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Starpoint Gemini 3 (Freelancer & WCPrivateer Like Game)

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Well here I was recently talking about Rebel Galaxy Outlaw here and now looks like we’ve got another game very similar to Freelancer and Wing Commander Privateer on the way, woohoo lol! The previous Starpoint Gemini games were sort of Freelancer/WCP like but involved tactical capital ship combat whereas this new Starpoint Gemini 3 game is very Freelancer like with Fighter based play and landing on planets & space stations to trade and visit their seedy space bars for work!! It also has an interesting (unfinished) side game where you take control of a small probe infiltrating derelicts and space stations avoiding security systems that sort of reminds me of some of X2 – The Threat’s side missions.


The game is still in early access on steam so naturally it lacks polish but is already looking absolutely gorgeous!! The only fault I have with its otherwise stunning graphics are the very plastic mannequin like people but apparently the devs have said they'll be fixing that.


This guy has done a good video preview of it:


Here's some sexy screens I found around the place:















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Why are new space sims always, always open-world space trucker games in the Privateer/Elite mold? Can't we have some good old mission-based space fighter games for once?

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15 hours ago, Woolie Wool said:

Why are new space sims always, always open-world space trucker games in the Privateer/Elite mold? Can't we have some good old mission-based space fighter games for once?


Not really my thing anymore (I say anymore as I used to love playing the mission based X-Wing, Tie fighter and Wing Commander games in the 90s) however I'm sure there's plenty of 'not so old' ones out there, just gotta go hunting for them. Presumably the up and coming big budget Squadron 42 will be old school WC style linear missions and not open world since Star Citizen will be the open world game now.

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