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An Addon I made to celebrate the release of Doom on the Switch!

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We all know, being 26 years old, Doom is in serious need of some upgrades. I decided to follow Bethesda's lead, so I made this. Just load it up and you'll have all the awesome benefits of the Switch version!


This mod REQUIRES gzdoom, or at least any port that can run ACS scripts. Enjoy, and don't take it too seriously!



Yeah, this is done as a joke and was thrown together quickly. Also my art skills are crap. If someone wants to touch this up, the acs source is in the pk3 file





Edited by sarge945 : English

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3 hours ago, Dude27th said:

Could the music be slowed down as well ? :?

Hehe good idea. I don't think there's an easy way to do this in the engine.

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bethesda will sue you for stealing their source code. or maybe will simply use your code for the next "re-release".

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