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Looking for people to playtest my maps with

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I have a million unreleased deathmatch maps and many of them are "megaworthy". At least I think they are, but I'll never really know unless I playtest them with someone. 

My mapping style has changed slightly from Greenwar days. I tend to make slightly smaller, tighter maps that are great for 2-4 players. Anyway, hope there are some takers!


My Discord handle is: Grotug#0931


Most of my maps are very bare-bones in terms of texturing. Here is an example of one that is a bit more polished:



These bots kicked my ass. Too bad they didn't spam the BFG, though.

Edited by Hellbent

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One other thing: What's the best utility to arrange maps into a megawad? I used to use DeepSea and I haven't figured out how to do it in Doombuilder X. Thanks!

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In Doombuilder X, you can use the "Save Map Into" option to merge a map into an existing wad, after you change the name in map options (Edit menu or F2) to the map slot of choice so that you don't accidentally overwrite an existing slot.


Or, if you want to make it extra intuitive, you can just get Slade and copy the map lumps!

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On 5/20/2020 at 12:24 PM, Hellbent said:

One other thing: What's the best utility to arrange maps into a megawad? I used to use DeepSea and I haven't figured out how to do it in Doombuilder X. Thanks!

Slade is the new XWE.

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