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What was your first ever wad published if you make doom wads?

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not a project that i made myself, but the first track that i wrote and submitted to a Doom project was in the Plutonia MIDI Pack, released way back in 2013. i had just about started making music in late 2012, and the track i submitted here was the first "good" track i made that wasn't just some experiment to get the hang of composing. obviously, that makes the track pretty bad and repetitive looking back, but it was a good learning experience. now i make much better music as a result of having worked at it for so long.

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It's... erm... an interesting little map.

I can't believe I intended this to be a megawad. How naive. Also I recently tested in prboom, rather than gzdoom which is what I was using at the time, and there are a number of odd visual bugs.

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6 hours ago, Doom_Dude said:

In the year 2000 I released a megawad called Vilecore. The name in the url isn't even right... haha. Some people kinda liked it, some said it was just ok and a few said it was shit. If I could go back and not release it, I would. Some day I'll get the updated version done.

This has been on my to play list for quite a while.  Good luck on your updated version.

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Let's go back to those thrilling days of yesteryear, all the way back to May of 1996, when I published my very first map, No Pity, in the AOL MacDoom Library. Alas, the AOL MacDoom Library closed down over 20 years ago, so my masterpiece of garbage is no longer available online. ;D But fear not, it still exists on my hard drive, and I plan to revise it for a secret megawad scheduled for release on October 31st, 2021. The revision will be "inspired by" the original architecture and gameplay, the latter of which is the map's only highlight. It was inexpert gameplay, but what it lacked in sophistication it made up for in sheer viciousness. The new version will be much more vicious than the original.

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Technically I don't have a first WAD since I released 2 WADs as my first. But my first WAD technically is TMoD episode 0 since it was made first.



Don't expect high quality though... my work gets better by 3D adventures ._.

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7 hours ago, guitardz said:

This has been on my to play list for quite a while.  Good luck on your updated version.

Hey thanks. It is coming along nicely and since I'm not adding new areas, except for some small places for better connectivity, it will definitely get done sometime this century. :D


1 hour ago, Steve D said:

Let's go back to those thrilling days of yesteryear, all the way back to May of 1996, when I published my very first map, No Pity, in the AOL MacDoom Library. Alas, the AOL MacDoom Library closed down over 20 years ago, so my masterpiece of garbage is no longer available online. ;D But fear not, it still exists on my hard drive, and I plan to revise it for a secret megawad scheduled for release on October 31st, 2021. The revision will be "inspired by" the original architecture and gameplay, the latter of which is the map's only highlight. It was inexpert gameplay, but what it lacked in sophistication it made up for in sheer viciousness. The new version will be much more vicious than the original.

I like to see level designers take their older maps and revise them. Can you reveal more about this secret megawad? :)

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Well, look no further to this.... rather interesting thing I made not so long ago, full of amateur mistakes of course.


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My first full map ever was Base Octave from 2015, Ill attach it here because I don't know where else to upload

Its in Gzdoom in Hexen format (i think?) even though it doesn't really use any gzdoom effects.


Base Octave.zip

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After returning to Doom mapping in 2016, I spent about a year working on scraps of individual maps for the sort of full 32 map megawad that everyone decides to do when they start mapping. After that year, I had scraps of about a dozen or so maps in various states of progression, but none finished. That is when I discovered there were things called "community projects."


My first released map was "Assault on the Mountain Garrison" in the Doomworld Mega Project 2017. It was a vanilla map (nothing wrong with that, I liked vanilla mapping). While Suitepee was playing through it, he made the comment that it seemed like a noob map (which it was, really), but there were a few things he liked about it.


I still have yet to release any solo projects, but have participated in several community projects and have learned a lot in the past 2-3 years.

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I never uploaded it on idgames because I don't think people care (also I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but that's not the main reason). The other maps I made before it were made using Oblige first and modifying them later, so they don't count... They are in the topic for anybody curious though.

The version in the topic is the revised version, but the very first version of the map is also on the topic.

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2012 (big 1 straight to exit sector level and bunch of monsters, ammo, weapons and 2 puddles in between, so funny looking back at it)





For what it's worth I'm glad I'm no longer just making crappy 1 to 3 sectors maps anymore, I have gotten way better since then, here's my 2012 masterpiece if you really want it, upload date is 2015 because I was re-uploading a lot of stuff for archival purpose back then, my 2015 level is definitely much better than this heh.

Edited by sluggard : Oh, you mean first level lol

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19 hours ago, Doom_Dude said:

In the year 2000 I released a megawad called Vilecore. The name in the url isn't even right... haha. Some people kinda liked it, some said it was just ok and a few said it was shit. If I could go back and not release it, I would. Some day I'll get the updated version done.

I'll go on the record saying I remember enjoying it. 

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I think mine was my old, old Doom mod Pokestein 3D which was originally supposed to be a Wolf3D mod (which eventually became one, but then abandoned). That Doom mod was on my old Geocities website years ago, but thankfully is no longer available.

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7 hours ago, Doom_Dude said:

I like to see level designers take their older maps and revise them. Can you reveal more about this secret megawad? :)


I can say this much publicly; the project is well advanced, with at least 25 candidate maps. I say "at least" because one of the maps is very large and divided into several areas reachable only by teleporter, so it's possible to develop individual maps from the best areas and leave out the rest. I'm hoping to have 40 maps to choose from before making the final selection.


The mapping crew is mostly '90s-era vets. The release date is significant. :)

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It was a bunch of flat, 64-wide STARTAN corridors with a berserk right at the start, and no other weapons or armor.


Yeah, my first ever map was a tyson map, despite the fact that these days I sigh every time I see one.  It was also dreadful, of course, but that's hardly surprising since it was 1994.  I'm not sure if this is still available on idgames, but it would certainly not be any loss if it wasn't.  No doubt some of those old shovelware DVDs have it.


Several of my early maps were experiments with doing non-standard gameplay things; for instance my second map was 99% painful floors, and no rad suits.  It was certainly finishable, in the sense you could make it to the exit, but whether or not it was feasible to 100% it was not something I ever considered.  This definitely is still available on idgames, but you're better off not playing it, either :)

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2 hours ago, Lizardcommando said:

I think mine was my old, old Doom mod Pokestein 3D which was originally supposed to be a Wolf3D mod (which eventually became one, but then abandoned). That Doom mod was on my old Geocities website years ago, but thankfully is no longer available.

I remember playing the Wolf3D version of this back in the day!

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