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Doom Raider 2020

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I love it when the classic ZDoom mods get revisited - it always seems to work out very well! Screenshots certainly look nice here, so I've downloaded and will check it out soon.

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Gave it a whirl, it's a nice update, but I do admit it is a little too dark in some spots mainly in combat, and it's a little too awkward to use a flashlight with a pistol to do so. Other than that, it's pretty good.

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Thanks for the comments guys. Yes it is a very dark map but intentionaly so. I design in a very dark room and everythng seems ok in these conditions, so maybe if people play this in a bright room there will be visability issues. The gloves...OMG...yeah that is probably something I should have considered but I spent so long working on this i guess i developed a blind spot there. Now that it's pointed out it does seem like an obvious omission.   


or maybe where doom raider lives they have very strict handling protocols for weapons, black gloves for most pistols, brown for shotguns, and uzis, being the most sterile of weapons, are best wielded bare handed.

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1 hour ago, Russell_P said:

or maybe where doom raider lives they have very strict handling protocols for weapons, black gloves for most pistols, brown for shotguns, and uzis, being the most sterile of weapons, are best wielded bare handed.

I was gonna say something about the glove discrepancy on the weapons, but for me, I consider that explanation to be hilarious.

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1 hour ago, Russell_P said:

or maybe where doom raider lives they have very strict handling protocols for weapons, black gloves for most pistols, brown for shotguns, and uzis, being the most sterile of weapons, are best wielded bare handed.


It's cannon now. Doom raider can be a demon killer, but a well dressed demon killer.

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aaah, I can't play ;_;"

Execution could not continue.

Script error, "DoomRaider(2020).pk3:decorate/doomraiderfist.txt" line 192:
Invalid parameter 'a_startsound'

running on GZDoomg4.2.3 64 bits, was really looking forward to replaying it! 

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16 minutes ago, kalaeth said:

aaah, I can't play ;_;"

Execution could not continue.

Script error, "DoomRaider(2020).pk3:decorate/doomraiderfist.txt" line 192:
Invalid parameter 'a_startsound'

running on GZDoomg4.2.3 64 bits, was really looking forward to replaying it! 

Update your GZDoom.

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11 minutes ago, Salahmander2 said:

Update your GZDoom.


It will have to wait then. Can't do it while "at" work.

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21 hours ago, SLON said:

But different gloves' color?

The black gloves come attached to the pistols. DoomRaiderGuy is wearing his brown gloves underneath the black ones. His hands get all sweaty with two pairs of gloves but his aim is unaffected.

I'm not completely sure if I ever played the original Doom Raider, but this was good. The Arch-Vile encounter was pretty intense and creative. Nice moody look to everything. A memorable map.

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A_StartSound is, I think, a fairly new addiition to GZDoom. But then I'm a fool and got the version numbers mixed up in my initial post. You need the latest version 4.3.3

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Some pretty cool stuff going on here. The part where the ghosts rush out at you, metal. That part where you fight the hyper-archvile? Even more metal. The part where your running from the boulder after all the spooky rune shit happening. METAL, AF.

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How awesome you updated your map Russell!  I remember this was the first custom WAD I played ever since I discovered ZDoom exists.


Those gloves holding the dual pistols look like from Brütal Doom don't they?  Simply get the same gloves from BD for the shotgun and other weapons.  Be even more cool if you make your wad compatible with Sergeant Mark IV's Brütal Doom.


Glad you also added a flashlight and can still attack because the original map was so dark that I had to add Doom 2.5's flashlight to it (and usually use its attack to smash the ZCorpseSitting which I'm also glad destroying them gives you bonus items!)


Very fine work Russell, perhaps you would update it more.

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Sorry for the necromancy but I wanted to ask something. I remember when it was called "Act 1" as if there were to be additonal Doom Raider maps.


Are there any other maps?


Also I found the little easter egg you hid.


One of the things that is annoying is the fact that there is an invisible wall at the end of the boulder trap hallway. It doesn't seem to appear all the time. But most of the time it blocks my way when by the time I reach the end of the hallway.

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