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Doom mods with aliens

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Hello, I'm looking for any Doom gameplay mod that has aliens in it. Be it Xenos, bugs, and anything else. Leave your suggestions in the comments below.

Edited by Artman2004

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Technically, demons are aliens, since they come from another dimension. There are quite a few mods that just reuse the existing bestiary, but decide to treat the demons as aliens. Epic II, Ancient Aliens, Alienated, Perdition's Gate, Hell to Pay (the later two even has you traveling to "Planet Hell" to blow it up; and in Hell to Pay it's especially fun because you teleport back to your spaceship and then get to look at the planet blowing up thanks to a repurposed Icon of Sin explosion effect).


There's a few mods that use aliens from Duke Nukem 3D (Ultimate Torment & Torture, Stronghold), Quake III (the "catharsi" aliens, seen notably in Stronghold) in addition to regular Doom demons.


There are several Star Wars mods that reuse assets from Dark Forces and therefore feature gamorreans, rodians, and other Star Wars aliens. There are also Dalek mods out there, if you fancy a little bit of Doctor Who.


I don't remember seeing one, but I'd be surprised if nobody has ever made a Blake Stone TC for Doom. It was after all the most popular Wolf3D-engine game after Wolf 3D itself.


More interestingly, there's a ZDoom mod called Fortune's Run that features its own original sci-fi universe, you're an alien, you fight other aliens. More disappointingly, there's just a demo that was released, and the author disappeared after releasing it. Other TCs with original sci-fi universes include the Half-Life-inspired "The Fold" and "Beyond the Portal" mods (The Fold being a more polished reboot of BTP.) And speaking of Half-Life, there's Paranoid, the Half-Life TC.


Oh yeah, there's Membrane, which is another TC/indie game.

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1 hour ago, Gez said:

I don't remember seeing one, but I'd be surprised if nobody has ever made a Blake Stone TC for Doom. It was after all the most popular Wolf3D-engine game after Wolf 3D itself.


Exist this total conversion for Legacy Engine:


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13 hours ago, Death Egg said:

one level in Equinox...

Then we should count all alien-themed levels in Epic 2 and the last map of Epic 1.


And also Ancient Aliens...


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