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Doom 2 - Entryway Recreation

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Pretty good, feels like a slightly more vanilla take on Project Remap. Love the square houseplants.


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This is a very well made recreation of Entryway. From the more lively feel of the small furniture around the various rooms to the awesome grating style flooring of the room with the zombles on top of the PC's and even some nicely expanded outside areas this is a brilliant little map. :)

I also love how MAP02 is almost seamlessly implemented into the end of the map.


There is one thing which I admit didn't try to do but I am curious about. I wanna say it is possible to fall down into the slime below in the room where you'd normally grab the green armour. Is there a way out of that pit? If there is I probably missed it like a numpty but from what I saw looking down it looks impossible to escape.

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11 hours ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

This is a very well made recreation of Entryway. From the more lively feel of the small furniture around the various rooms to the awesome grating style flooring of the room with the zombles on top of the PC's and even some nicely expanded outside areas this is a brilliant little map. :)

I also love how MAP02 is almost seamlessly implemented into the end of the map.


There is one thing which I admit didn't try to do but I am curious about. I wanna say it is possible to fall down into the slime below in the room where you'd normally grab the green armour. Is there a way out of that pit? If there is I probably missed it like a numpty but from what I saw looking down it looks impossible to escape.

@DynamiteKaitorn yes, you can get in the nukage by going all the way to the back of the room, and no, you can't escape it once you get in.

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This is nice, I like the additional details that you added to the very start, making it look like a hole blown in the wall in a lobby area to get inside! Having the extra areas was good too - I think the last room sort of backed off a bit and became very similar to the original MAP01, but if you can keep the energy up that you had at the beginning of this map throughout the episode, this could be very interesting. Good luck :)




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10 hours ago, DavidN said:

This is nice, I like the additional details that you added to the very start, making it look like a hole blown in the wall in a lobby area to get inside! Having the extra areas was good too - I think the last room sort of backed off a bit and became very similar to the original MAP01, but if you can keep the energy up that you had at the beginning of this map throughout the episode, this could be very interesting. Good luck :)




@DavidN nice review, though those skulls in the outside area were not supposed to be there, the original doom 2 had a texture called "AASHITTY" which had the skull texture as a thumbnail and default texture, it's actually not supposed to appear in game but in certain source ports and mods it does anyways making it look strange.

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