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EDGE 2.1.0 Discussion [RC-1.5 Released on 10.17.2018]

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EDGE 2.1.0-RC-1.5 has been released via SourceForge! Binaries for Linux are coming later as I didn't have time to compile and upload before work!

https://sourceforge.net/projects/edge2/files/3DGE binaries/2.1/2.1.0/RC-1/RC-1.5/

(ignore the Malware Detected thing on SF, I'm not sure why it says that as it detects the crashlogger from Eternity Engine as the culprit, but I have verified with Quasar that it is not the case, SF is just dumb - if it helps, Github does not complain!)


* There is a huge list of changes between 2.1.0-Test3 and 2.1.0-RC1.5, so make sure to check out the CHANGELOG (or scroll down this post a bit).


** Downloads are only available currently for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms as of 10.17.18 - I will release Linux builds when I have more time to compile/upload/test, though it can be built from source! It is also important to note that if you are looking for Windows XP support, we only support XP on the 32-bit builds of EDGE (x86). We will not be supporting XP at all in the 64-bit releases, so keep that in mind if you are looking to run it on that OS. 


This release candidate is one of many that we are putting out before 2.1.0 Final, in the hopes that we can catch bugs and serious issues before the final launch. Please download and give it a spin! 




It's been three years since any official release of EDGE (the last being 2.0.4 in 4/2016!) and seven full years since the last release of EDGE in general (back in 2011), so I wanted to make a thread detailing what to expect from the upcoming 2.1.0 build. If you've been keeping up with the development builds via DRDTeam you have an idea or two, but I've just released 32-bit and 64-bit builds of EDGE that will closer represent 2.1.0 Final. You can find those here.  I am working on a Roadmap to 2.1.0 Final and should be available in our Wiki later today.


Click the spoiler below for the full changelog for RC-1. If you want a generalized summary of features we have added and how they work, please see this post on the ZDoom forums.


The biggest additions to these latest devbuilds and the ones from before June 2018 is our reworked Image handling/decoding, rendering improvements, COAL improvements, and archive support (PK3/PAK/EPK). The extension .EPK (which stands for Edge PacKage) is the equivalent of PK3 or PKE from Eternity.



CHANGELOG for EDGE 2.1.0-RC#1.5 (since RC-1)

(Date: OCTOBER 2018)


+ Fixed JPEG/PNG Screenshot generation from RC1

+ Fixed ROTT patch_t struct, images can co-exist with normal
  DOOM drawer now (almost, working on a fix for last column)
+ Minor additions for QDOOM 1.01 compatibility


CHANGELOG for EDGE 2.1.0-RC#1 (since 2.0.4 Final)

(Date: OCTOBER 2018)

Bugs fixed

+ Fixed ghosting images when sizes were not exactly the same

+ Action Buttons work and are toggable again

+ Fixed 512x512 DOOM textures (tested with Zoon4.wad)

+ Recruse root subdir to TopLevel with PK3/PK7

+ Fix rattling items stuck in wall (Doom Forever Redux, others)

+ Make origin 0,0 of grAb struct match 3DGE's origin

+ Fixed brightness settings under Linux and Windows

+ Disabled MD5 verticle rotation (for now)

+ Increased r_units vertex count limit and added an assertion for 3D models

+ Clear momentum if can't slide along wall

+ Change wall bounce angle from random to perpendicular.

+ Fixed shifting animated sprites in THINGS.ddf (torches, barrells, etc)

+ Inverted wall tiles in mirror were showing wrong previously, and item floating on player crouch

+ Tile bug with certain wall textures, notable on 128x96 textures (patches and PNG/JPG/TGA)

+ Verticle Attack Range (chainsaw/punch, etc) now being checked and calculated using slope float.

+ grAb chunk for PNG sprites works properly now (see New Features for more information)

+ Unload level on level exit to stop SFX

+ Warn the user if an image in DDF is missing, rather than exiting.

+ fixed non-solid blend error/behavior for transparency. If your images are coming out WRONG, set r_oldblend to "1" and restart

+ Fixed Z Momentum clearing to fix jumping behavior

+ Icon of Sin Finale in DOOM II working again

+ finales are now skippable in DOOM 1 episodes without the "black screen of death"

+ Light-Amp Goggles/Nightvision graphics now show up properly in COAL_HUD.ec

+ DOOM 1 episode end maps will skip intermission screen instead of displaying stats screen (Added STATS=NONE;)

+ "Picked up a armor bonus" text changed to "Picked up an armour bonus" in DDFLANG (doom_ddf).

+ SDL2 Resolution Handling/Window Management has been fixed

+ Brightness changes on dual-monitor setups no longer affect both screens

+ 'Use Key' moved to second control page (the previous way prevented reliable changes to major key assignments)

+ Behavior of volume control buttons in previous SDL1 builds is now fixed and works properly with SDL2

+ OPL3 mode fixes.

+ Screen mode wipes correctly display in OPTIONS menu. 

+ Interpolation fixes, and VSYNC is restored in the OPTIONS menu.
      - If you use VSYNC, make sure its value is set to '2' or higher in the console, using the r_vsync CVAR.
         - Failing to do so will result in a poor framerate and a host of other issues.

+ Archivile's attack range was previously Unlimited - added ATTACKRANGE=1024; to mimick Vanilla behavior instead.

+ Mancubus was invulnerable to Chainsaw damage - changed ATTACKRANGE from 63.9 to 96 (same as punch/Vanilla)
+ Many more bugfixes that we have not documented here, but can be found in the Git commit history

General Improvements

+ Interpolation and VSYNC are handled much better than they were previously

+ Engine: 64-bit support in EDGE has been added (those builds are labeled with x64) - for x64 your processor must support AVX. (Windows XP is not supported in this platform.)

+ Engine: 32-bit builds in EDGE require SSE/SSE2 support: if your processor is not SSE2 compliant, EDGE will not run. (Windows XP is supported on this platform.)

+ OpenGL: Send data to OpenGL using GL_TRIANGLES and in larger glBegin batches for speed increases.

+ Audio: OPL music player system added (using nukeyT's library) - can also use OPL3 mode. Removed baked Timidity GUS patches.

+ Renderer: GLSL Post Processing has been improved over earlier Devbuilds (FXAA has been added)

* DDF: Episode selection screen does not show up if there's only one episode

+ new console var r_oldblend, which can help emulate the old way EDGE used to emulate blending mode, which was wrong, but added this cvar for backwards compatibility (you must restart EDGE for it to take effect)

+ Engine: Fullscreen now defaults to '0' (starts in a windowed mode), if using 1080p resolutions you will always get better results using Windowed mode - when switching to fullscreen there might be a small delay as instances are torn and re-created for OpenGL. This is widely system-specific as I've had other users report different results, so if this is still broken for you it is imperative you let me know (please)!

+ Engine: EDGE.EPK has been updated, in the next releases the EPK system will be broken down in a 'base_edge' folder, much the same way Eternity has their scripting system set up. If you are a new modder using EDGE or an existing one, take a look at edge.epk in SLADE to see an overview of how archive paths work.

+ Renderer: Allow shaders to be referenced in archives (/shaders/GLSL), must have .fp (frag) and .vp (vertex) shader files. You can make changes to what is included by copying the 'edge.epk/shaders/GLSL/' folder to your own archives. This will be further improved in the future by being able to specify shaders via 'shaders.ddf', or possibly 'shaders.ec', which will also do dynamic shader compiling, most likely using COAL as well.

+ Renderer: Swap Interval addition to i_video via SDL2 (smoother gameplay), figures this out at runtime in a platform-dependant way. Much improved VSYNC handling over 2.0.4.

* Engine: Screen Shake can now be disabled in Screen Options - moved I_Tactile over to COAL

+ Renderer: ROQ Movie Support (currently only 'intro.roq' is supported), can be skipped on startup

* Engine: Crash module from Eternity has been slightly reworked (this is being left out of the Devbuilds for now!)

+ Renderer: GLEW was completely removed in favor of GZDoom's GL extension handling

+ IWADS: Added shareware DOOM (doom1.wad), SLAVE (slave.wad), ROTT (darkwar.wad), and STRIFE (strife1.wad) - the latter two are works in progress!

+ Engine: OpenBSD and Raspberry PI support has been added

+ Audio: Support float32 audio devices (SDL2) for Windows 10

* Renderer: Updated P_PointonDivlineSide to reference the original function instead of the faster function that was there in earlier devbuilds (will eventually work this out, but the original, slower version was stricter for certain DDF code checks and OpenGL compatibility)

* Utility: glBSP has been updated and slightly reworked to allow processing of map WADS in archives now (as long as WADS are located in the archive subdirectory /maps0). Note that in the future, glBSP will be kept for node generation of IWADS, but all PWADS will be explicitly built with zdBSP.

+ better Multiplayer menu support system and handling

+ Detail slopes are now full slopes with physics

+ Use CMake for building the code, ditching Makefiles altogether

+ Limit amount of warnings in EDGE.log, all warnings will still show up in debug.txt

+ Recognize more IWAD types (Rise of the Triad, Strife, new phases of FreeDoom)

+ Fixed ACTION 3 and ACTION 4

+ Sprite scaling and world stretching is more improved if using Post-Processing (GLSL), you can find these in the Video Options menu

+ Revised dynamic lighting, much more natural to their attached objects, and vastly reduced surface areas.

+ Overall improvement of menu systems



New Features

+ PAK/PK3/PK7/EPK archive support

+ UDMF Map Support (on-going)

+ Polyobject Support (though only a limited subset is supported, on-going)

+ GLSL Post Processing Shaders: EDGE now uses a system borrowed from GZDoom for screen-space shaders - use -norenderbuffers to disable them. You can find and customize these shaders in the EPK (./shaders/GLSL/)

+ DDF: Support has been added for several new image types via DDFIMAGE; must use 'EXT' as the 'type' - as well as supporting PNG and JPG, we now also support BMP, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC, PNM, and animated GIFS. grAB is finally working 100%, but for grAb images you _must_ use :PNG: as the IMAGE_DATA= TYPE or grAb will not be recognized.

+ Sound Pitching (Options->Sound Options to disable) - per-sound entry for pitching will be available in the next RC

+ Added back shadow code (right now, uses simple shadows (blob), then Normal (sprite), then Complex -- the latter is not complete yet).

+ Weapons DDF now supports the DJNE weapon action for more robust weapon reloading
           (see http://3dfxdev.net/edgewiki/index.php/WEAPONS)

+ Force Feedback for screen and controller (for these builds, use -ffshake at the command line)

+ Teleportation effects are back - WARP IN is default, then there is Zoom In, or None.
           Menu -> Options -> Screen Options

+ Implemented Optimus GPU switching.

- DDF: Removed bobbing out of DDF and into COAL, which is more robust (no longer a percent, but a Float) - see the COAL Manual under Player Module for more information

+ Transparency and culling on MD2, MD3, and MD5 models has been improved

+ Models: Bump-Mapping, Specular, and Brightmap support has been added (see Wiki for more documentation)

+ NEW FEATURE: New -modpalette command, used to override PLAYPAL for modders who do not wish to use multiple palettes (the 'EDGE' system)

+ DDF: Added GLOOP_SOUND to Things.DDF (GLOOP_SOUND="DSGLOOP";) and in SOUNDS.DDF - it is played when the player steps on a liquid flat.

+ COAL/RTS: Added Camera-Man Module for full control of cameras (saves to doom_ddf/cameras) - this works with Radius Trigger Script (RTS) to set specific events for cinematic cameras. See Camera-Man tutorial on the Wiki for more information.

+ COAL: Added ability for player to set vertical bobbing and Camera Rolling values: cam.set_vert_bob(f) and cam.set_roll_bob(f)

+ COAL: Added player.get_side_move() to COAL for strafe detection (mostly for Camera-Rolling or other things like model animations)

+ COAL: Added player.add_tactile() to COAL for screen shaking events/etc

- Utility: Added better detection of ROTT datas, still no BSP support (yet)

- Engine: Screen shaking for melee attacks has been disabled for now

+ New CVARS added: r_oldblend, r_transfix, r_gl3_mode, r_vsync, m_tactile, r_stretchworld, r_spritescale, r_bloom, r_bloom_amount, r_fxaa, r_fxaa_quality, r_crosscolor, r_crosssize, r_crossbright, r_spriteflip

+ Added more options for the default HUD in DOOM

+ NEW CVARS to control on-screen HUD scaling and pos (values listed are the default):     
    { "r_textscale" "0.7" }, //0.7f is the default for HUD_SetScale(). Sets HUD Text Scale. Dupliate for RTS tips.
    { "r_text_xpos" "160" }, // Center text on the X Axis
    { "r_text_ypos"3" }, // Align text on the Y Axis

Known Bugs

- SDL2 Audio Support is still a mixed bag - later RC builds will replace the SDL2 audo sub-system with OpenAL, so we are not fixing this issue at the moment. If SDL2 2.0.8 gives you audio problems, try switching to SDL2 2.0.6 or lower - this has been reported to fix the sound anomolies for some.

- Switching from Windowed mode to Fullscreen mode might leave your screen blank or black - please report this bug if this happens to you. Quick Fix: Simply restart EDGE and it will appear normally.

- Sometimes menu navigation (especially Multiplayer) can be buggy - this will be improved in time

- Controller/Mouse/Keyboard support is broken for two-player splitscreen - this will be improved in later RC builds

- Traditional DOOM HUD bar is not scaled properly via coal_hud.ec - this will be fixed in a later RC

- Rise of the Triad is not yet playable with the original RTL (TED) levels yet, very minimal work in scripting code for that gameplay

- Wolfenstein3D is not yet playable (working on the BSP conversion) - this will be fixed in a later build

If you encounter any other bugs, please report them on SourceForge.



Having audio issues?? Look below:




NOTE: a few users have had issues with the way SDL2 is handling audio in EDGE - Icculus contributed some fixes to our port which we then had to further fix up, but we've noticed that, while the EDGE team is linking and using SDL2 2.0.8, some users have reported no audio situations. SDL2 has been in a state of flux since 2.0.6 changed the way audio was handled, and it is for this reason we are completely removing SDL-based audio processing and bringing back OpenAL support (EDGE 1.28 was the only version to support OpenAL). You can find the version of SDL2 you are linking against by looking in Debug.txt, and it will also show you the version the EDGE team is building with as well.


Until then, if you are a user who gets a no-audio situation when starting EDGE, you need to use the SDL2 2.0.5 binaries, which you can find here for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of EDGE: X64 or x86. Just extract the DLL into wherever you have EDGE and audio should work again.



If you see this in the console or in your logfiles, SDL2 has initialized audio properly:

SDL_Audio_Driver: default
I_StartupSound: trying 48000 Hz, 32 bit Stereo
I_StartupSound: Success @ 48000 Hz, 32 bit Stereo
I_StartupMUS: Couldn't load the midi mixer
I_StartupMusic: OPL Init OK


Encountering OTHER bugs? Look at the CHANGELOG in the above post to see if it is already there - if so, give us time, we are working on fixes!!


This is also a great time to list any concerns, bugs, criticism

, or any other issues you have or were having with previous versions of EDGE that affect your experience with the engine. If you know of something, feel free to reply at this thread; I'd like to iron out any major and or potentially serious issues regarding EDGE before the release goes live. And while I know newer generations of DOOMers will probably say stuff like 'it's shit' or 'suxx no brutal doom' - just keep in mind while the team is open to criticism of ALL kinds, please be sure your issue has not already been solved in the past or that you are following conventions (no IWAD? Is there an IWAD in the root? No?...). If you happen to find a bug, the team is more than happy to fix it for you - the least we can do is provide quality support for you guys! ;)


In closing - please play-test and submit as many bug reports as you can! We want this upcoming release to be the biggest and most revamped version of EDGE in its entire history (with UDMF, Polyobjects, archives, multiplayer, and other modern support systems already working but not completed) and we can't do it without those who are willing to give a few minutes of their time to check it out!


Thanks everyone! (Did not mention, but if you have any feature requests now is the time to raise those as well!) 

Edited by Coraline : added RC1.5 release

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Congrats on the upcoming release, I can see that you and your team have put a huge amount of work into EDGE over the last few years.  Good luck for the future :-)

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12 hours ago, andrewj said:

Congrats on the upcoming release, I can see that you and your team have put a huge amount of work into EDGE over the last few years.  Good luck for the future :-)


Thank you Andrew! We are truly humbled and honored by this! :)


4 hours ago, fabian said:

I am confused. Wasn't this called 3DGE at some time?


Well, it is still referenced by some as 3DGE/hyper3DGE and we acknowledge anyone calling it that. When the port started off it was rocky (from an abandoned branch of EDGE), suffered from numerous technical issues, my knowledge was limited, and EDGE 1.35 was still unreleased; hence the port needing a different name at the time. Over the past few years, our team has put in so much dedication and hard work into the engine; in order to lessen the confusion and the existence between the two, we agreed to officially continue the port as EDGE and will herein reference it as such. The torch was passed and acknowledged. Besides, a lot of what my team has worked on were things that the original EDGE team wanted to do but did not have the time to implement; if our team was involved with EDGE back when Andrew Apted was still working on it full time, we would have continued development under the existing name without issue.


I am not sure how this will affect its Wiki standing; I'll have to consult with the DoomWiki administrators, but really it's not that big of a deal. We'll keep the separated SourceForge websites, but we have already merged in EDGE's complete SVN/CVS history into our Github repository and moved most of the documentation over, so it only makes sense from here on out. 

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11 hours ago, Coraline said:

I am not sure how this will affect its Wiki standing


It doesn't. doomwiki.org has always assumed that port development requires sustained effort and significant skill, therefore any project that even reaches a beta release should be documented for posterity. If someone wants to put in the time to update the history narrative and links, then they'll be updated. (inb4 Quasar: "for completeness the genealogy boxes should also be double-checked" :>


If I'm misunderstanding you, feel free to post here so the details can be worked out.


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I thought that the name 3DGE was adopted when the software renderer was dropped.  Now that I look at it I'm not even sure how it's supposed to be pronounced.  3D Edge? Thredge?

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It's pronounced "Rethridgerator", obviously.



More seriously, for wiki and nomenclature issues: perhaps the simplest would be to merge the EDGE and 3DGE articles, putting in a note that EDGE was developed under the name 3DGE for a while, and turn the 3DGE page into a redirect to EDGE. Then update any and all pages that link to 3DGE. Does that solution seem fine for you?


(By the way: the oldEDGElogo.gif embed is broken for anyone who hasn't recently solved the CAPTCHA to access 3dfxdev.net.)

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How is the whole "Split Screen supports multiple controllers" thing going? Will it be completed in time for the final 2.1.0?

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1 hour ago, david_a said:

I thought that the name 3DGE was adopted when the software renderer was dropped.  Now that I look at it I'm not even sure how it's supposed to be pronounced.  3D Edge? Thredge?


The software renderer was dropped with EDGE 1.29, which was released back in 2007; EDGE was still in active development by the previous team.


46 minutes ago, Danfun64 said:

How is the whole "Split Screen supports multiple controllers" thing going? Will it be completed in time for the final 2.1.0?


Funny that you mention that -- I've been working on it, but honestly I can't seem to wrap my head around how other ports manage splitscreen controls and I can't figure out how I had fixed it before. I don't think I committed those fixes at the time, unfortunately - if anyone has any knowledge or advice about how to get both players to handle sharing inputs without a completely separate TicBuilder for the second player...please let me know. 

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11 hours ago, Gez said:

More seriously, for wiki and nomenclature issues: perhaps the simplest would be to merge the EDGE and 3DGE articles, putting in a note that EDGE was developed under the name 3DGE for a while, and turn the 3DGE page into a redirect to EDGE. Then update any and all pages that link to 3DGE. Does that solution seem fine for you?


It is fine by me (FWIW).

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There was some question as to building the latest EDGE on Linux.  I downloaded a ZIP of the GIT.  I am not sure that was the right way to go about it.

First I checked out the library requirements.

Out of 10 libraries, I have problems with 5 of them.  My system was updated to the latest packages from Slackware last month.

I suspect that the package versions listed are not actually requirements, but are actually what happened to be on the system they used for development.

I tried to compile anyway.  I sent the results to Coraline by Doomworld email.

The compile failed due to the physfs library.  They are using a pre-release version of phyfs-3.0, and my current phyfs does not have all the functions they are using.


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7 hours ago, wesleyjohnson said:

There was some question as to building the latest EDGE on Linux.  I downloaded a ZIP of the GIT.  I am not sure that was the right way to go about it.

First I checked out the library requirements.

Out of 10 libraries, I have problems with 5 of them.  My system was updated to the latest packages from Slackware last month.

I suspect that the package versions listed are not actually requirements, but are actually what happened to be on the system they used for development.

I tried to compile anyway.  I sent the results to Coraline by Doomworld email.

The compile failed due to the physfs library.  They are using a pre-release version of phyfs-3.0, and my current phyfs does not have all the functions they are using.



I apologize for the outdated information - lib_versions.md was written while we were in a transitional state from Make to CMake, and I honestly forgot I had created that document in the first place. Alas, I have updated it for completeness' sake. 


Note that we only need six out of those ten libraries now -- once OpenAL support is finished we won't need libogg or libvorbis either. You are also free to use the setup scripts in the directory /quick_setup_scripts, but I have only really tested on x64:Xubuntu so I can't say for certain if those scripts will work for Slackware or not, or if a custom one will need to be rolled.


Please try the updated instructions out and let me know if you are still running into problems. 

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On 9/24/2018 at 9:07 AM, Coraline said:


I apologize for the outdated information - lib_versions.md was written while we were in a transitional state from Make to CMake, and I honestly forgot I had created that document in the first place. Alas, I have updated it for completeness' sake. 


Note that we only need six out of those ten libraries now -- once OpenAL support is finished we won't need libogg or libvorbis either. You are also free to use the setup scripts in the directory /quick_setup_scripts, but I have only really tested on x64:Xubuntu so I can't say for certain if those scripts will work for Slackware or not, or if a custom one will need to be rolled.


Please try the updated instructions out and let me know if you are still running into problems. 


Hi, i have tried downloading the recent updates and when i do that and i try to load the game, it says "couldn't open file"? even after i right click and send to the edge program. Then sometime it says "could not find requried edge.epk file"? 


it works now only when i drag and drop. so whats going o? 


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On 9/26/2018 at 7:15 PM, DOOMMARINE117 said:


Hi, i have tried downloading the recent updates and when i do that and i try to load the game, it says "couldn't open file"? even after i right click and send to the edge program. Then sometime it says "could not find requried edge.epk file"? 


it works now only when i drag and drop. so whats going o? 



The problem is that you need to have your IWAD in the EDGE root. EDGE can also read from DOOMWADDIR and DOOMWADPATH variables, respectively. We have been brainstorming a way to write an IWAD selector, ala ZDoom or Eternity - but have not came up with any solutions as of yet. Are you building from source? Make sure 'edge.epk' is in your root folder with all of the other folders/dll, and copy/paste your IWAD in the folder.


I'm working on "couldn't open file" to be a little more verbose, as well.


EDIT: Big ol' long spiel about video cards and drivers -- turns out EDGE was issuing an extra glFinish command when it was being done a little earlier in the I_FinishFrame loop. Dumb bugs like that always kill me!

Edited by Coraline : delete info lawl

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I have been waiting for such a question.


In DoomLegacy, I gave it 20 directories that it searches to find the wad.  IT WOULD BE NICE, if some other ports searched some of the same directories, so that a person could put one copy of these wads on their system and have more than one port be able to find them.

So I would very much like to suggest that you have EDGE search at least a couple of the same directories.

You could even steal the entire search function and directory list code out of DoomLegacy (I wrote all that).

If we could have some common wad directories that all the ports search, it would save the users some trouble.


This is so easy to use.  You just specify the wad name, and DoomLegacy goes and finds it.  You don't have to remember which subdirectory you stored it in.

For IWADS, it will search 5 subdirectories deep in each of the search directories.

Because only one (or possibly two) of these directories are found, this search is usually very fast.


If you want to specify the entire wad path, it will accept that too.


If for some reason, it gets pointed at the users home directory, it will refuse to search that directory.

That is for security reasons and a speedup.


The list of directories to search is defined in doomdef.h, and can be customized by anyone who wants to compile their own binary.

One advantage of stealing our code, is that it has been tested and security hardened already.

Some of the file functions are subject to potential abuse in network play so I had to add some protections.


For the list of directories searched by DoomLegacy, see the README at the file download page.



Just change all the doomlegacy specific directory names to be edge instead.  I doubt that you want to search the doomlegacy specific wad directories.


One advantage of this system is that it supports having more than one wad directory.

There can be a system wide directory for common doom wads.

It could have another directory specific to Edge wads (that play only on Edge).

Each user can also have their own directory of doom wads that is not shared with the other users.


The LEGACYWADDIR default specified there is the default value if the environment variable is not found.  Same for some of the other default defines.  LEGACYWADDIR gets put on the directory search list along with some other dynamically discovered directory names, like the current directory and the directory of the binary.


I suppose it would be possible to combine the directory search with a wad selector interface.

It could still search some directories, and the user would not have to figure out which subdirectory they put the wad into.


On my system, I have the wads sorted by port and game, so wad directories run about 3 or 4 levels deep.




Edited by wesleyjohnson

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physfs latest version seems to be physfs 3.0.1

The build docs in Edge GIT,  lib_versions_md, seems to call for :   physfs 3.1


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I went to Edge GIT to get latest source code.  The best I can do is to mark it as  hyperEdge_master_2018_10_02.zip.

Do you have a GIT numbering system, or an Edge identification system that would uniquely identify each source code image ?


In DoomLegacy we use the subversion number to label images uniquely, such as DoomLegacy_SVN1083.

Even if we made 10 updates in one day, each would have a unique SVN number.


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Compiling and running EDGE on a Linux system::

Slackware 14.2, Linux 4.4.88, Athlon CPU, 900 MB main memory


Compiled hyperEDGE-master_2018_10_02

Compilation successful.


There are no instructions on installing the binary and components.


Attempted installation via the Makefile (requires root permissions):

>> make install

It built and installed a file to /usr/local/share/games/doom/edge.epk

It did not install the binary anywhere where I could find it.


So I manually copied the binary (requires root permissions)

>> cp  EDGE  /usr/local/games


Tried to run EDGE as a user.

It cannot find the edge.epk


Build Log sent to Coraline by doomworld-email


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@wesleyjohnsonI was waiting until we released RC1 (today) before I switched us back to the Git versioning system. That way RC1 will be uniquely identified in this point of history without tags or commits. I'll check out your PM later today.


Without further ado:


EDGE 2.1.0-RC-1 has been released via SourceForge! Binaries for Linux are coming later as I didn't have time to compile and upload before work!

https://sourceforge.net/projects/edge2/files/3DGE binaries/2.1/2.1.0/RC-1/


There is a huge list of changes between 2.1.0-Test3/2.0.4 and 2.1.0-RC1, so make sure to check out the CHANGELOG. Downloads are available currently for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms.


This release candidate is one of many that we are putting out before 2.1.0 Final, in the hopes that we can catch bugs and serious issues before the final launch.


Attached is a listing of the currently known bugs in the engine - before you ask for help, please look here first.



Known Bugs

- SDL2 Audio Support is still a mixed bag - later RC builds will replace the SDL2 audio sub-system with OpenAL, so we are not fixing this issue at the moment. If SDL2 2.0.8 gives you audio problems, try switching to SDL2 2.0.5 - this has been reported to fix the sound anomalies for some.

- Switching from Windowed mode to Fullscreen mode might leave your screen blank or black. Quick Fix: Simply restart EDGE and it will appear normally. Fullscreen mode is in a state of flux so if possible please do not use it - windowed mode at your desired resolution is the best choice for RC1.

- Sometimes menu navigation (especially Multiplayer) can be buggy - this will be improved in time

- Controller/Mouse/Keyboard support is broken for two-player splitscreen - this will be improved in later RC builds

- Traditional DOOM HUD bar is not scaled properly via coal_hud.ec - this will be fixed in a later RC

- Rise of the Triad is not yet playable with the original RTL (TED) levels yet, very minimal work in scripting code for that gameplay

- Wolfenstein3D is not yet playable (working on the BSP conversion) - this will be fixed in a later build



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My monitor's native resolution is 1680x1050 and I can't select it :/



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The resolution changes depending on what your screemode is (window or full). You can also explicitly set EDGE to start up with the resolution of your choice. I'll add that into our possible screenmodes enum just in case though!


From the Readme:



  * Screen size: -width [screenwidth] -height [screenheight]
     (Sets the current screen size. This is also an option in the engine itself.)

Try running EDGE with those command-line parameters and let me know if it works out.

Edited by Coraline : additional info for user VGA

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Found an additional serious bug: PNG screenshots are broken (due to our new image backend code) - we are working on a fix.


Sorry for the inconvenience! 



Edited by Coraline : fixed bug

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This is very cool. Super happy to see EDGE is being kept alive. I'll have to see if my old QDOOM stuff will still run on the new engine. :)

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2 hours ago, Fanatic said:

This is very cool. Super happy to see EDGE is being kept alive. I'll have to see if my old QDOOM stuff will still run on the new engine. :)


Thank you Fanatic! Very honored to hear this from you! 


PS: QDoom 1.01 works great ;)


Also, we have just released EDGE-2.1.0-RC1.5 via SourceForge. This is a very small bugfix that makes screenshots work in both JPEG/PNG formats again. It also contains slight additions for ROTT support and a few QDOOM 1.01 fixups ;-)

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There is some commentary on that last ROTT screenshot in your pm.  That thing is hard to use, I have to check it every day to see if there is any reply.

Was there not some PM that when someone used it, it sent you an email that your doomworld email had a message ?


Couple days ago I finally found where the source code is hiding, and now I cannot remember where that was.  Following that link to your distribution page shows the binaries.  Up on the bar is this "Source" tag, which takes me to another page.  I cannot get the source code from that page, and I am not sure what it is supporting, or if it is just broken, or not filled in.

So, I seem to need a new source code link.


Is there any response to that problem that I had with a previous version (posted Oct 3) where I compiled and installed Edge, had to hand copy the binary into place, and then Edge could not find the "edge.epk" that the "make install" had put into " /usr/local/share/games/doom/edge.epk" ?




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In the 3DGE-ISSUES.txt it says this about multiplayer: 


  - Multiplayer (true networking) does not work.  The type of networking
    that DOOM used back in 1994 is obsolete today, and 3DGE doesn't
    have a suitable replacement yet.

I was wondering what priority this might be on the back burner?



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8 hours ago, Mr.Rocket said:

In the 3DGE-ISSUES.txt it says this about multiplayer: 

I was wondering what priority this might be on the back burner?

There are two possible ways it could be done:


1. use a method similar to Chocolote-Doom which is similar to the original DOOM networking, every client has to be in lock-step with every other client.  This is doable, but it is only good for LAN play, very unsatisfactory for internet play.


2. use proper client/server networking like Quake, Odamex, ZDaemon, Zandronum (etc).  It is very difficult to modify an existing engine for this, requiring major surgery to the code (which is why ZDoom and GZDoom never got it).

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1 hour ago, andrewj said:

There are two possible ways it could be done:


 2. use proper client/server networking like Quake, Odamex, ZDaemon, Zandronum (etc).  It is very difficult to modify an existing engine for this, requiring major surgery to the code (which is why ZDoom and GZDoom never got it).


That's precisely why I haven't had the team take on that solution - all of the engines I've seen that moved to such a model did it very early in their development cycles. It would be too daunting for the team to rework EDGE for such a thing when there's more practical work that needs attention.


If we had someone skilled in such a task and had a coordinated way of going about it - fine, but we aren't in that position to allocate resources in a huge way.


It is an issue we will eventually address (as its even listed in our Git issues, so we talk about it from time to time), but will probably end up going with something like the first suggestion if/when we get around to it.

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Multiplayer stuff:


Ok, Right and that makes sense, no worries.

I just noticed there wasn't much on the side of command line parameters for it, although in game there was some options, which even allowed bot/ai players.

But it sounds like you guys have plans to rework the network code?

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