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Mad Dal 85

KEYCONF.txt file


Hey Everyone.


I hope you're all well, despite this global pandemic.


My question today is how do I create a 'KEYCONF.txt' file so both standard weapons and any additional weapons go in a certain order.


ie. For standard weapons (I don't know the original names in the original files) 

1. Fist/Brass Knuckles (whichever it's called) then Chainsaw

2. Pistol

3. Shotgun then SSG

4. Chaingun

5. Rocket Launcher

6. Plasma Rifle

7. BFG 9000


And obviously in the game that's how the weapons (standard weapons) appear in order.


How can I do this along with what weapons I am adding to it? I tried it and some weapons don't appear when I tested it out. 😔


Help with this would be greatly appreciated.



Have a good one and stay safe.

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2 answers to this question

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The keyconfig file is nowadays quite outdated. There are better and safer ways to add your weapons in a certain order. 


You can use the property Weapon.SlotNumber inside the DECORATE file of your custom weapon. To do this, simply find "an out of brackets" line inside the code. I mean, the line that you are going to write has to be placed inside the only main brackets (the ones that contains all the code, like the health parameter for a custom monster). 

Then write 

Weapon.SlotNumber x 

Where x is the key that you want to assign to the new weapon.


You can use a ZMPAINFO file to define you slots. 

To do this, create a new entry using SLADE, rename it ZMPAINFO and click to the "view as text" button. Then, write the following code:




       Weaponslot = 1, "weapon1", "weapon2"...

       Weaponslot = 2, "weapon3"



Of course be sure to replace the weapon1/2/3 line with the name of your weapon.

Note that you can also bind more than one weapon to the same slot.


Here you have a summary of the various method that can be used to solve your problem


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