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labyrinth megawad

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any megawad with very narrow corridors, and plenty of traps?

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14 hours ago, grrfield said:

only congestion (1 and 2) do comply according to me




 i see there is congestion 1024, 384 and congestion control, which is 1 and the 2?

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1024 it is. I thought there were two versions, but apparently i must be wrong about that.


I keep track of all wads i played and these have the word cramped in the description i gave:

- congestion 1024

- doom2 in a nutshell



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2 hours ago, Amph said:


 i see there is congestion 1024, 384 and congestion control, which is 1 and the 2?


8 minutes ago, grrfield said:

1024 it is. I thought there were two versions, but apparently i must be wrong about that.

I think Grrfield was trying to point Claustrophobia 1024 and Claustrophobia 1024 2: The Mystery of Too Many Maps. Both were spiritual sequesl to the original Congestion 1024.


I must mention also the following works, atmospheric wads with plenty of realistic architecture and enphasis on exploration through corridors and open areas alike:
Invasion 1.9

OSIRIS Total Conversion

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7 hours ago, grrfield said:

currently playing unfamiliar 2. It qualifies for your "fetish".


if there is any version without modded weapons or monster yes, i like to stick with original doom 2 things


hunted in plutonia respect what i want, but with more traps and not only arch-vile of course, i like to feel lost so i can regain my liberty

Edited by Amph

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