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Getting the red key in MAP15

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Did you ever figure out by yourself how to get the red key from the top of the crates from MAP15? I didn't. I really thought the map was broken so I just used the idclip cheat to get to the red key. I also couldn't figure out how to lower the fence to the teleporter in the same room, so I thought I was supposed to already be on the crates with the key to be able to jump beyond the fence.


Looking later in a walkthrough I found out that:

  1. the fence gets lowered by a gargoyle mascaron face on an unrelated wall. I thought it was pure decoration!
  2. the red key gets accessed by going past that teleporter behind the fence, and then returning! Sorry but why would I think of that? It looked just like any other two-way teleporter pair, so I assumed it just brings me back to the room (but then again, I had already cheated by that point).


Did you also get confused by this encounter?

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The first time I played this map and got to the red key I was reading a walkthrough and it said that I was to press the corner of the fence from a certain angle (which coincidentally is just under the switch) and that lowers it. Then it told me to enter and reenter the teleporter. I don't think I've ever pressed that switch from the wall itself on the wall's level, just under it. That key sucks.

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Getting the red key was annoying because of how vague it was to get there thanks to those teleporters. I had to step on EVERY one of them only to discover that the closest one is the right teleporter to get the damn key.


Fortunately, the other 2 keys are pretty straightforward to get.

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Funnily enough in my earliest playthroughs I knew other cheat codes but not idclip.

I ended up doing similar as @NuMetalManiak without a walkthrough - been kinda spacebar-spamming along the teleporter's low barrier, and when I hit the corner under the gargoyle switch (of which I didn't even know) the barrier went down.

I didn't guess to take the teleport in the upper building back, that's extremely uncommon and unintuitive (how many other places in the game even had a "return" teleport send you elsewhere?), so I didn't find that red key at all - I ended up in the central building via the teleporter in the lava pit instead.

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I got the red key by accident, by trying everything 1000 times. Note that I played Doom II after having played games such as Eye of The Beholder, Betrayal at Krondor, Lands of Lore etc. so I had infinite patience.

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