scrapped part of the map and filled it with monsters. It was certainly a good idea!

I'm wondering where the last secret was. I seem to find all 9, but the game counted 8 secrets.

Now to negatives:
1) PSX provides more room for optimization than Sega 32X, but it still doesn't handle it well. You can notice, throughout my walkthrough the framerate often jumps from 30 to 10 and vice versa. In half the cases, I don't know what's the reason because I see the mappers tried to keep the visplane limit.
Does it make sense to reduce colored sector lightings?

2) The maps are not optimized for PSX controls. There are secrets that require walking on ledges along the walls. The process of precise positioning can be quite tedious. Most floors also have lava, and if you fail, you lose health. It would be great if GEC could fix the Atari Jaguar's bug when the player bumps into wall edges and, to get unblock, has to walk back or in the opposite direction. Those ledges should be enlarged!
Yes, I used savestates to get all those secrets from the 1st try, but most people won't have this features.

3) Maps sometimes abuse darkness. I know PSX Doom is famous for this, but it makes the play difficult. Especially, when you fight Nightmare monsters because they become hard to be spotted.


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In Beta 4, in 'The Enemy Inside', there's no way there's enough health and ammo on the map to defeat three cyberdemons at the end.  The PC version is much less difficult at the end.


EDIT: I've just noticed the loot cave with rocket ammo and a BFG.

Edited by Vita93

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