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How do you feel about Doomslayer having a pet rabbit

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How do you feel about Doomslayer having a pet rabbit named Daisy? Is it too comical? especially in contrast to the "scientific" explanations they tried to give too all the monsters?


I personally prefer the more serious explanation of Doomslayer being the Martian, and his superhuman abilities being derived from soul cube.



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Considering Doomslayer is basically veteran Doomguy, I don't see anything wrong with it.


We also knew that he assaulted his boss due to being ordered by that dickhead of firing upon unarmed civilians.

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I meant that Doomguy having a pet rabbit fits with the 90's cheesy vibe, like the Raul Julia Bison. but does it still fit the modern Doom? Does the comical tone help or hurt the series?

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Having a pet rabbit isn't "comical tone". Tough guys can have pets.


36 minutes ago, Yhe1 said:

I personally prefer the more serious explanation of Doomslayer being the Martian, and his superhuman abilities being derived from soul cube.


I have my own theory about the Night Sentinels and the Martians in Doom 3, but that and the Doom Slayer's power being from the Soul Cube, isn't confirmed (or even hinted at) in the game. The Soul Cube just exists as an easter egg in both 2016 and Eternal. The game does talk about how the Seraphim used the Divinity Machine to empower the Doom Slayer.


10 minutes ago, Yhe1 said:

Does the comical tone help or hurt the series? 


Helps. A lot of mainstream users enjoy the "rip and tear" and "you are the traumatic event" type of tone, whereas Doom 3's serious approach didn't capture as much mainstream interest.

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1 hour ago, Yhe1 said:

I meant that Doomguy having a pet rabbit fits with the 90's cheesy vibe, like the Raul Julia Bison. but does it still fit the modern Doom? Does the comical tone help or hurt the series?

What Doomguy can't be an animal lover in addition to being addicted to brutal demon murder?

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I'd rather the games be tongue-in-cheek given the premise than super turbo duper serious hardcore manly man. It actually makes a good contrast; here's the Slayer with his literal toonami mancave of guitars, nunchucks and guns, whose response to his enemies involves death glares and buckshot while he plays with action figures of himself, and then over here the demons and not-angels and others all speak with a severity and seriousness like they think they call the shots as the ones in control that can overcome him. You don't need a Marvel snark to be a multidimensional character.

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I think trying to be too serious with series that started as whimsical & cartoony games about killing demons is comical in and of itself. It was part of Tom Hall's design to keep it light and fun, I think. Doom Eternal is return to form if anything.

Edited by SamuelMTEvander

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Since I had a pet rabbit in the 90's, it made DOOM immersion much deeper for me at the time. The almost backgroundless, impersonal protagonist who had a rabbit that he would later avenge made killing demons serious business ;)


I think it's really great that they brought Daisy into the latest iteration, I remember hearing Hugo say that there is one hidden in each map somewhere, and hinting that if you'd find them all it would appear into the cage in the Fortress of DOOM. So far, I've managed to find only one, and I saw an article that someone found one in Nekravol - part 2. I reckon it'll be very hard to find all parts of "Daisy's soul" scattered around the game. :)



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Doomslayer can't be all rip n tear all the time.

And, if he didn't have a pet I imagine he would lose what little sanity he has left

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17 hours ago, Yhe1 said:

I meant that Doomguy having a pet rabbit fits with the 90's cheesy vibe, like the Raul Julia Bison. but does it still fit the modern Doom? Does the comical tone help or hurt the series?

It's not about the time, it's the content itself. For example, being too serious about TMNT or He-Man only hurts those series as well, where the point is to keep it light and funny. Doom is one of those things. If Pinkies and Cacos didn't give you a hint already. Or Arachnotrons.

Edited by SamuelMTEvander

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It's good. Just like what everybody has said, DOOM has some tongue-in-cheek moments all the time, as with almost all other id Software games. Heck, there's even more to that than just Doomguy/Doomslayer with his pet rabbit Daisy. (Spoiler-y video below, consider yourself warned!)




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10 hours ago, NPC_CO8ALT said:

Doom Slayer having a pet rabbit was established ALLLLL the way back in Doom 1. This is NOT something new. Most Doom fans knew this piece of info, and for a long time, was the ONLY thing we knew about him.


It was just a joke at the very end of the game, in the end screen of Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed. Something like an easteregg. Now they treat it like an integral part of Doomguys biography in Doom Eternal. It fits the cartoony/goofy direction of the new game.


And no, it was not the only thing we knew about the Doom marine. There was the story background in the manual, where he assaulted an superior officer and so on.

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I'd have preferred if he had a cat or something, I find rabbits to be dumb and annoying. And food. But as others have mentioned, a rabbit was probably chosen due to being considered by many to be the cutest animal, and a feminine choice of pet. The juxtaposition of this and brutal mass slaughter of demons is indeed quite comical.

Anyway, Daisy's been dead ever since the end of Inferno - Thy Flesh Consumed was largely a revenge rampage for her death (that, and escaping the hellish fortress built on Earth to stop him from screwing things up for the invaders) 

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17 hours ago, Yhe1 said:

 especially in contrast to the "scientific" explanations they tried to give too all the monsters?


I kinda wished they made the descriptions of enemies even less scientific and more supernatural, since Hell in Doom always felt anti-logic.

Like a literal nightmarish Hell.


I think the problem with Daisy is if they focus too much of it, when the classic games also mentioned his corrupt boss (who i wished came back as an evil Doomguy boss or something) and how even Hell has different lore.

I think the lore differences only make the new and old timelines feel even more seperate and that Doomguy really had to cross dimensions and realities to reach the one he's in now.


Because of this, i think anything Doom can be canon.

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1 hour ago, whatup876 said:


I kinda wished they made the descriptions of enemies even less scientific and more supernatural, since Hell in Doom always felt anti-logic.

Like a literal nightmarish Hell.


I think the problem with Daisy is if they focus too much of it, when the classic games also mentioned his corrupt boss (who i wished came back as an evil Doomguy boss or something) and how even Hell has different lore.

I think the lore differences only make the new and old timelines feel even more seperate and that Doomguy really had to cross dimensions and realities to reach the one he's in now.


Because of this, i think anything Doom can be canon.


Although I too prefer a bigger focus on the supernatural nature of the monsters, there is something to be said about the "scientific" stuff being quite in line with Doom.  From classic Doom all the way through Doom 3, the theme has always been about groups trying their best to "science" their way around the reality of Hell and what it is...and ultimately falling flat when they realize too late that no, Science alone is not going to shackle Hell itself. 


Regarding the OP's post; as others have pointed out, Daisy has ALWAYS been in Doom (maybe not Doom 3 though). And OG Doom always had a bit of cheekiness to it, even if there is an argument to be made for it not being ULTRA SILLY (ala the comic). Just the fact that Doom/ Ultimate Doom ends with Hell opening a door so you can please GTFO says volumes about how intense and serious it was. 

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I think Doom is like one of these 80s-90s action movies that take themselves seriously but they are so silly that the spectator can't take them seriously at all.

The fact that doomguy has a pet rabbit and collect toys of himself while also being a demon killing machine shows what im talking about.

EDIT: To clarify, i'm mostly referring to NuDoom, though some of the things i said can also be applied to classic doom as well.

On 3/24/2020 at 6:03 PM, whatup876 said:

when the classic games also mentioned his corrupt boss (who i wished came back as an evil Doomguy boss or something)

That kinda happened on doom 3 with sabaoth (not the same characters but is doomguy beating the crap out of his former boss)

Edited by Danzer

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The demons went to the effort of not just beheading his little pet rabbit, but displayed its head on a spike.


that’s probably the moment he snapped at the absurdity of it all and went full rip and tear.

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On 3/24/2020 at 10:03 PM, whatup876 said:


I kinda wished they made the descriptions of enemies even less scientific and more supernatural, since Hell in Doom always felt anti-logic.

Like a literal nightmarish Hell.


I think the problem with Daisy is if they focus too much of it, when the classic games also mentioned his corrupt boss (who i wished came back as an evil Doomguy boss or something) and how even Hell has different lore.

I think the lore differences only make the new and old timelines feel even more seperate and that Doomguy really had to cross dimensions and realities to reach the one he's in now.


Because of this, i think anything Doom can be canon.

About that.. what bothers me is that any demons with mechanical elements are said to have received those from human technology, while in retro Doom it was implied that Hell itself had advanced tech all on its own.

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59 minutes ago, Xfing said:

About that.. what bothers me is that any demons with mechanical elements are said to have received those from human technology, while in retro Doom it was implied that Hell itself had advanced tech all on its own.

I think Doomguy sent them back to the Hell equivalent of the stone age. Things like arachnotrons and revenants would have disappeared entirely due to his rampage, as there could have only been so many of them created vs. the near endless legions of purely "biological" demons.

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Couldn't care less to be honest, I mean this was established all the way back in 1993 in the OG trilogy and then TFC.


Just a regular day in Doom I guess :p .

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It's a joke dating back to Thy Flesh Consumed's not-entirely-serious victory text. (There was nothing to imply the bunnies were meant to be personally relevant to Doomguy in the original release. You see some idyllic scene of a lovely field of flowers, some cute little bunnies, and a happy music... Then the camera pans to the side, you see a mutilated bunny, a burning city, and the music goes all discordant while the "the end" sign gets shot to pieces, telling you a sequel is coming.)


So the year of Daisy is 1995, not 1993.

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On 3/24/2020 at 8:10 AM, NPC_CO8ALT said:

Doom Slayer having a pet rabbit was established ALLLLL the way back in Doom 1. This is NOT something new.

Isn't Daisy dead though? If Doom 1 is canon it's clear the rabbit's dead.

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