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Id software is 28 years old today

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They've made so many great classics franchises spanning from Commander Keen, Wolfenstein, Doom obviously, Quake, to Rage 


To celebrate say how you first played one of there games

Edited by terrcraftguy695 : Spelling

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Wolf3D, on a friend's PC. Although I remember seeing some video for Doom being promoted not long before it came out, and needless to say, was scary as shit to me since I would've been 8 at the time.

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First id game I played was actually NOT Doom, but Commander Keen. 

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I was about 2 and my uncle David brought a HUGE laptop made in like 1991 over which had Wolf3D on it. One of my earliest memories is my dad laughing at the "Can I play daddy?" option.

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Quake III Arena was my first ID Software game which I played with my IT class at TAFE during a break in 2004, before that was Doom 64 during its release year at a friends place but that game isn't directly by ID Software. I did eventually emulate the GBA versions of the first two Doom games during my later TAFE years.

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My first id game was Commander Keen, my friend down the street had it, we played it on his computer.  Then my father purchased Doom for me for our windows 95 computer.  Those were the days.  Hot damn.

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Ditto on Commander Keen. Shame the series was cut short though...

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I remember going to my grandma's and she was playing Doom on her ancient laptop when I was around 4-5. My aunt, who was in her early 20s and lived with her, introduced me to Doom, and bought me Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition shortly after. Lots of hours spent in that complete mess of an office of hers.

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Happy Birthday Id Software, you made me a proud person that I'm happy about it, thank you so much.

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The first id game I played was Quake 2 when I was a 3 year old. Windows 98 and software renderer at, most likely, 320x240.

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first played commander keen 1 :)) i am fairly old

going to old game faires they always had Apogee and Id games running their demos on loop for some reason

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Happy birthday ID software!

My first time with a ID game was shareware version of Doom on my assembled 486 pc.

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I was about 2 years old when I first got on my parents computer and played Wolfenstein 3D.  Probably not the best thing for a 2 year old to be playing but I was hooked ever since.

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The first iD game I ever encountered was Wolfenstein 3D, sometime in the Spring of 1994 (I was in high school at the time). One of my friends had a copy and I watched him play it a little bit one time I was over his house. That actually led me to buy Wolfenstein 3D (with the shareware episode of Doom bundled with it) that June.


Which leads me to the first iD game I ever played: Doom, on the family's 486 DX-33 (I think we had overclocked it to 66 MHz by that point). One of the 3.5" disks in Wolfenstein 3D was corrupted, so the game wouldn't install. So, even though Wolfenstein was the reason I bought the pack, I never actually played it, because I started playing shareware Doom (v. 1.2).

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Happy birthday to ID!!


My first game was Wolf3d shareware back when it first came out, some blurred memories of commander keen as well from that DOS period of time, that and forgetting to load the mouse drivers every bloody time as well. 

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Happy birthday!


I remember I've played Dangerous Dave 2 at my grandpa's workplace back in 90's.

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Apparently, my first time playing Wolfenstein 3d consisted of just running around empty corridors after my dad killed everyone because I was too scared to actually fight. I don't remember that, but I remember playing through Doom with IDDQD and quitting after being spooked by the Icon of Sin.

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My first id Software game was Doom II, played it on my first Windows 98 machine I got from a family friend who was also responsible for installing all the games it had.


It also had Wolf 3D however I never really got into it, never finished the game. I didn't finish Doom 2 at the time either since the Mancubi on MAP07 frightened me and couldn't bring myself to continue playing. But recently I remembered I did actually manage to finish Dead Simple as I do remember clearly the room with the Cyberdemon and Barons on MAP08, but that is 100% where my Doom experience stopped at the time, I think I quit there because I couldn't figure out the way I was supposed to go on the map. I don't remember being scared by anything in that level since I though the Barons were pretty cool, and I never took a good look at the Cyberdemon.


At the time I was only 5 or 6, and although I first played the game sometime in 2002 or early 2003 I played NES games exclusively up until that point, therefore Doom was easily the most realistic and advanced among them. Due to this I think I have a pretty good understanding of what people felt back in 1993 when it first came out. Other than the Mancubi I think I found the Specters terrifying too since I still have a clear image of one walking around in the final room of MAP03 in my head, and it scared me every time.


As about what version it was... not a damn clue, but definitely newer than 1.666 since I remember how the Lost Souls looked like. And they looked like in 1.9 more exactly. I'm also sure it was the vanilla Doom 2 running at 320x200, and not played through the Doom95 port.


Random fact, I still find The Underhalls the most iconic map from the IWADs.

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In 2003 (i was 13) father bought our very first PC. 128MB RAM (system was showing it's 96MB for some reason), 32MB prosavage DDR vidcard. That PC was without OS yet, but we turned it on just to see BIOS screen. Later father brought PC to someone to install Windows XP. When PC was back and ready to use, we found some installed games already, but we didn't know how to install games, father bought next to PC. We called man who is working in our town's High School as admin and tech guy for PCs and related stuff. He brought Quake II CD with him! He showed us how to properly insert, launch and eject CDs. Then he installed Quake II. Me, my father and uncle were playing Quake II (software rendered, we haven't heard anything of game graphics nor vidcards) for years... My little cousin was always addicted to watch the gameplay, i still remember him asking "can you go to level with water?". In 2009 i was student and lived in city, of course that same PC moved with me (family had Laptop bought in 2007 with Vista preinstalled) :D. My neighbor checked my PC and said i should install vidcard driver and told me how. I did it, then ran Quake II and played with video settings. I was curious what is that "default Opengl" that never worked before. Well, then it worked... I entered level and almost got blind... I had played Serious Sam before that moment, but Quake II with HW accel graphics was something i haven't seen even in my dreams.

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Happy Birthday id.


If I remember correctly my first id game was Doom 3 on a crappy laptop around 2006 - 2007, lowered the graphical settings all I could and enjoyed it. still had some framerate issues in some levels but it was mostly playable.

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My first iD game was obviously Doom II, how did i get to play it?

Well, i was doing my usual sort of thing downloading fangames of stuff from the internetz like in 2012 or so, and then i found Sonic Robo Blast 2 and played it for a while. I saw in the website that it was powered with something magic called the... "Doom engine"? I had to find out what the heck that was! So i found a Doom II download and pirated that thing, it was great. I didn't get past MAP02, too scared of the pinkies. Then i discovered ZDoom and the rest is history.

(Keen come back home pls)

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Happy birthday id Software!!!
My first id game was Doom SNES, nearly 18 years ago. Played some Quake 2 shortly after.

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Happy 28th Birthday id Software!


My first experience with id, was the first two DOOM games. I remember both playing DOOM on the Xbox 360 (XBLA) and later finding The Ultimate DOOM cd laying around from my father's CDs. I was able to play DOOM on a Dell Dimension L800r. (Pentium III 800MHz)


I also first heard of Doom II from a Xbox version of DOOM 3 via (Limited Collectors Edition or RoE), It excites me about using the Super Shotgun at the time.

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I didnt have Doom as a kid, so I read the doom novel or tried to. Played Doom 3 on the xbox. But I have beat Rage like 15 times and just got it on my laptop. So I should eventually have beaten the 360, ps3, and pc variants of rage. I am stoked for #2.


I beat ultimate Doom on a tablet about 2 years ago for the first time. When I was sick. Its the greatest FPS ever. Happy birthday id.

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I first played Doom shareware as a nine year old kid on a PC speaker (for the younger among us, anything other than shrill bleeping from a PC was actually a separate purchase back in the early 90s), I found it incredibly immersive and scary. The computer was a 16mhz 386, so to get a decent framerate meant shrinking the screen so much you were looking at more marble texture than game!


Shortly after, my dad got a sound card and then it really scared the shit out of me, especially the extended strobing maze optional area within E1M2 -- zombie breathing sounds and snorts emanating from the darkness.


Anyway, as I didn't have a computer of my own fast enough to run Doom for some years I worked backwards to Wolf3d, Commander Keen and Dangerous Dave.  Of all their old games, I really feel that Doom and Q3A have aged the best although I remember the Keens being surprisingly decent platformers for PC at the time, the only ones I'd liked other than Jazzy Jackrabbit.



Great to see some Doomers coming from later games. So it isn't all just nostalgia.

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Too bad the id Software today is not remotely close to the original team we all knew and love. Not saying they are bad now, but it has never been the same since the original team disbanding. Happy birthday to THAT id Software.

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It was the shareware version of Doom runnin on Doom95
It's considered an horrible source port these days (and i agree) but back then that extra 640x480 resolution was wonderful...

The funny thing is that i'm quite indiferent to the whole metal/satanic theme of the game, but i love it! A testament of it's solid gameplay.

Other funny thing is that the first time i saw the ending of E3 i was tremediosly shocked, nowadays i just find funny that hell's demons are so petty

to the point of impaling a rabit's head to get a reaction from Doom guy.

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