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stupid rant about YAR

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Im sure some of you know what im talking about. I have to vent this out somewhere. Youth At Risk is a fucking joke. Never does it help to "correct todays problems" for people under 18. Once you signed up for this Abomination of Society there is NO turning back. I discover that my mom has done this to me during the summer, wanting me to "correct my attitude and grades" and keeps saying its for my own good. BULLSHIT! The only thing that it does IMO is hinder me from suceeding. Last week they lock me up in this small cell with a toilet, sink, and a bed to help me with my work. AFTER THE FIRST FUCKING DAY I DON'T RECIEVE ANYTHING OF THE LIKE!! I JUST SAT THERE STARING AT THIS CEMENT WALL, LOSING MY MIND. Parents are lured to this using false hopes of your socially outcasted kid (like me)with shitty grades to do better. THEY NEVER HELP YOU!!! WHY CANT THEY JUST STOP BEING LAZY BASTARDS AND START HELPING ME!! HALF OF THE TIME IT IS THE COURTS FAULT MAKING YOU SHOW UP FOR COURT AT 8:30, ALREADY MISSING HALF OF 1ST PERIOD, AND IF YOUR LUCKY, YOU GET TO SCHOOL WITH 2 MINUTES LEFT OF 2ND. THEY ARE KEEPING YOU FROM IMPROVING BY KEEPING YOU OUT OF SCHOOL, JUST TO LISTEN TO SOME CRAP FROM A JUDGE WHO DOESN'T HEAR MY SIDE OF THE STORY. Shit i hate my life. Worst thing about this crap is once your signed up, you can't just unregister from it. No. I'm stuck with it until i'm 18. So thanks mom, for ruining my last few years of being free.

P.S. I probably wont be able to see the replies, or flames, or ban message for misuse of the boards, since i go tomorrow, so i'll see you on Monday. Flame On.

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i have heard of such programs. however they seemed to come to me for the wrong reasons. they were always interested in the fact i came from a soviet friendly country, nothing else. always asking questions and doing problem solving tests, and teaching me better english and why america is so great. it was also very pro-military, they said it would be great to join the army, and that i should when i become 18. alot of junk like that. they cared nothing that my parents had become drug addicts or that they simply left us to our selves most of the time. I was pulled from class to do tests, mainly problem solving(like how would u do this) and they taught me about computers and programing. infact at that time i was probably one of the few 7 years olds who could program in binary and basic, sadly i have forgotten about that. use to know the binary code for every letter and number. but guess what, it seemd to stop in the year 1992, hey i wonder why? (i know why, the soviet union collapsed in 91 so there was no more interest in it) people always blamed the soviets for useing propaganda, well we did too, duh. every one does to a degree.

if u have problems with the court, that your problem and you have none to blame but your self. If you think stuff like drugs, drinking a driving, and shit like that is cool you better stop. drugs are not about freedom, i have seen to many die to be high. personaly i would rather crack a shovel over every drug dealer in the area. if u have had such charges u are lucky u are getting what u currently have. really they should increase treatment and use better methods.
however if grades are the only problem, and maybe a few traffic violations, then i understand. iu was never good with grades, mainly because i didnt care about the people in the school. the teachers cared nothing for most of the kids, least of all me. I got sent down for doom and other remarks, also i made a cartoon that was very much like itchy and scratchy, only worse. I even went to a teacher who said she would help me only to be turned down, hey and she just got fired( i always knew she had some sort of issue)

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Fortunately, I dislike the use of any mind-altering substance (except games) that ruins your life. Most kids at my school talk about gettin high and drinking and stupid shit like that. At least there is someone out there who knows about this kind of mind control that easily warps the minds of our "i wish you would do better so i have no choice" parents.

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Damn. I thought this was gonna be a thread about pirates!


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Sounds like some "help" institutes in Holland I know (Jeugdzorg - which translates "youth care" - and RIAGG). They think for you, not with you!

stphrz said:

Damn. I thought this was gonna be a thread about pirates!

I thought this was gonna be some startrek fanthread...
Tasha!!!! ... :-P

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Well, this rant is not what I would call stupid. Being abducted by a semi-legal governmental indoctrination program seems like a legit reason to complain to me.

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Crap like this is only going to make kids spiteful. Now you've got a huge grudge against your parents, just what an outcast needs, isolation from everything. Like being in teen prison is going to make you feel any better about yourself.

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I (un)fortunately do not have a clue what you're talking about. Also, your avatar gives me the willies.

Best user name I've seen in a while though =)

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At this moment i am getting yelled at by my tech teacher, for being off task when half the class is just surfing the web.

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Rat YAR and your parents out to the cops on child endangerment charges.

@ Little Faith: YAR and its ilk aren't government; they're corporations that advertise to dumb, ineffective parents.

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Hm, and what other "terrorist" organizations like this exist in the US?

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IMJack said:

Rat YAR and your parents out to the cops on child endangerment charges.

@ Little Faith: YAR and its ilk aren't government; they're corporations that advertise to dumb, ineffective parents.

Oh, we have those where I live too. Though they usually operate by hiring out to the government. Especially to take care of underage felons. Primitive money-making scams they are.

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"Primitive" is right. One of those outfits back in Utah folded after six of their "participants" died on a "wilderness excursion." They basically just dumped them in the middle of nowhere (and Utah has a lot of nowhere) and told them to make their way back on foot.

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IMJack said:

"Primitive" is right. One of those outfits back in Utah folded after six of their "participants" died on a "wilderness excursion." They basically just dumped them in the middle of nowhere (and Utah has a lot of nowhere) and told them to make their way back on foot.

Holy shit...

I can't believe such a thing exists. It's scary. Do you ever get to leave the institution building they put you in? It DOES just sound like a sort of detention centre, and i'd hate to see how much propaganda they try to pump into you; At least you see it for what it is.

BTW, i just started looking for info on what this is. I found this: (The creepier parts have been emboldened using Creepovison©

The purpose of At Risk Youth legislation is to assist and enable parents to gain control of their children and to empower parents to keep their children at home or in an alternative placement of their choice through the use of court intervention. Youth who are demonstrating self destructive or high risk behavior but who are not under the official supervision of the court can, through an "At Risk" petition filed by the parent, be brought under the supervision of the court.

...Big Brother is alive and well.

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Um, "supervision of the court" means you show up during a calendar hearing every month and the guys your parents signed you over to give a report on your progress. Usually the court doesn't care as long as you make the hearing and at least give lip service toward improvement.

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