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PJ Plays Doom

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Twas the night after Christmas, and all through the house stirred a speedrun World Record on the Circle Of Death. Enjoy this epic tale of improvement, culminating in the new World Record for Doom 2's Map 11. 


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I now take a leap into the 1996 megawad 'Eternal Doom' to play Map 17 'The Crypt'. Inspired by Coincident's blind run of this map, I particularly relished the challenge of the blue key pickup, which is my most difficult tic counting manoeuvre yet:



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Now for the smallest map of Scythe, Map 10 'The Lords'. Yet I found some tactical dilemmas and had quite a lot to learn, culminating in the World Record speedrun.



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Unholy Cathedral now, from Ultimate Doom. I don't like the teleporters too much, but being able to grab the BFG safely and kill barons makes for some No Damage enjoyment.


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Ok, folks, something a little bit different with a blind run of a level my brother made for my birthday. I've captured my first playthrough with live commentary for your entertainment: 


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Ok, guys. Scythe is getting serious now in the second episode. Sneak Peak here, with a descriptive No Damage Completion (with live commentary) and speedrunning, culminating in the UV Max + Reality + Items World Record. Just 2 successful runs in over 1500 attempts! 



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Now for my favourite Ultimate Doom map, Mount Erebus. For E3M6 I am trialling a new format, including attempts in order (instead of outtakes at the end). Let me know how you like it in the comments.  


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Hi everyone, I've conquered Mount Erebus again. Do not adjust your sets, this is a new video and a new method for me straferunning on original maps of Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 for the first time. In the outro, with clips from Pleymo, Coincident, Starduster, NightTerror, Daerik and of course GarrettChan, whose UV Max + Reality demo has inspired this, I explain my change of heart on the issue of straferunning. 



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Now we see Scythe Map 12, with the toughest tic counting yet - two long trips in nukage that require precise setups with straferunning. I have also speedran the challenge - how fast did I go?



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Ok, time for the second secret map of Doom 2. This is so easy for no damage play, I not only speedran it, achieving a World Record for UV Max + Reality + Items but also added extra cyberdemons (and took away the Nazis and invulnerability) until there were too many cyberdemons for me to defeat without taking damage. How many did I manage? Find out in this action-packed video:



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Just the one cyberdemon in this video, but the awkward positions of powerups make the strategy for Ultimate Doom's E3M9 'Warrens' far from obvious. That, and some monsters need a lot more ammo to die than expected! 


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Valiant makes an explosive debut on PJ Plays Doom with Map 14 'Implosion'. Lots of multiple kills here, but how many attempts did it take for me to crack this map? 


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Time for another speedrun of a Doom 2 map. Thanks to Overmind for inspiring me to break his record in The Factory and thanks to Decino for inspiring a BFG trick shot. Enjoy! 




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Scythe's Map 13 now, Subverted Base. A cautious No Damage Completion, followed by speedrunning and a new World Record. Those hitscanners don't get lucky every time! 


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My romp through Ultimate Doom's 3rd episode continues to involve suspiciously few attempts. My research and understanding of the maps is finely honed in 2021, and E3M7 Limbo is no different, although a certain shotgun guy was determined to make me look foolish. Don't worry, he gets his comeuppance. 


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Time for a brand new megawad now, folks. It's Doom 2 In Spain Only, a quite exciting project which I will be Blind Running most of, however here's a cautious No Damage Completion and Personal Best UV Max + Reality + Items video of Map 01, Entrada. Enjoy, amigos! 


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Now Doom 2's Map 16 'Suburbs' is a favourite of mine. I've included EVERY 2021 attempt at No Damage Completion in this video and in the outro I compare with my 2019 strategy when I 'succeeded' but on complevel 4. Enjoy! 



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Back to Scythe, with an explosion-filled romp through 'Power Outage'. Cyberdemon531 set a Reality record of 1:44.97. What is the new World Record? Watch to find out.... 


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It's been a while but I am lusting Suns once again, with Map 02 'Down Through'. Starting with attempt number 1, and with live commentary... 


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It's time to wrap up the individual levels of Episode 3 of Ultimate Doom now. E3M8 is so short I have only speedran it in 3 different disciplines. 3 World Records result. Enjoy! 


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Now for another hitscanner hell from Doom 2, with plenty of poison to boot. It's Map 17, Tenements. Also included, light refreshments!



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It's finally here, my first episode Reality run! I call it No Damage Exit to get out of Ultimate Doom's 3rd episode without taking damage (monsters, secrets, items optional). Enjoy! 


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Another megawad makes its debut on PJ Plays Doom - it's the chaotic Going Down (by Cyriak Harris, 2014). Map 15, Gladiator, has an unruly horde of monsters and an invulnerability. Warning - there are terrible puns about the movie of the same name, but I don' spoil the plot! 


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It's been too long since I last played Scythe --- Map 15 requires some seriously dedicated boring tactics, but don't worry as I've edited it in a hopefully entertaining way. Enjoy my suffering! 




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I must take advantage of the popularity of Going Down, so let's continue at the start (!) with Cyriak's hitscanner-filled opener. Zombies crawl around the UAC building roof and I'm struggling to digest my cake. Enjoy! 


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To celebrate 2 years of PJ Plays Doom, I have completed my first episodic speedrun, setting a World Record for UV Speed + Reality on Ultimate Doom's Inferno. There is live and added-later commentary included. 


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