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(MODDERS NEEDED) Help with Judge Dredd mod

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Hey everyone, new to the group and to modding doom. I recently got a PC, and naturally, the first thing I did was Instal doom and brutal doom. While playing it, I thought to myself, I wonder if there is a judge dredd doom mod. After a quick search, I found out that it is nowhere to be found. I then started to look into what kind of work goes into making a doom mod with custom sprites, animations, some new gameplay mechanics and new audio clips. And holy shit, it’s overwhelming. So I’m reaching out to reddit for some help from the community. If enough people are interested we can start a discord and work on this project together, because I would love to see “DREDD 3D” come to life. I have a lot of details of what I want already decided, it’s just a matter of discussing and creating now. I’m always open to new ideas too.

Edited by Frognar101

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