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Loud Silence

Boom compatibility issue in devbuilds

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When playing Boom map in latest devbuilds, Demons have trouble with water - they just won't go to swim (they are like stuck, running in one spot). This bug does not happen in latest stable version and PrBoom+ Also when i recorded demo in PrBoom+ with complevel 9 and played it in Eternity's devbuild, Demons did go through water as they should, but demo desynced little later.


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Do you have the demo? I can't reproduce it locally. I tried on -skill 2 to avoid dying and found the slime dump with demons. They can get out and back into it without trouble. No desync between PrBoom+ -complevel 9 and Eternity.

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Sadly i don't have it anymore. I don't remember which build i was using either. I will play through this map now with newest and OP date builds.

Edit: bug is still there. Recorded now demo with latest build, -skill 4. Tomorrow will record demo of whole level for desync check.


Edited by Loud Silence

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Unfortunately this is not a bug, but a bad decision on my part. Ever since BOOM, monsters can be pushed by gunfire and other propulsion (such as the effect in case here) over ledges. I had the mistaken impression that only MBF introduced that change, but it turns out it was since BOOM. I hate it when playing vanilla WADs, because it more often than not can be used to disable critical monsters such as Cyberdemons by pushing them onto a ledge with a strong enough blast. Unfortunately, it turns out it's absolutely necessary to allow monsters and items to be pushed by conveyors and whatnot.


So with the next devbuild change, Eternity will start with this compatibility flag in "BOOM" (not "DOOM") mode by default. But you'll have to go into compatibility settings yourself to fix it. Go to the Options menu, the Compatibility submenu, go one page down, and set "Actors get stuck over dropoffs" to "NO". 

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