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Countdown Script?

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Hi, another Question from me :)

I want to create a Countdown Script, that counts to zero (00:00) from 5 Minutes (05:00). For this I would like to use the following countdown HUDMSG command:

script 111 (void)
hudmessage (s:"Timer:\n, s:"05:00"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, 2, CR_WHITE, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
delay (35);
hudmessage (s:"Timer:\n, s:"04:59"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, 2, CR_WHITE, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
delay (35);

This Scipt would show a countdown number in the top-left screencorner and every second, it would refresh! The problem about it: I don't want to finish this script by writing down about 300 "hudmessages" with the 0x:xx changed every step. Is there a better way to realise this?! (plz gimme the complete script then!)

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try something like this.

script 111 (int counttime) {
	int i;
	int mins, secs;
	str minfill, secfill;
	for (i = counttime; i >= 0; i--) {
		mins = i / 60;
		secs = i % 60;

		if (mins >= 10)
			minfill = "";
			minfill = "0";
		if (secs >= 10)
			secfill = "";
			secfill = "0";

		hudmessage(s:"Timer:\n", s:minfill, d:mins, s:":", s:secfill, d:secs; HUDMSG_PLAIN, 2, CR_WHITE, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
just give it the number of seconds to countdown (in your case it would be 300) as its argument and it should work. i haven't tested it btw.

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AFAIK, there's no built in timer function. What I do is print a message every 10 seconds which shows the time:


and so on until 10 seconds, then I count down every second. (replace printbold with hudmessage in your case)

My timed sections are usually around 2 minutes or less, but I definitely recommend using this method for a 5 minute timer. (saves a lot of script space)

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There actually is an built in timer functions, it's simply called timer() and returns the level time in tics (i.e. you have to divide by 35 to get the seconds). I don't think it's really useful in this case, since schepe's script will do the job very well.

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Thx for the help and now I have an additional question about this script. How can I add some commands, that will be executed, if the counters minute+second indicator is for example 02:33 or else?! Because I want the timerscipt to teleport enemies in my arena every few seconds :)

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Just make the mins and secs vars map global and have a self-restarting script that looks for those vars. Something like

script 123 (void)
 if (mins == 2 && secs == 33) { // does ACS actually allow &&? I can't remember, heh
    // do some shit here


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Let's see if this works:

At the very top of the script, add this to each map:

world int 1: Minutes; // Can be any name
world int 2: Seconds; // Same here
Now add this:
script 1 open // Add this script to the first map only
    Minutes = 4;
    Seconds = 60; // 5 minutes total

script 2 (void) // Add this to all maps
    Seconds -= 1;
    if(Seconds < 10)
        printbold(d:Minutes,s:":0",d:Seconds,s:" remaining");
        printbold(d:Minutes,s:":",d:Seconds,s:" remaining");
    if(Seconds == 0)
        Minutes -= 1;
        Seconds = 60;
    if((Minutes == 0) && (Seconds == 0))
        ACS_Execute(10, 2, 0, 0, 0); // Script 10
on map 2. If you're on another map, then the
script will run when you get to map 2.
    delay(35); // equal to 1 second

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Thx for the script Ichor but ACS tells me, that there is a missing semicolon after "world" :(

Do I need a new version of acs? And where can i get it?

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Only one problem about it:

When the counter starts @ 4 Minutes and 60 Seconds and counts down to 4 Minutes and 10 Seconds, it looks like this:

Timer: 4:059 (4:010)

and if there are only single numbers to count, from 4 Minutes and 9 seconds on, it looks like this:

Timer: 4:9 (4:8, 4:7)

Looks a bit ugly I think! Is there also a possibility to put the text in the lower or upper left corner? Could you also do this?

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Tormentor667 said:

Only one problem about it:

When the counter starts @ 4 Minutes and 60 Seconds and counts down to 4 Minutes and 10 Seconds, it looks like this:

Timer: 4:059 (4:010)

and if there are only single numbers to count, from 4 Minutes and 9 seconds on, it looks like this:

Timer: 4:9 (4:8, 4:7)

Looks a bit ugly I think! Is there also a possibility to put the text in the lower or upper left corner? Could you also do this?

Simple replace the line

if(Seconds > 10)
if(Seconds < 10)
Just a little typo.

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There, it's fixed.

One little mistake can cause a whole lot of chaos, especially if it doesn't look like one, and I've had more than my share of blunders, heheh.

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Just one little question *g* : Could you replace the printbold command with hudmessage and change everything in a way, that the message is placed in the upper left corner?!

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Well, I don't know most ZDoom specific script commands, since I work with Hexen.

Still, you could try replacing the 'printbold' part with just 'print' and see what happens.

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Tormentor667 said:

Just one little question *g* : Could you replace the printbold command with hudmessage and change everything in a way, that the message is placed in the upper left corner?!

Yes. (but I don't use it, so I don't know what the exact commands are)

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Personally I prefer just seconds as an argument. Here's another way to do the clock that makes it look PRETTY. Originally this routine was passed a time and a script to execute. I took it out earlier, but it's easy to figure out how to do this. Now let's see if the post comes out ok? [Sorry, you can figure out the spacing - mods can fix:)]

#include "zcommon.acs"

#define SECOND1 35 // 1 second

// script 1 OPEN startup MESSAGES

Script 1 OPEN

acs_execute(250,100); // start the countdown timer


// A timer Clock for up to 59 minutes 59 seconds

str numbers[60] =

// script for showing the clock

script 250 (int timedelay)
int timeleft;
int minutes;
int seconds;

timeleft = timedelay;

while (timeleft)
minutes = timeleft/60;
seconds = timeleft%60;

hudmessage (
s:numbers[minutes],s: ":",s:numbers[seconds];

HUDMSG_PLAIN, // message type
0, // message id
CR_BLUE, // message color
0.45, // x-coordinate
0.6, // y-coordinate
1.0); // hold time (in seconds)



/////// end ///////////////////

Oops, posted the more complicated one first

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@Deep - Thx, but the previous one works fine. My only question is how I can change the printbold into hudmessage so I can put the counter somewhere else :(

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Tormentor667 said:

@Deep - Thx, but the previous one works fine. My only question is how I can change the printbold into hudmessage so I can put the counter somewhere else :(

I don't understand. Just change printbold to a hudmessage. String formatting is identical. Just add the coordinate, etc. stuff.

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