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⬆️ Doomworld Community Top WADs of All Time (resurrected)

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7 hours ago, m8f said:

joepallai, maximum number of WADs to vote for is 20.

CinnamonKilljoy, minimum number of WADs to vote for is 10.


Polri, thanks for voting!


The tally in the OP has been updated.

@m8f - I added two WADs to my list, sorry, missed (or just forgot as the scatterbrain I am) that rule... Even though I recognize it when you mention it. Hopefully my vote is now valid!

EtA: Updated my original post, check it, please.

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Looks like a vote for Dark Encounters from dylux on the other thread did not get added...just saying :)


10. Ancient Aliens

9. Back to Saturn X E1

8. Scythe 2

7. Valiant

6. Pirate Doom

5. Aliens TC

4. Alien Vendetta

3. Struggle - Antaresian Legacy

2. Unloved



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It's been more than two years since I've previously voted, and it's about time I update my picks!

Here's my previous post, for reference.

And here are my new picks:


The Adventures of Square ••••• (5)


Ancient Aliens •••• (4)

Batman Doom •••• (4)

Eviternity •••• (4)

Urban Brawl: Action Doom 2 •••• (4)

Alien Vendetta ••• (3)

Back to Saturn X E2 ••• (3)

Going Down ••• (3)

Rise of the Wool Ball ••• (3)

Sunlust ••• (3)

Valiant ••• (3)


Avactor •• (2)

Back to Saturn X E1 •• (2)

Curse of D'Sparil •• (2)

Deus Vult II •• (2)

Japanese Community Project •• (2)

Resurgence •• (2)

rf1024 •• (2)


50 Shades of Graytall • (1)

STRAIN • (1)

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The votes from dylux are updated. It may be that dylux changed votes at some point, because the current post is very different from the original points. Is that is the case, please make a new post every time you update your votes.

Payload4367, thanks for heads up!


CinnamonKilljoy, termrork, Payload4367, thank you for voting!

termrork, note that you still have 5 points left.

JudgeDeadd, thanks for the update!


The tally in the OP has been updated.

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10 - Plutonia 2
10 - Arch-vile jump
8 - Alien Vendetta
7 - Scythe
5 - Hell Revealed
5 - Memento Mori
3 - Invasion UAC RC5 https://www.wad-archive.com/popular/invasion-uac  (one of the first wads I ever played on ZD, I am deeply nostalgic about it, and it is fun to play!). The first version had 28 maps, now it's a full megawad.
3 - 2002: A Doom Odyssey
2 - rjspace9f   https://www.wad-archive.com/wad/be21919b261d404e694dd19e88bfaea2
2 - Scythe 2

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well, let's do this.


10 - Ancient Aliens. Memorable as hell, each level manages to do something a bit different and stay interesting. Great music too!

8 - Valiant. Another great megawad with cool DeHackEd monsters but I the middle portion is kinda forgettable.

8 - Eviternity. I haven't finished it yet, but it looks like what everyone says about it is true!

6 - Japanese community project. A breath of fresh air compared to modern megawads, with avant-garde map design. Sadly the last few maps left a bad taste in my mouth.

6 - No End In Sight. Fun take on doom 1, with some of the biggest levels for it i've ever played.

5 - Scythe 2. I don't really like the latter half but the first half is nice.

4 - BTSX E1. Pretty great but map19 was extremely frustrating and thus makes it lose a lot of points.

4 - Going Down. While it's really great and breaks up standard slaughter gameplay, i'm really not a huge fan of slaughterwads in general.

3 - Alien Vendetta. It's fun, but... I don't really get why people like it so much.

1 - The Plutonia Experiment. Great classic that i love, but it's well known enough that i don't really feel the need to give it more points and this is really just to reach to 10 wads minimum.

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Sunder: 9 

Resurgence: 8

Hell Revealed 2: 8

Speed of Doom: 8

Newgothic Movement 1: 6

Newgothic Movement 2: 5

Slaughterfest 3: 4

Scythe 2: 3

Hell Revealed 1: 2

Sunlust: 1

Stardate 20x6: 1

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6 pts -- Castle of Evil

6 pts -- Hellrun

5 pts -- Back to Basics by Espi

5 pts -- Crusades

4 pts -- Dsytopia 3

4 pts -- Brotherhood of Ruin

3 pts -- Back to Saturn X - Ep. 1

3 pts -- Suspended in Dusk

3 pts -- UAC_Dead

3 pts -- Eternal Doom

2 pts -- Memento Mori 

2 pts -- Memento Mori II
2 pts -- The Darkening Ep. 2

1 pts -- Plutonia 2

1 pts -- Alien Vendetta

1 pts -- Greenwar

1 pts -- Reverie

1 pts -- 2002 A Doom Oddysey

1 pts -- Deus Vult

1 pts -- Crossing Acheron

Edited by joepallai : fixed name

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9 - Going Down
9 - No End In Sight
9 - Ancient Aliens
8 - Eviternity
6 - Sunlust
6 - 50 monsters
3 - Deathless
2 - The Plutonia Experiment
1 - Action Doom

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1. Lost Civilization (9)

2. Avactor (8)             

3. Hellbound (8)

4. Hurt (7)

5. Sunlust  (6)

6. NeoDoom (6)

7. Ancient Aliens (5)

8. Winter's Fury (3)

9. Epic 2 (2)

10 Alien Vendetta (1)


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termrork, your new points are added.

Red-XIII, Tartlman, Nazgul9, joepallai, OniriA, DJVCardMaster, thank you for voting!

joepallai, I believe it was "Suspended in Dusk". If it wasn't, please tell me.


The tally in the OP has been updated.


Rince-wind, yes, you are. Please make a new post here.

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20 minutes ago, Ivory Duke said:



Please, vote for 10 WADs at least.

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10 pts - Plutonia 2

9 pts - Memento Mori II

8 pts - Alien Vendetta

7 pts - Kama Sutra

6 pts - Requiem

5 pts - Memento Mori

4 pts - Scythe

3 pts - Hell Revealed

2 pts - Jenesis

1 pts - PRCP

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5: Whispers of Satan

5: Chainworm Kommando

5: 2048 Unleashed

5: Birthday Bash

5: Flashback to Hell

5: Scythe (1)

5: Community Chest 4

4: No More Details

4: Kama Sutra

4: Legacy of Heroes

4: Doom the Way ID Did (1)

4: Coffee Break

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Ivory Duke, Scorpius, eharper256, thank you for voting!

Rince-wind, thanks for keeping your points up to date.


eharper256, I couldn't find anything on "No More Details". Counted "Needs More Detail" instead. Please correct me if this isn't the intended WAD.


The tally in the OP has been updated.

Edited by m8f

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10. Vanguard

9. Deathless

8. Jenesis

7. Eviternity

6. Scythe 

5. Doom 2 the way id did

4. The Journey

3. Survive in hell

2. Unholy Realms

1. Speed of doom


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Makedounia, thank you for voting!


The tally in the OP has been updated.

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On 11/16/2019 at 11:14 AM, m8f said:

eharper256, I couldn't find anything on "No More Details". Counted "Needs More Detail" instead. Please correct me if this isn't the intended WAD.

Oops, yeah I recorded it in my review file as No more Details, but its actually 'The Ultimate Needs More Details' (nmdu.wad) by Fiend.

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10 - Sunlust
9 - Counterattack
8 - Lost Civilization 

4 - Back to Basics
4 - BTSX e2
4 - Ancient Aliens
4 - Valiant

4 - Nihility: Infinite Teeth
4 - Stardate 20x7
4 - Spidersilk


Just for fun. My 11-30 aren't too far from my top-5. 

Edited by rdwpa

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10 points - Back to Saturn X E1

9 points - Scythe 

8 points - Eviternity

7 points - Requiem

6 points - Valiant

5 points - Hurt.wad - Despite being only one map it belongs on the list. The visuals and the non-linear nature lead to an over the top experience that will take average players about an hour to complete. 

4 points - Japanese Community Map Project

3 points - Maps of Chaos - I know this is a bit of a controversal take. But for what it does, it does well. Granted the Suburbs level is by far one of my least favorite maps of all time with this wad in particular. 

2 points - Doom 64 for Doom 2

1 point - Rush


This list was a bit hard for me to make because I had to avoid new play bias. But I was hesitant to include the insta classics like Scythe because there have been so many other contributions since. So I did throw some newer options in there as they def deserve some attention as well as being my personal favorites. 

Edited by I_Punch_Demons : Fixed name of wad

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