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Black Void

Disease and Disorder

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I'm just curious here - who has a disorder or a disease? I have both -a chest disease, called "Cosal Condritos" (or atleast I think thats how you spell it) which is a disease that creates muscle spasms in the chest and down the right arm - all I can take for it, is Ibuprofen or Advil. I also have a disorder - I am hypoglycemic, meaning that I burn my energy too fast - this does mean I'm skinny, but I can also go into shock should I not get food into my stomach on a period span of about 2 days.

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Who called my name? ;)
In al seriousness, I've been depressed for about a year and a half and I have a light form of Astma (not sure if that's what it's called in the States). That's pretty much it though..

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I suffer from this inherited desease called "Bad temper"...
...more like "occasionally uncontrollable bad temper"...:-(

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I suffar from teh gayfagwad makesick disase.

I reccomend a rigorous cardiovascular exercise routine for ALL of you. 'Cept maybe DSM, get to work on the next chapter of HoE, dammit! :P

In all seriousness, exercise will help with depression, motivation, HEART PROBLEMS... the list goes on and on. Hell, I'm already recovering the stamina I lost smoking.

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I 'suffer' from poor eyesight and the fact, that glasses make me look geeky, so I wear contact lenses, which make me look a bit less geeky... :P

I'm going in and out of a depression these last... 3 years... Don't know what to do about it, it helps to talk somethimes... Oh, and i was diagnosed with ADD when I was younger...

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I don't have anything that I'm aware of, though I'd like to visit a psychologist at least once in my life. I have a friend with Asperger's Syndrome, though. And my girlfriend has real bad eyesight.

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Ultraviolet said:

'Cept maybe DSM, get to work on the next chapter of HoE, dammit! :P

You don't know how easy it is for you. On avarage, I release a new chapter once a week. Now I've been waiting about a year for Wildman to release another chapter of 'IaTT' and I'm not bugging him.

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I've had Raynauds syndrome for as long as i can remember - a circulation disorder that causes the blood vessels in my hands/feet to close. Result - icy purple hands.
There's also a possibility that i've developed asthma since i've been living here due to the conditions. If so, i'll see if i can sue the Housing Association (joking).

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Fredrik said:

Incurable obsessive attention whore. I don't know the scientific term.

Scientific Term: R. norvegicus or in other words "Forum Rat."

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As most people already know here,,,I suffer from Epilepsy :( it's not good but i cope with it....I also have depression on and off...our current situation at the moment is giving me reason to be depressed but up until now, i havn't mentioned it, and probably won't again :) I also suffer from Asthma and Anemea (can't spell the damn thing) ; basicly...i don't have enough blood cells in body so it makes my immune system really low (and being pregnant makes that ten times worse) and i am constantly tired and cold...besides these, i am good :D

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Vampirajay said:

As most people already know here,,,I suffer from Epilepsy :( it's not good but i cope with it....I also have depression on and off...our current situation at the moment is giving me reason to be depressed but up until now, i havn't mentioned it, and probably won't again :) I also suffer from Asthma and Anemea (can't spell the damn thing) ; basicly...i don't have enough blood cells in body so it makes my immune system really low (and being pregnant makes that ten times worse) and i am constantly tired and cold...besides these, i am good :D

Bloody Hell, your situation is even worse than I thought :-(

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My eyesight sorta sucks, so I have to wear glasses, which I've gotten used to. Other than that, I have no diseases, except back when I was a baby, I had a heart disorder or some kind, which has since gone away :D

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I have stroboscopic epilepsy (epilepsy triggered by stobe lights of certain frequencies) and hypoglycemia. I haven't had a full blown seizure in a long time, but I have been affected by strobes in less severe manners, i.e.; eye pain, nausea, extreme headaches, dizziness, and disorientation. some video games frame rates give me minor symptons as well.

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I'm blind. I also can't stare straight at a blacklight; my vision get funky. I can however see in the dark. Go figure.

Oh, by the way, I have obsessions. Guess one.

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I've got some congenital liver defect that pumps pure cholesterol into my bloodstream no matter what I eat. I'll be on Lipitor starting this Christmas until the day I die from a heart attack. And my natural vision is middlish bad.

But here and now, we're alive.

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Red-green color-deficient, better known as color blindness. I am protanomalous, if I remember correctly.

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I'm sociopathic, depressed, I have ADHD and uh...hmm...I'm tempermental oh and I'm fucking tall so it makes buying clothing and shit a total bitch.

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Minor skoleosis. Not enough to need a back brace, but certainly enough to give me a lot of trouble with back pain. And get this, the right half of my rib cage extends out further than the left side, again not so that it's very noticable, but enough to cause me a lot of pain if I sleep in certain positions... well, most of them actually. I'm not even getting into the mental stuff.

Somehow I see an addiction to pain killers in my future...

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Poor mutants! I hear I was born in a hospital but that was the last time i saw a doctor. As far as disorders go, i think i'm a little antisocial and most young (older) adults have minor depressive traits. I also talk to myself! Abuse of various substances staves these inflictions.

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