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Femboy indeed! Nope, got ninjaed


A woman that likes creating dragons from mist

Edited by URROVA

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me too, me too


(EDIT: I thought she looks tired, i dunno what to write anymore)

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OH GOD NO SEND HELP I AM CURRENTLY LOCATED AT- *US Sonic CD boss music* *and also the Sonic CD US game over theme for shits and giggles*



EDIT: Damn you're only 2 posts away from becoming a senior member!


I'm like 35 posts away.

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A gun-wielding purple Shrek wearing a helmet, leather gloves, green boots and a green thong. To the left of him is the letter U, insinuating that I am the purple ogre. I believe this is a screenshot from the popular DOOM TC titled Shrekkr. In the mod, new abilities are gradually introduced in the tradition of metroidvanias. For example, the default mount, a donkey with a gun that shoots holy water, learns to read in order to access new mounts. Combined with the primary and secondary traversal methods, the crouch and the party talk commands respectively, the player can gain experience used to aim down the sights of their horse. This mechanic, later used in games such as BMX XXX, became a staple in game design among indie developers such as Activision Blizzard and Toho Monsters Universe. Godzilla does not appear until much later in Tohu Part III: Black Ops. He is seen alongside his boss and her husband Nancy when the protagonist visits the last bonfire. 


For more AI creations, please visit happydoomtime.bot

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