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Fellowship of the Ring: Extended version

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So, who else has watched it?

I think it was quite nice, though slightly disappointing. Not that I didn't like the extra stuff, but I don't think the editing was perfect. The original cut is a lot smoother in some places. Oh well, that could be because I'm too used to it after watching it 10 times :)

Most notably, there are some changes in the intro. It's probably way better for those who haven't read the book because it gives some more info about the hobbits.

Then there's various other stuff, the absolutely best IMO being the extra shots inside and outside of Moria.

Some of the goods are also the Lothlorien sequence. The scene where the fellowship meet with Celeborn has been shortened down, getting rid of Marton Csokas' horrible acting at the end. Instead there are lots of new quite saucy scenes, giving more depth to the story at that point.

It isn't quite an extra hour though. The last 27 minutes are credits :(

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Yeah, I heard about this back when the first DVD set came out in August. My dad doesn't have the mioney to buy them yet. I'll probably wait until all three movies are out, then buy the "supar-1337 deleated scenes trilogy"

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I havent seen it but it sounds cool. One of the things I disliked about the original was you didnt really see much of what happened inside Moria.

And now, for your veiwing pleasure...


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Awesome stuff.

I especially like Gimli's scene with the gift-giving. That one leg pull on Aragorn at Hollin was fun too.

The mithril scene in Moria.

The gollum on the rivers scene made it back! But I guess they didn't want to show the winged Nazgul quite so early yet.

Sackville-Bagginses! Sackville-Bagginses!

I think the one place where the new cutting is subpar is the transition from Haldir's scene in the woods to the scene atop the flet. But it wasn't too bad.

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I bought it, but haven't watched it yet. I want to read the book first (even though I've seen the original movie already).

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I didn't bother to get the first DVD release when I heard this was coming. And just by chance I happened across a site that was selling it just a few days before it came out. I payed $25 for the movie, and the fact that it came with a ticket to the Two Towers makes the deal even sweeter. Getting the extended version is worth every penny I payed for it. There's just so much included... I haven't even had time to go through the four commentaries and the two bonus disks yet...

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Nope. Didn't see the extended version yet. But I just watched the South Park ep "The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers" about 10 minutes ago. Funny as hell. My new favorite South Park ep. :D

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its funny cuz I had no idea it was coming out until I saw the add on the first edition dvd :| "you purchased this, so why not purchase the other one as well." I will buy it when I get the money though.

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I received the regular version for my birthday (doh) so I can't get the newer one. Besides, it's split into 2 discs, which really sucks.

I also hear that it won't play in many brands of DVD/CD-RW combo drives, so it may be a complete waste.

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