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How to port Decorate to EDF?


I would like to use some decorative items and one monster from realm667 page for my upcoming eternity map, but they come as zdoom's decorate and I'm not sure how to port those items and monster into EDF even after reading eternity's wiki several times. I could replace some base items and unused nazi and keen frames, but this is the last option which I would choose. Anyone could explain this into simpler manner? 

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56 minutes ago, Mordeth said:

You're using Alfheim+ syntax ( "thingtype Annihilator : Mobj, 30111" ) but haven't expressly told EDF to use that syntax ("setdialect("ALFHEIM")" above your monster declaration). So, it will be ignored. Your monster's doomednum ("map editor id") is thus 30002, not 30111. There's a spelling mistake in "basictype Mosnter", which ought to read "basictype Monster"... that's what you get from copying @Altazimuth 's example verbatim :P


The latter explains your 'ghost' thing, as your monster is missing the basic 'monster' flags. You haven't posted the EDF of your custom rockets, so I can't tell what's wrong there.


As for sounds, you're probably pointing to a location that does not exist. Try using the 'vanilla' way of defining monster's sounds, eg "seesound = dswhatever", and having a "dswhatever" in your wad and see if that works, and go from there.


Also, you should always end a label with a 'stop', 'goto...' or whatever, because it can get messy if you start to use inheritance. So, a "stop" after AMNI P -1 A_BossDeath". Personally I would also end on a frame that has no codepointer, but that's just me.

I fixed typo when I was pointed out by another user. Actually thing number 30111 worked in builder, even if I had type it manually. In original decorate code, annihilator used cyberdemon rockets and new homing rockets. Anything else works, except rockets and sound. I'll try rewrite code and check your pointed things when I return to computer. 

I'm putting original decorate code here, I feel that some steps were skipped at edf definition of annihilator. Ignore brightmap stuff. 


ACTOR Annihilator 30111 
Obituary "The Cyber Annihilator blew %o away with its rockets."
Health 7000 
Radius 40 
Height 110 
Mass 1000 
Speed 16 
PainChance 10 
SeeSound "monster/annsit" 
PainSound "cyber/pain" 
DeathSound "monster/anndth" 
ActiveSound "cyber/active" 
       ANNI AB 10 A_Look 
       ANNI A 3 A_Playsound ("monster/anhoof")
       ANNI ABBCC 3 A_Chase 
       ANNI D 3 A_Playsound ("monster/anhoof") 
       ANNI D 3 A_Chase 
       ANNI E 0 A_Jump (128,11)
       ANNI E 6 A_FaceTarget 
       ANNI F 0 Bright A_CustomMissile ("Rocket2",40,27,0)
       ANNI F 12 Bright A_CustomMissile ("Rocket2",40,-27,0)
       ANNI E 12 A_FaceTarget 
       ANNI F 0 Bright A_CustomMissile ("Rocket2",40,27,0)
       ANNI F 12 Bright A_CustomMissile ("Rocket2",40,-27,0) 
       ANNI E 12 A_FaceTarget 
       ANNI F 0 Bright A_CustomMissile ("Rocket2",40,27,0)
       ANNI F 12 Bright A_CustomMissile ("Rocket2",40,-27,0)
       ANNI E 0 A_Jump (128,1)
       Goto See
       ANNI E 6 A_FaceTarget 
       ANNI F 0 Bright A_CustomMissile ("HomRocket1",40,27,0)
       ANNI F 12 Bright A_CustomMissile ("HomRocket1",40,-27,0)
       ANNI E 12 A_FaceTarget 
       ANNI F 0 Bright A_CustomMissile ("HomRocket1",40,27,0)
       ANNI F 12 Bright A_CustomMissile ("HomRocket1",40,-27,0) 
       ANNI E 12 A_FaceTarget 
       ANNI F 0 Bright A_CustomMissile ("HomRocket1",40,27,0)
       ANNI F 12 Bright A_CustomMissile ("HomRocket1",40,-27,0)  
       Goto See 
       ANNI G 10 A_Pain 
       Goto See 
       ANNI H 10 Bright
       ANNI I 10 Bright A_Scream 
       ANNI JKL 10 Bright
       ANNI M 10 Bright A_NoBlocking 
       ANNI NO 10 Bright
       ANNI P 30 
       ANNI P -1 A_BossDeath 

actor Rocket2
  obituary "%o rode %k's rocket."
  radius 11
  height 8
  speed 20
  damage 20
  seesound "weapons/rocklf"
  deathsound "weapons/rocklx"
  Decal Scorch
    MISL A 1 bright
    MISL B 0 bright A_SetTranslucent (0.67,1)
    MISL B 8 bright A_Explode
    MISL C 6 bright
    MISL D 4 bright

ACTOR HomRocket1
   Radius 8
   Height 11
   Speed 30
   Damage 10
   DeathSound "weapons/hrlexp"
   ExplosionDamage 64
   ExplosionRadius 96
   SeeSound "weapons/hrlfir"
   Decal Scorch
      HMIS A 4 Bright A_SeekerMissile (25,35)
      HMIS A 4 Bright
      HMIS A 2 Bright A_SeekerMissile (10,25)
      HMIS A 2 Bright
      goto Spawn+2
      BAL3 C 0 Bright A_SetTranslucent (0.67,1)
      BAL3 C 8 Bright A_Explode
      BAL3 DE 5 Bright



Edited by Misty

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