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Your Control Setup

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I was reading something last night and it was typically the different setups ppl use while playing FPS. Obviously people think the style they adopted is the best but I read that alot of ppl use w,a,s,z to move. I find this wierd. For Doom3 my setup would be as follows:

Mouse: Inverted
Used for looking and controlling movement only
Button 1 = Fire
Button 2 = Jump

Left&Right = strafe
Up&Down = Forwards and Backwards

Shift: Walk
Keypad INS: next weapon
R Ctrl: Duck
Enter: Use item
[ and ] : Cycle items
Numbers: Weapon Selection

What do you guys use?

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bind a "_speed"
bind d "_back"
bind e "_forward"
bind r "_moveright"
bind w "_moveleft"
bind g "_moveup"
bind t "_movedown"
bind s "_left"
bind f "_right"
bind MOUSE1 "_attack"
bind q "weapnext"
bind z "weapprev"
bind space "reload"
seta sensitivity "8"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
seta m_pitch "-0.022000"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_filter "1"
seta name "rayle^extropy"
seta r_varmegs 768

With the exception of the inverted mouse (an old habit I can't seem to break), I think this is the one true FPS setup. There is really no reason to use anything else aside from personal preference, as an ESDF setup gives you optimal button placement for ease of use as well as functionality.

That's from Doom 3 - if a game has a "use" function I set that to lalt, and if a game has any sort of "weapon special function" (including zoom) I set that to mouse2. In CS I use the mousewheel to buy ammo, otherwise I don't use it or I use it to set zoom levels. Mouse3 is generally some sort of flashlight or lasersight, mouse4 is offhand grenades (or voicecom in HL) and mouse5 is almost never used, except for perhaps a screenshot button. I have kp+ and kpenter for demo recording controls in some games, and I usually use the zxcvb row for auxilary functions like radio commands or spraypaint. I use "enter" for chat, and yui for team, target, and attacker, respectively. Tab is +showscores, and capslock is the gestures menu in UT and UT2k3, or the gesture button in Q3A.

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Arrows Up and Down - Forwards and Backpedal
Arrows Left and Right - Strafe
Left Mouse - Fire
Right Mouse - AltFire (or Open if there's no altfire)
NumEnd - Jump
NumIns - Duck
Shift - Reload
Ctrl - Open

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My standard control setup:

W - Use (in Doom 3 I use it to reload, though I might change that)
A - Strafe left
S - Backwards
D - Strafe right
Shift - Run
Space - Jump
C - Crouch
MB1 - Fire
MB2 - Forward
Mouse - Mouselook, duh.

Sensitivity - depends on the game.

I used to need inverted mlook, but I've changed to regular now and I'm about equally good with either if I just get two minutes to warm up.

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In quake3 I use:

w,a,s,d for move
q = gl
e = pg
f = sg / other items...
x = mg
c = lg / other items...
strg = BFG
space = crouch
alt = use/zoom
shift = walk
z = say
t = team_say

mouse1 = fire
mouse2 = jump (that rules on mouse2)
mouse3 = rg
mouse4 = rl
mouseup = lg
mousedown = sg

most probably I'll use that layout in d3 too.
but i thought about moving to e,s,d,f for movement then i could use some more pinky finger keys like "a" for another weapon. "r" will be my no. candidate for reload.

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up = up arrow
down = down arrow
right = right arrow
left = left arrow

reload = del
use = enter
crouch = ctrl
jump = shift

shoot = mouse1
use/secondire fire = mouse2

Yes, I use the arrow keys and yes I know the truly l33t players use WASD (which would be ZQSD with an azerty keyboard). Fuck you.

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W - Forwards
S - Backwards
A - Strafe Left
D - Strafe Right

Space - Jump
C - Duck
Q - Reload
E - Use

Mouse 1 - Fire
Mouse 2 - Alt Fire
MWheel up - Next weapon
MWheel Down - Prev Weapon

Mouse Look - Inverted Mouse Y axis

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Well, I know a lot of good players that use WASD (which I think is somewhat inferior compared to ESDF; less keys at your disposal) and also the arrow keys, which IMO is pretty dumb compared to WASD or ESDF.

Of course, REAL hardcore players use a Belkin Nostromo n50 Speedpad. :P Mine broke, though. :/

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Left click = primary fire
Right click = secondary (if any)
Right ctrl = jump
Right shift = crouch
Up key = forward
Down key = back
Left key = strafe left
Right key = strafe right
MWheel = next weapon
Enter = use

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WASD - movement
LftShft - walk/run
LftCtrl - crouch
Space - jump
E - use key
Q - useful gimmick
R - reload
Z,X,C,F,G - not-so-useful gimmicks

LMB - fire
RMB - altfire/use key
MMB - gimmick
Mwheel - cycle weapons/inventory

And I invert the mouse. It just feels more natural to me.

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Looking through all of these setups I can't help feel that my standard configuration is a bit odd. It works fine for me, but it really isn't very similar to what you guys seem to be using:

Forward = Mouse 2
Back = /
Leftstrafe = ,
Rightstrafe = .
Duck = M
Jump = N
Reload = K
Use = L
Primary Fire = Mouse 1
Secondary Fire = Mouse 3
Next/Previous Weapon = Mouse Scroll Down/Up

I dunno... it just feels a lot more comfortable to me than using a more condensed WASD setup.

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Katarhyne said:

Well, I know a lot of good players that use WASD (which I think is somewhat inferior compared to ESDF; less keys at your disposal

Yeah I actually tried ESDF for a bit, but I kept just putting ym fingers on WASD. So bleh. I'll struggle with my lack of buttons.

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up arrow - up
down arrow - down
left arrow - strafe left
right arrow - strafe right
mouse 1 - shoot
mouse 2 - duck
mouse 3 - jump
mousewheel up - next weapon
mousewheel down - previous weapon
delete - reload
shift - run
g - god
i - load level 1
o - load level 2
p - load level 3

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Mine is the best :)

Up/down = forwards backwards
Left/right = strafe left and right.
Mouse1 = Fire
Mouse2 = Alt fire
Mouse 3 (Click the mouse wheel) = Reload (if there is reload)
Scroll mouse up = Next weapon
Scroll mouse down = Previous weapon
Ctrl = Jump
Enter = Use (or open doors, etc)
Shift = Crouch

Always run is on (for games that have it) and mouselook.

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I'm tired of hearing how I'm a weirdo because of my control setup, so guess what?

I'm not gonna list 'em :-P

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Left-left arrow
Right-right arrow
Foward-up arrow
Back-down arrow
Shoot-left ctrl
Sec Shoot-c
look up-s
look doen-x
invt use-enter

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does anyone use a special FPS controler?
it would be interesting to hear how practicable those toys are.
I was close to mod an old keyboard into a personal fps gear (PFG) (TM) because wasd steering lacks the "left" pinkey finger keys and esdf is not as good as wasd. i dunno why but esdf "feels" different to me...

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A: Strafe left
E: Strafe right
<: Forward
O: Backward
": Jump

Left mouse fire, right mouse strafe, shift run.

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