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Doom -1: A Doomworld Experiment

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This is actually a neat idea (I think we already had something similar to this?) and I'd like to participate. One question, though: How do we know that only 1 person at a time is working on it? Maybe we have to establish a queue.

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3 minutes ago, elend said:

This is actually a neat idea (I think we already had something similar to this?) and I'd like to participate. One question, though: How do we know that only 1 person at a time is working on it? Maybe we have to establish a queue.

Yeah, we can just do it one at a time, so it doesn't have to branch off and get confusing.

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Neat idea! Reminds me of the ZDoom Community Map Projects to a degree with the premise of a bunch of people adding stuff to a single map - only with an extra degree of randomness because it's quite literally random people adding stuff. Of course, the obvious challenge lies in making the final product cohesive.

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16 minutes ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

And just like that! I made it v0.004! OwO





Overall a very nice addition, the only thing I really have to say is that having a door texture rest on the same series of linedefs as wall textures instead of being offset is a sin lol. That's whoever makes version 5s problem though, if they want it to be there problem that is.

Edited by RiviTheWarlock

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Getting my changes out before I have to copy them from scratch to another version :P


I remade the shotgun secret entirely and the map is now corruption-themed-ish. Also, animated sky! (kinda, it is bugged)

Planning to make the map with 2 optional paths for the player to traverse through, though obviously the idea fell short due to time constraints. Would be glad to have someone finishing the idea for me :P











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So i playtested it and i have to say the map is very cramped and super linear, there's not alot of room to maneuver around expecially with the amount of enemies you all have in the map

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I've made the doors more visually consistent(and messed with visuals overall), changed the progression slightly for the red key(I encourage you to revert this if you want to), and added a (pretty barebones) room past what originally was the exit.

I may or may not have also diminished the ammo supply, but what's there should be plenty still.


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Is it okay to contribute twice? I just wanted to incorporate the opened-up computer maze that @Voltcom made into the map, because it's such an improvement. I also decided to make the fake wall behind the start a door like voltcoms version 0.09.

Might've made the currently last room in the progression a little more forgiving as well.



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Well, since this is growing fast, I might add something.


You can add more levels, you guys are working on the introduction level...


You can make as many separate edits as you want.


Other than that, I'm pretty sure this is going to be as difficult as Plutonia Experiment.

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2 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

Well, since this is growing fast, I might add something.


You can add more levels, you guys are working on the introduction level...


You can make as many separate edits as you want.


Other than that, I'm pretty sure this is going to be as difficult as Plutonia Experiment.


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I'm going to make the base for MAP02 and give some edits to MAP03 and MAP07, along with MAP01. Please wait until I'm finished, then continue editing.

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